Mangler's Wrestling Stories

Mangler's Wrestling Stories

A series of stories written by myself (Mangler) and other authors.
Comments on the stories are always greatly appreciated.

To navigate by authors, characters, or series order, please click on the page links below.

Dean the Destroyer

Dean the Destroyer

Dean labeled his stories under the general heading:  My Gym My Rules

First Fight for Manny 
Leslie's Fight 
Derek's Work Over 
Stealing Gets You A Head
Military Match 


  1. I hope you have Military Match and Pulled Over and Busted from your old site! Two of my favorite stories.

  2. I do have those stories. I will publish one of them for you this week.

  3. You are the best! So glad to have found that you were back!

    1. Thanks and Yes I am!! (smile). More Dean Stories over time.

  4. Any idea on when you might get Pulled Over and Busted published? One of my favorite stories from your site. Thanks again
