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Mangler's Wrestling Stories

Mangler's Wrestling Stories

A series of stories written by myself (Mangler) and other authors. Most of these are reposts from my previous webpage, but there are some new stories as well. To easily navigate by author, simply click on the links below.

Comments on the stories are always appreciated.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Routine Maintenance

Routine Maintenance:

If it ain't broke - break it

by Gym Dude

It all started with the stove in my apartment. One of the elements in the oven has this intermittent problem, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't.  It's just enough to be a pain in the ass so I finally called the manager and had them send Chad over. Chad is the maintenance man for the complex and an interesting guy. He's about 5'10" or so and around 180 pounds. At 22 he is fairly young but seems to know his stuff and does pretty good work. He's kind of aloof and it seems to me he's got an attitude.  Some people say I do too and maybe that's why the two of us never really hit it off.   

Chad is always in Levi's that fit pretty well and a loose fitting polo type shirt that even with the sleeves rolled up, his biceps don't quite fill. He's is fairly lean, but I have never gotten a good enough look at him to see how he's built. I never see him in the complex gym, and I would know because I'm there almost all the time, sometimes three times a day. I just love working out and there are some machines for lifts that I can't duplicate on my gear at home. At 20 years old, and with 218 pounds spread across my 6'1" frame, I stay in great looking condition and I don't mind who knows it. 

As a bachelor, I don't have a lot of furniture. In fact, I needed additional space for lifting so I set up my weight training gear in the living room. I think it looks pretty cool with my benches, racks and Olympic barbells mixed in with the big screen TV.  I've got my main bench in front of the picture window and it's always racked with at least 315 pounds or so. It makes a statement to anyone passing by that the man who lives here is as strong as he looks. 

I was in the middle of a heavy workout when Chad showed up. Wearing gym shorts and a light tank top, I had worked up a decent sweat and was breathing fairly hard as I opened the door. I think I caught him by surprise as I don't think he had ever seen this much beef that close before.   

Packing his trusty red tool box, the little muscles in his right arm were knotted up, but shit, compared to me he still looked tiny.   

"Yeah?" I asked, as his eyes slowly worked their way up from my chest until our eyes met. It looked like he was snapping out of a trance as his little Napoleon "I'm in control here" attitude returned. "Oven" was all he said. 

"In the kitchen" I replied as though it was necessary. Why they hell would anyone ask where the oven is and why would I have to tell them? Somehow it seemed natural and it gave us something to say when it was clear he didn't want to talk to me. I showed him the room with the oven in it and stood in the doorway while he put down and opened up his tool box. Once again, I covered the problems I had been having. He checked the switch then observed, "It works fine now." 

I was getting pretty warm and pulled off the tank top, standing in, actually filling the door way. My feet at shoulder width nearly touched the door jamb from outside the room. I propped my hands on each side flexing my lats as though I needed it. I had unintentionally (well, maybe) become a rather substantial door, blocking the man's exit. 

"That's what the word "intermittent" means. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't", I said. 

"Well. It's working now." He said, and I swear a little sarcastically. "I see no reason to change it." Chad commented off handedly as he looked up at me. 

I rippled my abs and flexed my guns to make my point.  "As I said, it works then it stops. It's irritating and I want it changed." 

A little more sarcasm leaked into his voice and Chad didn't look like he was getting my point. "It looks to me like its working fine and doesn't need fixed." He replied with a little more force as he dropped a few tools back in the big red box. 

"It looks to me like we have a difference of opinion." I said as he looked up at me again. I flexed my pecs a few times. I was feeling pumped and looking good from the heavy workout. "And when there's a difference of opinion, I usually get my way." I said as I pressed my guns against the door jam. A man my size and shape can look damn intimidating when he wants to and I wanted to. I wasn't kidding when I said I am used to getting my way. 

Chad stood full height before me. I've easily got the dude by two or three inches and a good, solid 35 or 40 pounds but that didn't help to correct his attitude.  Not that I wasn't more than happy to have the chance to correct it for him. "Are you threatening me?" he asked. 

"Shit, man!" I said laughingly. "Look at this body then look at yourself. I don't NEED to threaten you.  If you've got an ounce of sense you'll know when you're out classed and figure things out for yourself. If you've got even half the brains, I think you have, you'll make sure things never get to the 'threaten' stage." 

"Listen, Musclehead. I don't take shit off of you or anyone else." He replied sternly. 

I'll say one thing. In the face of a sound thrashing, the man has some moxie. It was time to put my cards on the table and make it clear who was in control here. "Turn around and fix that oven or you'll be taking a lot more than shit, Little Man."   

Chad got this discussed look on his face, but still turned and bent toward the tool box. I relaxed knowing that once again my big muscular body had made the desired impression. 

Before I knew what had happened Chad's boot heel came smashing with a full-powered back kick right on target between my legs. I couldn't believe it, the ass-hole caught me napping! The pain was outrageous as I instinctively reached down with both hands in some attempt of protection, not that it would do me any good at that point. Chad continued his twisting movement until he was facing me again. My face showing abject agony as I helplessly doubled over. 

The repairman couldn't have asked for greater cooperation as my head came down into a perfect headlock. Chad's right arm clamped on hard. He was a lot stronger than I had given him credit for. The dude wasn't going to wait for me to make a counter move. He jumped in the air and dropped down smashing me head-first into the floor. The real pisser of being on the ground floor is that rather than timbers that might have a little 'give', our linoleum is laid directly over concrete. Chad's well-executed DDT knocked me clean into next week! The lights were out in a heartbeat! 

Sometime later ... 

I started to come around with someone slapping me and slapping me hard. Someone who was going to be a dead man as soon as I get my hands on him! Damn! My head feels like it's been split in two! My noggin REALLY hurts! I started to get up and defend myself but for some reason I can't move! 

I'm barely able to lean my head forward enough to see why. My ankles have been duct taped to the underside of one of my barbells and it's been loaded with the better part of 300 pounds. I look to my left and right. At my head sits another equally loaded barbell with my wrists duct taped to the underside of the bar, near the inside collars. 

"What? What the fuck is this?" I exclaimed. 

"It's easy, Muscleman. You've been thoughtful enough to provide all the tools to solve my problem." Chad calmly replied. 

I'm missing the point here. "Solve the problem? How the hell is this going to fix my oven?" 

"Like I said, Musclehead. The oven is fine .. YOU'RE my problem! I see you struttin' your stuff around here. Always flexing your big muscles to impress the girls and intimidate the guys. Like you said, you flex your guns a few times and the other guy backs down. Well, this man don't back down! I always wanted to be around to put you in your place. I just didn't think you'd be sucker enough to invite me to your place to do it!" 

I struggled against the massive barbells holding me to the floor but the duct tape was wrapped too many times for me to break it and the 300 pound barbells were braced so they wouldn't roll. Like I said, Chad seems to know his stuff. 

Strapped to the floor, I was at the dude's mercy. It seemed like a good time to make some kind of bargain.  "OK. So, you've got me tied up. You're just gonna leave me here, or what? I mean, you're obviously afraid to fight me, or you wouldn't have gone to this much trouble." 

"Shit!" Chad almost laughed. "Afraid to fight YOU?  Who the hell just KO'd the big muscleman with just a couple of moves? We'll see who's afraid to fight who!" 

"And just what do you plan to do with me?" I asked. 

"You guys with the big muscles and the 'holier-than-thou' attitude really piss me off. You think you're so great. You know I'm real good at fixing things. I'm gonna show you just how good I am at breaking things." 

That didn't sound good. It's a good time for me to call for reinforcements. I started to speak louder to attract some outside attention without being too obvious. "What! What do you think you're gonna do?" 

Chad dropped across my chest, digging his knees into my biceps, pinning me motionless but not really hurting my big guns. Pulling the duct tape from his toolbox, he strapped it across my mouth then pulled my head up and wrapped the tape around four or five times. Chad then leaned back with all his weight on my heaving chest. "There. That ought to keep you quiet. I do hate people interrupting my work." 

I was pumping all the air I could get through my nostrils but after my earlier workout it was nearly not enough. "Now play nice." Chad raised his clinched fist before my face. "A broken nose will make breathing pretty difficult." The man was taking control. 

"I see you like to workout. Good. So, do I. Let's see how you enjoy my workout." Chad smiled. I struggled against my bonds as the man straddled my body pulling off his polo shirt. I knew the dude was not real big, but the definition on his body was surprising. Chad was definitely lean, hard and cut. 

Twisting at one knee and bending at the waist, the guy drilled a hard-right fist into my gut. As I said, I've spent my share of time in the gym and Chad's power punch didn't have much effect on me. The guy's body looked sharp and I could tell by the way he was throwing punches that he knew how to use his fists. I don't know who he's been fighting, but this dude can punch, he just wasn't able to punch hard enough to break down my granite abs. 

"I see!" He said. "You're Mr. Tough Guy. You want to show me just how strong those big muscles are.  GREAT, because that's exactly what I want to see.  Let's just find out what it takes to break the big man." 

With that Chad reached over and secured one of my 35-pound hex-head dumbbells. They're a little light for me, but a good handful for Chad. Again, straddling my waist, he raised the dumbbell over his head with both hands and smashed it full force into my washboard abdominals. He should have known that the end is nice and smooth. The surface is large enough to spread the force over at least nine square inches of stomach muscle. My solid body had no problem absorbing the punishment while the repairman hammered me a good half dozen times. Chad was starting to get a little pissed. 

Spread-eagled and strapped to the barbells, there wasn't much I could do but lay there and take it. The guy has some muscle and looks capable of doing some damage, but I'm pretty sure he's not a psycho. I'm used to it, jealousy is one thing, crazy is something else.   

Aware that his current methods were not even causing me to breathe hard, the man moved on to plan 'B'.  "You think you're one tough son-of-a-bitch? Well, we'll see about that!" he said as he stood above me for a moment then dropped with his full weight behind a single knee to the center of my gut. The 180-pounder didn't make a dent. "Damn, son!" he exclaimed. "This is going to be more fun than I thought!" Chad scrambled to his feet then jumped in the air landing with his knee in my upper abs. Again, the wall of muscle held firm. I really wanted to give him some shit, but the duct tape across my mouth was too tight to even smile.   

His knee drops failed to make an impression and set the man to thinking. Chad stood and stepped to one side, near the weight bench in my front window. I couldn't figure out what he was doing. First, he racked the bar with a couple of 45 pound plates on each side. Then with the muscles in his back rippling impressively, he lifted the 225 pound bar and set it on the floor next to me. Certainly, he wasn't intending to ram THAT in my gut! Even MY abs wouldn't hold up to that great of impact. 

"Time for some real exercise!" Chad smiled as he positioned himself behind the bar. Securing a great grip at shoulder width, Chad's legs flexed as though he were trying to ram them into the concrete floor.  With little more than a grunt the dude clean and jerked 225 and made it look easy. Then he pressed the bar to arm’s length, carefully lowered it to his shoulders and stepped toward me. Without tipping his hand, the young stud dropped to one knee ramming the entire 405 pounds into my lower abdominals. 

Shit, I thought my lungs would explode. The air needed to escape, but several strands of duct tape kept my mouth secure. I've never been knee dropped by someone packing over 400 pounds. While I've trained my abs for years, that was something else. 

I was impressed that the dude could handle that kind of weight across his shoulders, but even more so that his legs would support lifting him back up. Time after time, Chad drove home the damage. It took at least a dozen knee drops before he was done. Chad was sweating and straining by the last few reps and I was nearly choking from the lack of oxygen. Without a spotter I was amazed that he could still press the 225 pound barbell to arm’s length before nearly dropping it to the floor.   

I was breathless and he was exhausted. The man's legs were trembling from the workout. I'm not sure which one of us was the worse for wear. 

"UUUUUGH" I found out it was me when Chad dropped with just his own bodyweight on my worked over abdominals.  The dude learned what worked and really went to town.  I struggled for air while he back handed me a couple of times. 

"See? The big muscleman does break down after all!" he shouted.   

I pulled as hard as I could, but the dozen or so bands of duct tape held me solid. I flexed, stretched and twisted but to no avail. 

"One thing, Big Man. I have to admit you've built some big muscles, but they sure don't seem to be doing you any good today. Let's find out if those guns are half as tough as they look."   

Chad leaned forward and pulled a pair of large 'C' clamps from his tool box. This is not looking good.  I tried to struggle some more but Chad's bodyweight had me pinned. Mr. Fixit secured a clamp across my right biceps and began to twist the adjustment screw driving the clamp's metal plate into the muscle. I flexed to resist and tried to fight off the pain. At one point it seemed that the clamp would adjust no further. I breathed a sigh of relief that I had resisted Chad's latest attempt to break me but my victory was premature.   

"Whoa, Dude! Pretty impressive! That big arm of yours is stronger than I thought. Not strong enough, though." Chad reached into his tool box and pulled out a nine inch length of water pipe and slipped it across the handle of the clamp. I didn't know how much more pressure my guns would be able to hold off, but my attacker was now armed with a new weapon, leverage! There was no way that any man's muscles would hold up to this, no matter how strong the dude was! 

Chad started to chuckle as he continued tightening the clamp. SHIT! I couldn't believe the agony. The metal plate drove deeper and deeper into my biceps. I pumped and flexed but nothing slowed it down. My right arm muscle was being crushed! I'd had enough.  I couldn't stand it any longer and tried to scream but the bands of tape across my mouth kept me mute. 

"Good!" Chad smiled. "This seems to be working real well. Check out the big muscle. I guess those arms aren't made of iron after all!" he laughed and finally stopped twisting the handle.  Sweat was rolling off my body from the intense struggle. I mumbled in an effort to get him to stop, but Chad was having too much fun. My eyes almost bugged out of my head as he reached for the other clamp and adjusted it across my left biceps. He kept tightening until the clamp was secure, but this time made no pretense of letting me fight him. The repairman immediately added the water pipe to the handle and continued forcing the metal shaft into my arm. 

I began to struggle like never before. My arms and legs were both secured under 300 pounds each and with a 180 pound stud across my chest I was going nowhere.  I was going crazy with pain and had no way to stop it. 

Chad really enjoyed seeing me thrash around helplessly. While I struggled, he stood above me appreciating the view then dropped with his knee to the center of my upper stomach. There was no muscle left to protect me as the air was blasted from my nostrils with such great force, I thought my head would explode! My attacker was in seventh heaven. He loved my reaction so much, he gave me four or five more, then stood back and watched as my massive physique shook from the abuse. I couldn't get air in fast enough and my solar plexus was nearly paralyzed from the impact. I could only gasp in small amounts and it was barely enough to keep me conscious. 

He reached in his tool box and pulled out some kind of cutter. It had what looked like a razor blade attached at one end. "Oh, Damn!" I thought. "This guy can't be crazy enough to use that on me?" As I struggled in panic for both air and freedom the dude dropped across my heaving chest again anchoring me to the floor. His legs were across my shoulders with his knees rammed into each side of my head.   

Chad laughed at my helpless condition and from the frantic look in my eyes he must have known what I was thinking. I hate to say it, but I don't think he had those same wild ideas until that moment. The stud laughed out loud and said, "OK Big Man. I have just what you need. Now hold still! This won't hurt at all." 

The repairman held his cutting tool in front of my face and waved it around as though he were trying to decide where to start. I was petrified and had even forgotten to breathe until he reached down and carefully cut the duct tape down the back side of my jaw. He flipped the safety cover on the cutting tool and tossed it in his box while for the first time I began to relax a little, maybe a little too soon. 

Chad grabbed a handful of my blonde hair and roughly pulled my head forward then reached behind my head with the other hand, gripped the tape and yanked it clear with one pull. SHIT! First, I thought he was pulling out half the hair on my head and the next instant it felt like he'd ripped my lips off with the tape. Thank God I can breathe again but damn it, it hurts like hell! I tried to breathe and scream at the same time while Chad just scoffed and slammed my aching head back to the floor. It was the first time in an hour that I noticed how bad my skull ached from the vicious DDT to the concrete floor that helped put me in this situation! 

"Now, if you're a good boy and are nice and quiet I'll leave the tape off. Otherwise you get it all back and more!" he scolded. I wanted to get up and kick this guy's ass, but I had already seen how brutal he could be and I didn't want to witness what "and more" meant. Chad was in control and I was thankful that he was allowing me to get some real air. The light-headed feeling caused by oxygen deprivation was starting to clear, but that also meant I was really feeling the crippling pain from my crushed biceps and battered abs. 

"Good. You're being nice and quiet. I like that.  Let's see how long you can keep that up." He chuckled as he reached into his tool box and pulled out two more clamps, the next size down from those smashing into my arms.   

Chad dropped with all his weight sitting on my gut.  He wasn't bothering to be too gentle. I got the feeling he's not a 'gentle' kind of guy.   

"UUUUMPH" was my only sound as more air was forced out of my body. 

Chad was ready to have more fun with the rippling muscles that were spread-eagled before him.   

"Please, Man. No more." I pleaded with him. 

"Oh yeah! I've got a whole box of tricks I want to try." Chad secured a clamp across my right lat muscle and started to crank on the handle. Out of pure instinct I flexed against the increasing pressure even though I knew it was a lost cause. "AAAAAAAAGGHHH" I moaned as softly as I could. Chad didn't need the extra leverage to get the desired results. While I writhed in agony below him, my attacker began to give the left lat the same treatment. After both clamps were locked on securely and his victim squirmed in agony, Chad reached for his trusty water pipe and gave both handles a few more twists! In reflex my big body arched and it was everything I could do to keep from screaming out loud! 

Chad jumped in the air, crashing down on my battered gut and smashed us both back down to the floor. The air exploded again from the impact on my weakened frame then he back-handed me again just to show me who was boss. 

"AAAAARGH! Please! AAAAAAHHH! No more! Let me go, PLEASE! I've had enough!" I had to do something to end the torment and helpless on the floor, begging seemed like my only alternative.   

Unfortunately, my pleas not only fell on deaf ears, but actually encouraged the lug! Chad pulled out the next size down of clamps with a big grin on his face and secured them on my traps, one on each side of my neck. 

"It's interesting, Dude. You've got muscles in places most guys don't even have places. But no matter how big and strong those muscles look; they sure seem to break down easy when you know how." Chad said sarcastically as he began to crank down on both handles at once. The metal plate from each clamp dug deeper and deeper into my traps.   

"AAAAARGH" I squirmed and flexed to try to relieve the pressure, but the force was far too great! My mighty shoulders were crushed just as efficiently as the muscles before them. Even with the tape removed it was getting harder and harder to breathe. The pain all over my powerful body was like fires erupting in my brain and there seemed to be no end in sight!  When my shoulders were sufficiently destroyed and the clamps would adjust no further, Chad leaned back sitting once again on my battered abs, but not as forceful as before. "UUUUUUGH" was the only sound. 

While I could only twist and squirm helpless before him the man surveyed his work. "You know, you walk around here all the time flexing those big muscles like they're made of steel. You act like you're some kind of Superman! Well, look at you now! Those muscles are not iron or steel they crush just like anyone else. You're no Superman. You're just another whining weakling! Here, let me prove it!" 

Chad stood and retrieved something from his tool box then turned at my feet to face me, straddling one leg. I could feel the blood drain from my face as he smiled sadistically. In his hands he held a large pair of vice grip pliers.   

These things can lock onto anything and when properly adjusted, crush the shit out of it. Chad chuckled and looked down at my crotch. "OH SHIT!" I exclaimed.  "You wouldn't! Come on, Man. It's one thing to want to work me over, but Dude, that's way beyond the line. Don't do this. Chad, please! Don't do this!" 

I was helpless. I struggled against my bonds but they held tight. I didn't have the power to break free when I was at full strength, I don't know what made me think it would do any good now, but I had no options. 

Chad stretched and flexed his sharply defined body as though he were preparing for battle then knelt across my left leg his weight holding it firmly to the floor. I was going nowhere. "Remember, if you make any noise you get it ALL, and more." He smiled up at me in total control. Our eyes met, his with a look of authority and mine with a look of complete panic. 

"SHIT, MAN!" I pleaded. "Don't! Don't do this. I'll do anything. Come on, Man. What do you want from me?  Name it. Name your price, Dude. I don't care, just stop and let me go. Come on, Chad. Whatever you want!" 

For the first time something I said had caused the dude to stop and think. "Anything?" he looked me straight in the eye. "Anything, just don't do this!" I bargained for my future. 

"OK big muscleman, here's the deal." For once I had his attention, and he certainly had mine. It began to look like my ordeal was about over. "I want your respect" was all he said, then Chad stared into my eyes like he was looking right though me. 

"What? That's what this is all about? You want my respect?" I was so flabbergasted I nearly forgot the incredible pain erupting all over my upper body. 

"That's it. You walk all around this place like the fucking king of the mountain and you treat me like I'm dirt. Today, I proved that I can take you down and I can take you out. I want you to know that and remember it every day. I want you to treat me like a man, as an equal!" After all this bullshit, it comes down to the most simple of emotions. Damn, doesn't it always. I should have seen it before. All I saw was some attitudinal ass-hole when all the time the guy just felt inferior to me. But then, I can understand guys feeling inferior to someone with a body like mine. 

"So that's all you want. I give you some respect and you release me?" I asked. 

"Well, that's almost all." He said. "There's always something. Why can't anything be EASY?" I thought. 

"I've got two conditions. One - When this is over, you agree that you won't report it to anyone. You will file no complaints with the complex management or the law. In fact, you will tell NO ONE!"   

I was still in a very compromising position, but so far it looked like things were getting better fast.  "I've got no problem with that, what else" 

"Two - I want to fight you. No-holds-barred, no rules. Just you and me one-on-one." Chad looked deadly serious as he stated the terms. 

"Excuse ME?" This guy was full of surprises. I couldn't believe it! After all this and the last condition is, he wants me to kick his ass? What is with this?   

"Wait, wait. I don't understand. Look at this body, Man. You want me to kick your ass? Shit, dude. Name the place and time. I'm yours." This could work out much better than I ever dreamed. The perfect agreement, something for him, something for ME! 

"So, we have an agreement?" He asked.   

"You bet, man. Especially, on point number three." I was ready. 

Chad tossed his vice grips in the tool box, "I really wasn't going to use these anyhow." He laughed. "It's just when I saw that look in your eyes, I couldn't pass it up. Shit, man. I should have taken pictures. I wish you could see yourself." All of a sudden, the dude was talking like we were old friends, talk about your Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde.   

"AAAAARGH" The pain deep in my muscles as he removed each clamp was nearly as piercing as when he put them on. It seemed to take forever as he twisted the handles two at a time releasing my traps. Release from their torture didn't make my crushed shoulder muscles feel any better. 

Chad tossed the clamps in his trusty red tool box then went to work twisting the handles to free my lats, again two at a time. The tight muscles in his forearms strained at first and I squirmed at the additional pressure caused by his attempts to free me. "AAAARGH" I couldn't help gasping at the agony but it only caused a smile on Chad's face. He strained again and the clamps began to open. I have to admit, the dude is pretty damn strong for a little guy. 

Even his toned muscles couldn't release the clamps crushing my biceps and Chad had to resort to the extension pipe for enough leverage to release my arms. My prize guns were crushed and deformed. With the clamps removed I was still in agony but could breathe a sigh of relief that this episode would nearly be over.   

"One more time." Chad confirmed. "You agree to all three stipulations. You're not going to go back on your word once I set you free?" 

"Listen, Dude. When I say something, its law. I never break my word, NEVER!"   

Chad pulled the cutter from his tool box then expertly slashed the tape at my ankles and wrists, effortlessly stripping the tape away as he went. I couldn't believe how quickly I was free. My arms and legs flopped to the ground, exhausted. 

My prized washboard abs were so battered I couldn't pull my legs from under the bar at my feet. Chad reached behind my knees and pulled my legs free. My upper body was wasted and moving my arms was next to impossible but even while the incredible pain was keeping me helpless, it certainly wasn't bothering Chad at all.   

"Here let me help, buddy." He said almost cheerfully as the dude gripped my wrists and with a mighty pull yanked me off the floor and to my feet. My abs were too far gone to hold me up and I kept doubling over trying to drop to the floor, but each time Chad would plant his powerful hands across my chest and press me back to the wall for support. I staggered around and nearly uncontrollably dropped many times but Chad was right there to keep me on my feet, occasionally slapping me around a few times to keep me clear.  Damn, I hurt like hell! 

When I was finally able to nearly stand on my own, Chad pulled one arm over his shoulder and gripping solidly onto the far side of my narrow waist he helped me walk around the room, well, stagger around the room would be more like it. 

"Just leave me, dude. I appreciate your help, but just drop me on the bed or anywhere and let me recover." I pleaded. 

"Oh, I'm happy to help, big guy. You need to get up and around right away. I mean, shit. Even after what you've been though, you still LOOK great! No one would ever know. If you don't keep active, you'll develop some nasty bruises that will be real tough to explain." He replied. 

"Come on, Dude. Don't tell me you know some way to stop bruises!" This would be some kind of miracle! A man could make some money with a product like that, I had to know more. 

Chad just laughed at me. "No. No. Big Man. I don't have some way to stop the bruising, but I do have a great way to explain them." 

I couldn't figure out what he was getting at. "Oh, Yeah? And what's that?"   

"It's simple. You're going to fight me in public.  That way there's no question about where the bruises came from." He seemed confident. 

"Come on, Chad. That doesn't even make sense. When we get around to fighting, the bruises are not going to be on ME. And what am I supposed to do in the meantime?" 

"See. That's the best part. There isn't going to be any 'meantime'. We're going outside to the lawn by the pool and you're going to fight me right now!" He seemed real happy with the idea. 

"SHIT, MAN!" I scoffed. "Get real. I'm in no condition to fight you or anyone else for that matter. Let me get some rest and recovery and we'll schedule any kind of brawl you want." It seemed natural to me. 

Chad's fingers dug into my side and his rugged little body flexed solid. "Remember our deal? You agreed to fight me 'any time and any place'. Well, the time is now and the place is outside by the pool." Chad looked me in the eye, "You're not going to go back on your word, are you? You DID say that is something you would NEVER do!" 

"Listen, Man. Give me a chance to rest up and I'll give you all the fight you want, but I'm in no condition to face you NOW." I pleaded. 

"Precisely! Did you really think I wanted you to kick my ass? How fucking dumb is that? You agreed to fight me and that's what you're going to do. Right now, and in front of all the chicks and dudes out by the pool. I want the women here to see me beat you to a pulp. When the gang sees me work over the big muscleman, then every woman will want me and every man will fear me. They back down every time you flex those powerful muscles imagine how much respect they'll have for someone who is man enough to beat you senseless!"   

"Come on, Dude! You don't want to go through with this!" I pleaded. 

"Oh, I do!" Chad chuckled, "I've been waiting for this chance for a very long time. I just never dreamed you'd set everything up for me so well. I really got to thank you buddy!" 

"So, what am I supposed to say now, 'You're welcome?'" I questioned.  "No, Shit-head. You're supposed to say, 'Let's rumble!'" as he propped me up against the wall.  "Here's how it goes down. We walk outside and when we get near the pool we start talking about how rough and tough you are. I make some comment about 'any man can be taken down by the right fighter, no matter how big and tough they THINK they are'. You get offended and push me back then challenge me to a fight. I try to talk you out of it but before I can you push me and force the issue. Then we fight. You give me your best and we take it from there." He had it all scripted out. Had Chad been planning this that long???? 

"Chad" even I could hear the pleading tone creeping into my voice, "I'm in no condition to fight you, I can hardly walk!" 

Chad turned and put his hands across my broad shoulders, "Listen, Buddy. It's OK. All you gotta do is make it look good. Give me your best and try to defend yourself. Don't worry about it, Big Guy. I'll do the fighting for both of us. You just stand there and take it as long as you can. I'm sure you'll do just fine. I got confidence in yam, Buddy!" Then he began to tighten his grip on my already crushed shoulders. As his thumbs dug into my traps every muscle in my body began to flex uncontrollably, then without warning my knees buckled sending my big body crashing to the floor.   

Chad let me fall while he laughed at my weakness. He was speaking to me as if he were my friend but his words were clear, I had no choice in the matter. I could fight or not, it would make no difference. I was going to be taken outside and in front of an unsuspecting audience I was going to be given a sound beating. And I had already agreed to it! 

"Come on, Big Dude!" he said with authority while he pulled me to my feet again, "Let's rumble!" and with that he opened my door and guided me out for the show. 

The further we walked the better I did. As I got loosened up, I was doing pretty well under my own power. Even after the ordeal, my body was looking good in the bright sunlight. I never failed to attract attention and while most people around here had never seen his body, Chad's lean rippling muscles were looking damn fine too. The pool had a good 25 people or so around it, mostly young athletic types enjoying the sun and catching some rays. As we approached the large grassy area many were within ear-shot. 

Chad whispered, "Alright, Brad Pitt, show me some acting. It's Show Time!" He went on in a louder tone of voice, "Oh, Sure! I'll admit you're stronger than hell and those big muscles look great, but that doesn't prove how tough you'd be in a real fight!"  Chad stopped and it was my turn. I didn't know what to do. I was still searching for some why out of this but every option made it look like I was a coward, not to mention it would mean going back on my word! "You know!" He said, prompting me along, "Against a real fighter."   

Under his breath he added, "Remember, Ass-Hole. I know where the vice-grips are!" 

"Listen, Punk." I tried not to stammer. "Just look at this body! I can take care of myself and anybody else who comes along! Never make the mistake of doubting it." 

"Hey relax, Big Dude! All I'm saying is a good smaller fighter can take down a bigger, more muscular man in a one-on-one fight." Chad sounded like he was just trying to get along. 

"It sounds like you think a little punk like you could stand up to a real man like me! Is that what you're saying?" I turned as commanded and tried to look ominous for our audience. I know what I look like when my feathers get ruffled and I know damn straight, I wouldn't want to face ME! 

"Come on, Man. Think about it. The right fighter is going to be able to whip most musclemen. It just makes sense. Power and muscle aren’t everything!" The little guy was just play acting, but his attitude was starting to piss me off! It sure made the act a lot easier. 

"It sounds to me like the little man wants to give his theory a try! Is that it? You think you can stand up to me in a fight?" My arms were still not working well, but I was able to give him a convincing push across the chest and send the dude back a few steps.  "Is that it, Little Stud? You want a piece of me?"  That part of the act was pretty easy since I've used the line many times before. Although it rarely ended up in a fight since that's the time the other guy really noticed what he was up against and found some way out, even if it meant turning and running. Chad didn't turn and run, instead he responded to the push and threat with a solid right hand to my upper stomach. 

The dude didn't hit me that hard, but in my condition it didn't take much. A fraction of a second after the air began exploding out of my body, he straightened me up with a convincing left uppercut. The punch was not his best, but then it wasn't intended to be. Chad caught my jaw on the way down and opened me up. I tried to get my guard up, but the major muscle groups in my upper body were pretty well trashed. Chad moved well in fluid motions around his target. His punches flashed through my feeble defenses and while it looked like a lot of motion to our audience, all the action was from him. Even with him not really working at it, his fists packed a wallop.   

The dude was impressive. Chad is so fast I would not have been able to block the majority of his punches even if I had been fully rested! Of course, my muscles would have easily absorbed the punishment and before long I would have just overwhelmed him with size and power. Once I got my guns around him it would have been all over. That would not be the case today. 

The dude was good. He would get in do some damage and get out. I was left flat footed as little more than a target for his fists. Chad was not even hitting with full power, if fact he wasn't even targeting my already devastated muscle groups, instead he was working my pecs, delts and ribs with occasional shots to the head just for the fun of it. 

His punches hurt! The stud knows how to use his fists and I started to see his point about a smaller man doing some damage on a big muscle stud. I wanted to put him in his place but it was all I could do to put up what little defense I had. "Why bother?" I wondered between fists in my face. "I'm gonna take a beating anyhow, I might as well try to inflict some damage of my own. He won't be expecting an attack. I could catch him off guard." I thought to myself. 

By now, most of the people at the pool had gathered along the rail, especially the guys. From the few comments I could hear they were really surprised at the little guy staying in the fight against such overwhelming power. More than a few were shouting words of encouragement for the man they perceived as the underdog.   

Chad was drilling my arms and chest with punches and holding back less and less. His solid rights were no longer bouncing off my beef steak pecs but landing solidly with his hard knuckles digging in to deliver their damage. A few fast left jabs to my head and the body attack began again, and again, and again. The man was pounding me to pulp! 

Finally, in desperation, I gathered all remaining power and lunged forward. The unexpected move caught the rugged little shit by surprise and he was momentarily overwhelmed by my sheer size. I gripped my arms around his chest and locked behind his back for all I was worth. My guns had taken a lot of abuse and I didn't know how much power my big upper body would be able to apply but it was worth the chance. I cranked on my bear hug with all I had and the lean stud before me groaned loudly in response. 

The sound of this bastard suffering in my massive guns gave me a second wind. Now I had more than just a chance to take this stud down! I took a deep breath and mustering all my strength I surprised us both by lifting the dude's feet off the ground and cranking up the pressure as his lean rippling body bent backwards. The air exploded from his lungs and be began pounding on my cannonball delts with his fists. Stupid move, I thought. You'll get nowhere with that. I smiled for the first time in many hours and gripped the dude even tighter. 

Between painful groans, Chad head flopped helplessly across my manly chest then he whispered to me, "That's great, Big Dude. Nice touch. Make it look good!" followed by "AAAAARGH" and near screams at the apparent "pressure" that was breaking him down. DAMN IT! He was acting so good, I even believed I was hurting him! 

I was barely holding us both up when his legs wrapped around my battered waist and locked securely behind my back. I could feel his knees digging into my sides, all the time he was pretending to be in agony from my 'power'. 

After pounding my delts, his tactics suddenly changed. With one powerful flex his legs crushed into my body like a giant serpent while at the same moment his fearsome grip attacked my traps. 

"OH SHIT!" I screamed out loud at the shock of his fingers digging into my destroyed shoulders. I would have dropped him had it not been for the fierce body scissors nearly cutting me in half! "NO! NO!  AAAAAARGH" I cried as the dude's fearsome holds zapped my power and sent us both crashing to the grass.   

My body twisted just a quarter turn before his powerful legs crushed through my abdominals with virtually no resistance. With the speed, power and grace of a pro wrestler, Chad gripped my right arm in an arm bar and began trying to force it in directions it was never intended to go. I fought his power holds but I lacked the brute strength to resist him. Chad locked down again with both legs and arms and I screamed in agony! 

"Would you look at that!" One of the guys shouted.  "That little guy has the muscleman in a world of hurt!" They were stunned and so was I. Even stretched out to nearly the breaking point my powerful arm looked great; I just couldn't make my guns DO anything! 

We wrestled around for a short time. Actually, Chad was using his strength to maneuver me so it looked like I was fighting back. He'd twist me up, then crush me with those rugged legs and smash me back down.   

Chad finally released the hold, making it appear as though I had escaped. The girls cheered their muscular hero, but it pissed off Chad. The guys were on the side of the underdog, but he wanted it ALL! We traded holds until Chad carefully pulled me on top making everyone think I was winning. He virtually fell into my full nelson, in fact he almost applied it on himself. Once I locked my grip and he began to "suffer", I started to get ideas that I might actually be able to get back into this fight.   

I would have had difficulty standing at this point, but with Chad under me and executing a quick jump at the end, our audience thought I had pulled him to his feet then lifted him in the air. Chad was going after the Oscar. I never had a man writhe and scream in so much agony from my full nelson. Oh sure, I've taken down more than just a few pretty big guys with this hold, but I don't remember anyone going through all of Chad's gyrations. Shit, it looked like I was killing the guy! 

The gals were cheering me and the guys were trying to get Chad to fight the hold. Some of the girls started changing sides when it looked like the big muscleman was bullying the poor little guy. After getting enough sympathy, Chad firmly planted his feet on the ground and began to flex his lean rippling muscles.  The dude gasped and groaned as though he were moving a mountain. He pulled is arms up in a double-biceps pose and while his little pop guns were no match for my pythons, they looked damn good for a guy his size.  Chad strained like a mad man, but I don't know against what, because I was barely holding him. In fact, much of the time he was supporting both of us! 

Finally, in one "super-human" burst of energy and muscle, Chad flexed to full capacity and shredded my monster muscle grip. Now EVERYONE cheered and the little shit got exactly what he wanted.   

Before I could do a thing, Chad spun, lifted me in his arms and delivered my back to a perfect back-breaker across his knee. My back was about the only part of my beaten body that was still holding up, but that doesn't mean the dude's move didn't hurt like hell.  This little shit was teaching me he is a LOT stronger and a great deal tougher than he looks! 

Chad still had the strength to lift my 225 pound frame and power in another three agonizing back-breakers before body-slamming my helpless physique to the ground, all the while to the cheers of the crowd. The ENTIRE crowd!   

I was writhing in pain, unable to get up. Shit, I HURT! I only caught a glimpse of his shadow as Chad's highly defined body eclipsed the sun before his knee smashed into my worked over abs. With no protection my breathing was paralyzed. I never stood a chance in this fight, but just in case I ever doubted it, I knew it now. I wasn't going to recover from that move!   

That didn't stop him from giving me a few more. "Give it to him, Chad!" one of the guys shouted. "Show the muscleboy what you got!" one of the chicks joined in.  In a heartbeat they were all cheering for the lean muscled little guy to beat the tar out of the big muscleman! Chad was more than happy to oblige. 

Chad grabbed a leg and twisted me over to my stomach.  I could offer no resistance as he bent my left leg behind my right knee. He took a solid grip on my right leg and pulling it back, he locked it securely under his right arm then leaned back enjoying my screams of agony. That would have been enough for most men, just knowing that they had held the big muscular champion in an unbreakable hold. They could relish in the knowledge they could force a much bigger man to scream in pain each time they twitched a muscle. That would have been enough for anyone, except Chad. 

Chad continued backing up, not leaning down as you would with a Boston Crab, but pulling back lifting more and more of my muscular body off the ground and throwing more and more agonizing pressure on my back.  Showing off his amazing strength and agility, Chad continued lifting and stretching my helpless musclebound frame while the crowd wildly cheered their support. Finally, only my upper chest and shoulders were left on the ground with my face digging into the grass under our combined weight. Damn, I thought my freaking neck would snap. I've never been in so much pain in my life and was beginning to think that NO ONE had! 

Now, standing at my shoulders with my legs under unimaginable pressure and my once powerful body twisted and helpless, Chad was in total control. He paused for a few moments in triumph while I struggled helplessly in his masterful grip. I was beaten. The big muscle stud was completely broken.  I had nowhere to go, then the vicious bastard dropped to one knee smashing with all his weight to the base of my neck. My weakened body was forced to bend even further, further than I ever dreamed possible. I thought for sure my neck was broken or at least my spine, but even through the outrageous pain I realized I was still in one piece, one incredibly painful piece. 

"So, my mighty muscleman friend, do you still say a smaller fighter doesn't hold a chance with a bigger, more muscular man? He asked. 

I hurt so bad I could only scream, "AAAAAAARGH! No more. Please, Man. I can't take anymore!"   

"All you gotta do is humble yourself and admit defeat. Admit in front of all our friends here that the little guy kicked your big musclebound ass!" 

I was finished and beyond the limits of human endurance. I would have done anything to make the agony stop. "Please, man. I give. I give. I give.  I can't take any more. I'm beat man! Please! Please let me go! You win. You win. Whatever you want, man. YOU WIN!" 

Chad held me helpless for nearly a minute while I continuously begged and pleaded for my release.  Finally, some of the girls started pleading with him to let me go. The guys were getting off on the powerful muscleman disintegrating before their eyes, but Chad didn't want to lose his newfound support and respect from the ladies. 

"Alright, girls. Just for you I'm going to let this big tough jock off easy. I'm not going to break his back or his neck, just because I can. Since you asked nice, I'm going to let muscleboy go." 

Chad looked down at the destroyed powerhouse at his feet. "Dude, it's only because the ladies are here that I'm going to spare you any further damage, but that doesn't mean I'm going to be so gentle next time!" With that, he released his hold and let my beaten frame smash to the ground. The big 'fight' was finally over. 

Chad walked over with the girls and sat by the pool while they clustered around him like bees to honey.  All the guys came by to slap their new hero on the back and congratulate him for such a great fight. No one came by to give me a hand. 

It took me nearly an hour before I could crawl enough to make my way to the edge of the lawn. One guy came by on the way back to his condo, "Looks like you finally tangled with the wrong man. It's about time the big stud got what was coming to him! You're lucky I've got an appointment or I might just pick up where the little guy left off!" The 'stud' kicked me in the gut and I collapsed on the spot. "Yeah! Big Muscleman!" he scoffed and headed home. I made sure to remember just which door was his. 

With the help of a parked car, I was able to pull myself to my feet and after staggering around a lot, I made it back to my place. 

As soon as I had some time to recover, I made it to the kitchen and grabbed a TV dinner from the freezer. It took nearly all my strength to rip off the box then I tossed it in the oven and flipped the switch. 

"FUCK!" I screamed. The oven doesn't work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   



1 comment:

  1. One of my favorite stories! I hope Chad and the other guys get to give him more brutal beatings. Haha
