Mangler's Wrestling Stories

Mangler's Wrestling Stories

A series of stories written by myself (Mangler) and other authors.
Comments on the stories are always greatly appreciated.

To navigate by authors, characters, or series order, please click on the page links below.


This is an index of the stories by The Mangler to help navigate them.

Stories labeled as  (New Story)  are stories from 2025 or stories to be published later in 2025.   The date is when they will be available.  

The stories are grouped into categories if the characters are following a storyline.  Reading in this order will give you a linear timeline but some peripheral plot lines may not make sense.  To see the order in which stories were published see the Order of Stories page above.

If you wish to see all the stories a particular character is in, or author has written, click on the labels to the right on the main page. Or go to the characters page. 

Mangler's Stories


  1.        The Redneck Arena                                       

  1.              Bodybuilder's Destruction
  2.              Bodybuilder's Destruction -- The Replay 
  3.              Bodybuilder's Destruction III -- Todd vs Dan  
  5.              A Family Affair
  6.              A Family Affair Redux 
  8.              Start of Revenge
  9.              Revenge
  10.              Revenge -- The Conclusion (??) 
  11.              A Different Revenge:  Tim vs Jake 
  12.              A Partnership's Demise: Tim vs Choirboy 
  14.              Bees vs C&M  
  15.              B&B vs The Marauders
  16.              B vs B   
  17.              Payton vs The Marauder (#1)  
  18.              Spike/Patriot vs B&B 
  20.              Samson vs Skull -- The Rematch 
  21.              Samson vs Skull -- The Deciding Match  
  22.              Samson vs Skull -- First Encounter   
  24.               Apollo's Handicapped Match 
  26.              Dan "The Destroyer" Debuts 
  27.                   Dan And The Choirboy:  The First 24 
  28.                   Dan And The Choirboy:  The Next 24  
  29.                   Dan And The Choirboy:  The Final 24 
  30.              Dan "The Destroyer" Wang Tries Again  
  31.              Battle of the Destroyers  
  33.              Alex's Beatdown
  34.              Alex's Beatdown II
  36.              Wrestledaddy vs BJ  
  38.              Redneck Arena's Christmas
  40.              Tag Team Chaos:  Jackson/Ryan vs Travis/Vince   (New Story)  (4-1-25)

  1.               The Campground:  Introduction 
  2.               The Campground:  Dan vs Kyle  
  3.               The Campground:  Spike & the Patriot vs Wrestledaddy 
  4.               The Campground:  Samson vs Butch   
  5.               The Campground:  Dan vs Wrestledaddy  
  6.               The Campground:  The Little Colonel's Bad Advice Cumface Dan vs Tank  
  7.               The Campground: The Little Colonel's Bad Advice  Consequences     
  8.               The Campground:  Exit Day  

  1.               The Campground 2:  Introduction   
  2.               The Campground 2:  Chad vs Tank  
  3.               The Campground 2:  Butch vs Brice   
  4.               The Campground 2:  Choirboy vs Spike  
  5.               The Campground 2:  Wrestledaddy vs Slutboy  
  6.               The Campground 2:  Butch vs Brice           (New Story)  (3-1-25)
  7.               The Campground 2: Cumface vs Angel      (New Story)  (5-1-25)
  8.               The Campground 2: Choirboy vs Angel     (New Story)  (10-1-25)
  9.               The Campground 2:  Pete vs Stu                (New Story)  (10-1-25)

  1.               Marshall's Revenge  
  2.               Theo's Debut  
  3.               The Gould Brothers Take Charge    
  4.               Wiley vs The Executioner    
  5.               Frederik vs Ash   
  6.               Marshall vs Midnight  
  7.               The Rerun:  Frederik vs Ash 2 
  8.               Noah vs Liam  
  9.               Frederick/Ronnie vs Ash/Kayden     
  10.              Kayden vs Rocky   
  11.              Gauntlet I:  Marshall vs Ash  
  12.              Gauntlet II:  Marshall vs Byron  
  13.              Gauntlet III:  Marshall vs The Executioner  (New Story) (1-1-25)
  14.              Marshall Cumface vs B&B                              New Story) (2-1-25)
  15.              Marshall vs Wiley                                             (New Story) (6-1-25)
  16.              Rocky vs Freddie                                              (New Story) (7-1-25)
  17.              Sam/Eric vs Bill/Joel                                      (New Story) (9-1-25)

  1.              Fraternity Wars   
  2.              Fraternity Wars: Hair vs Hair 
  3.              Apollo's Handicapped Match 
  4.              Knights of the 

  1.              Jekyll Island Fights:  The Beginning  
  2.              Jekyll Island Fights:  The Consequences  
  3.               Jekyll Island Fights:  Tag Team Action   

Independent Stories

  1.              Brian

  1.              Robert's Ball Bashing
  2.              John's Ball Bashing 

  1.              Battle Royal Massacre
  2.              Battle Royal Massacre II

  1.              One Step Beyond
  2.              One Step Beyond:  The Redux

  1.              Champ's Mistake
  2.              Montgomery vs Scum           (New Story) (8-1-25)

  1.              Gym Exchange
  2.              The Takeover

  1.              The Showdown
  2.              Spring Break Nightmare
  3.              Punk's Vengeance
  4.              Beach Bash
  5.              Tag Team Defeat
  6.              Ex-Champ's Lesson
  7.              Tag Champ's Downfall

  1.               Gym Bully's Lesson

With other Authors 


  1.              Start the Count:  The Manglerized Edition  
  2.                        Start the Count   (5-10-21)  The original version by Unknown






  1. So HAPPY I stumbled across yar new site today Man!
    Have always enjoyed yar stories. A trucker here so I so save stories (little or no wifi when out on the road) and read them at nights when alone in the cab. Rare I'm home but DAMN yar Redneck Arena stories have always helped give some relief and some thoughts....

    1. Glad you enjoy the stories. I was fortunate to have some very good authors join me in writing stories. The original website was early in the day before blogging and stories were somewhat difficult to come by. I am writing some new ones and still have many to repost (I think around 60-80).

  2. Wow! So glad to come across these stories today. I loved every story from all the authors and delighted to see them reposted here. Thanks man!

  3. I'm so happy your new site and I can read your new story ;-)
    Since I first read Brian 1992 I became your big fun, all your stories are well writen and so hot and fun to read ;-)
    Also, your group members hot wrestling story, ball busting stories are great.
    Thank you for share great stories,

  4. is this site still being updated in 2023?

  5. Yes but only as inspiration strikes

  6. Hi mangler - can you please update this page with what’s to come in 2024? I love the anticipation of a new chapter in the ongoing sagas
