Mangler's Wrestling Stories

Mangler's Wrestling Stories

A series of stories written by myself (Mangler) and other authors. Posts from my previous webpage plus new stories.
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Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Wrestledaddy vs Slutboy


The Campground 2:

Wrestledaddy vs Slutboy


The Mangler

Wrestledaddy, 6’ tall and weighing 250 pounds, walked from the dressing tent to the wrestling ring through the assembled audience.  He was British and in his early 40’s.  His physique could be described as thick but muscular, and he oozed the daddy bear aura.  After their last encounter in the Redneck Arena, he knew that Slutboy and he were both out for blood, so he decided to wear a regular wrestling singlet with a protective cup in place.  The singlet was black, the knee pads and the boots black.  Wrestledaddy slid under the bottom rope, and after giving the ref a fist bump, he walked to the center of the ring.

Spike had been initially scheduled to ref tonight’s match, but after the events of the last few days, he had backed out.  Angel had been the first consideration as a replacement but he deferred and recommended Ace, another skinhead.   Ace was more than happy to oblige. 

Following Wrestledaddy, Slutboy walked through the crowd to the ring. He had Blonde hair and blue eyes, stood about 6’ 2”, and looked to weigh about 195.  Slutboy, real name BJ, was incredibly handsome and turned many heads both at the Campground and in the real world, where he was a very successful and renowned Venture Capitalist.  At the Campground, however, he was a slutty bottom, thus his nickname.  And he leaned into the name at every opportunity.  He was wearing a tight gold bespoke speedo, making it clear there was no protective cup present.  He was rubbed, prodded, and groped as he went through the audience.  His cock responded and was quite engorged as he slid into the ring.  He approached the ref and his opponent in the middle of the ring. 

The ref quickly went through the standard wrestling rules.  He then did a full foreign body check on Wrestledaddy and found nothing.  He repeated the maneuvers on Slutboy except when he walked behind him to check the back of the trunks, he signaled for the bell to start the match, and at the same time, he slipped his hands and arms between Slutboy’s arms and chest, brought his hands upwards, and locked his hands behind Slutboy’s neck locking him into a full nelson.

As soon as the full Nelson synched in, the ref screamed, “Hey, break the hold. No outside interference.”  He was mocking his abuse of the rules. “Break now,” he cried and began a very slow five-count.   The crowd laughed at this ridiculous display. 

Taking advantage of the situation, Wrestledaddy stepped forward and delivered a series of fists into the exposed abs, followed by a knee up into the balls encased in the gold speedo.  As soon as the knee slammed into the balls, the ref dropped the nelson, which was about the same time he would have reached a five-count. 

“Let’s have no more outside interference,” the ref yelled as he dropped the nelson.  He laughed as he winked at Wrestledaddy .

Slutboy’s hands dropped to his nuts, and he leaned slightly forward where Wrestledaddy locked his head into a side headlock.  Once the headlock was synched in, he used his left hand to deliver several punches into the forehead before he flipped Slutboy and himself to the mat.  The Crowd cheered their appreciation.

Once on the mat, Wrestledaddy squeezed as hard as he could and ensured that Slutboy’s head was turned so that his mouth and nose were pressed against his side, making taking in air difficult.  Once tired of the hold, he released it, regained his feet, and dropped a series of four knees in the lower abdomen.  With each knee drop, Slutboy would jerk upward and expel more air.  Next, Wrestledaddy dropped his ass onto Slutboy’s chest, took his right hand, and clamped on an abs claw, sinking the hand into the musculature as deeply as possible before squeezing tight.  He made sure that Slutboy’s arms were down by his side so that Wrestledaddy ’s legs trapped them against the chest.

“One,” shouted the ref as his hand impacted the mat since Slutboy’s shoulders were down.

Realizing that his body blocked the ref’s view, Wrestledaddy took his other hand, grabbed a handful of balls, and began squeezing.  


When he heard the hand slap the mat for a two count, Wrestledaddy lifted his ass from the chest, which accomplished two things.  It increased the pressure on the claw into the ab and allowed Slutboy to twist more easily so that his one shoulder escaped the mat.  However, as soon as Wrestledaddy felt him twist, he would slam his ass back down on the chest. This would lessen the pain of the claw.   It also had the benefit of keeping the ref out of position, as he had to watch the shoulders to see if they impacted the mat.  Wrestledaddy kept this series of moves up several times until the last time he lifted his ass, Slutboy managed to roll to the left, throwing Wrestledaddy off balance and having him fall to the mat.  He had to release both holds.

Although in great pain, Slutboy still had the sense to roll over the other direction and under the bottom rope, where he then dropped to the grass around the ring. While he lay there, Wrestledaddy regained his feet and moved to the opposite side of the ring. The ref moved over to the ropes to demand that Slutboy get back into the ring and start the countout.

Slutboy was able to get his hand up onto the ring apron and, using it for leverage, haul himself back to his feet.   Just as his head and shoulders appeared above the edge of the ring, Slutboy was flung backward as Wrestledaddy ’s feet impacted his right shoulder.  By timing his move perfectly, Wrestledaddy had charged across the ring, did a baseball slide under the bottom rope, and slammed into Slutboy.  Making impact had slowed Wrestledaddy ’s slide, so he stopped with him lying under the bottom rope with his feet hanging down.

Wrestledaddy ’s contact with Slutboy broke the count out by the ref, who yelled at Wrestledaddy to keep the action in the ring, as Wrestledaddy proceeded to haul himself further out of the ring and head to Slutboy who had run into several audience members from the force of the blow.  They all took the opportunity to molest his body by doing pec squeezes, tit pinches, ball grabs, and anything else they could get their hands on.  One of the Crowd even managed a full-mouth kiss before they pushed Slutboy back toward the ring and an oncoming Wrestledaddy.

Reaching Slutboy, Wrestledaddy immediately drove his knee into the tightly packed balls, stopping Slutboy in his tracks.  He followed up by forcing Slutboy’s head beneath his armpit, grabbing a handful of speedos, lifting and falling backward, and slamming Slutboy to the ground in a perfectly executed suplex.   He pulled Slutboy up by his hair and slid him back under the ropes and into the ring, where he immediately followed.

Wrestledaddy pulled Slutboy to his feet by his hair and placed him in an inverted backbreaker, concentrating the pain on the lower back. Next, he charged across the ring and slammed Slutboy’s back into the top turnbuckle. He stepped back and repeated the maneuver. He draped Slutboy’s legs over the top rope and locked the ankles underneath the turnbuckle support, leaving Slutboy hanging in a tree of woe.

He began destroying Slutboy’s abs. He started by repeatedly slamming his shoulder into them, followed by a series of knees, and finally, he used them as a punching bag. Each time the ref reached 4 ½ in his count, Wrestledaddy would step back and then wade right back in.

After the punching, Wrestledaddy hopped on the middle rope, placed his left foot into Slutboy’s balls, and lifted all his weight onto the nuts.  Slutboy screamed in pain.  The ref was slow in reprimanding Wrestledaddy and slow in starting his count.  When the count hit 4, Wrestledaddy leaped backward, lifting his foot out of Slutboy’s crotch, but as he dropped to the mat, he drove his elbow into the vee between the legs.

Slutboy released an extra loud scream and jerked his body around.  This had the effect of freeing his feet and he dropped in a heap to the mat.

The ref admonished Wrestledaddy about the low blow but did not interfere as Wrestledaddy walked over, grabbed Slutboy by the arm, and pulled him into the middle of the ring.  He dropped down beside Slutboy and applied a guillotine hold, stretching out the abs as much as possible.  He used his free hand to deliver chops and claws to the abs as he stretched his opponent.

“Do you want to submit?” the ref casually asked, already knowing that Slutboy would say “no.”

Wrestledaddy released the hold and stood.  As he gained his feet, he pulled Slutboy with him.  He picked Slutboy up by placing his shoulder into the abs and lifting up.  Some in the Crowd booed such a lame maneuver.  Wrestledaddy simply ignored them as he started to walk around the ring.  As he did so, he would do a partial squat and quickly return to standing upright.  In so doing, SLUTBOY ’s body would fly slightly off the shoulder before his abs slammed back down into the abs, eliciting a moan of pain.

After two laps around the ring, he slung Slutboy forward, slamming him to the mat in a modified powerbomb. He pulled him from the mat, grabbed a wrist, and slung him into the ropes. When Slutboy rebounded off the ropes, Wrestledaddy bent over, preparing for an over-the-shoulder body slam. 

However, Slutboy was aware of his position and threw both his arms over the top rope, handing on but kicking out with both legs, slamming them into Wrestledaddy 's shoulder and forcing him backward. The ref was immediately on Slutboy.

“Watch the use of the ropes.  That is illegal,” the ref yelled.

Slutboy looked at the ref with a stunned look.  “What the fuck?” he asked.

“Using the ropes is illegal, so don’t do it again,” the ref replied.

Still looking at the ref, Slutboy pulled his arms up and over the ropes only to be met by a charging Wrestledaddy who delivered a high close line, forcing Slutboy backward and over the ropes, where he slammed down onto the mats surrounding the ring, but managed to keep his feet.  Without pause, Wrestledaddy grabbed the top rope and used it as leverage to leap over the rope, slamming feet first into Slutboy ’s shoulders.  The force of the blow forced Slutboy backward into the Crowd.  Unfortunately for him, this is where wrestledaddy ’s friends were hanging out.  The patriot immediately grabbed a handful of gold-covered balls, dropped to his knees, and began squeezing as hard as possible.   Spike, standing behind Slutboy, quickly applied a full Nelson.  Wrestledaddy was already swinging as he walked over and began pounding on Slutboy ’s abs.

“Break up the triple team,” the ref screamed from the ring.  The trio ignored the ref and continued their assault.  No one in the Crowd came to Slutboy ’s assistance, as the people he had the closest relationship with at the campground were the ones involved in his assault.

The ref slowly climbed out of the ring and came over to the action.

“Break it up, boys,” he admonished. When the group showed no signs of slowing down, the ref began a slow ten-count. At the count of seven, the Patriot released the balls before slamming his hand upward, impacting them. At the same time, Wrestledaddy delivered a particularly hard punch into the abs, his hand sinking almost wrist deep. Slutboy let out a very loud swooshing sound as the breath was forced from his body. 

Spike released the nelson immediately after the hit, and Slutboy dropped to the ground with one hand going to his balls and the other to his abs.

Wrestledaddy immediately got into the ref’s face complaining about the pace of the count.  The ref defended his count and forgot to continue his count.  Wrestledaddy made sure to twist around so that the ref had his back to Slutboy.  Seeing that the ref was occupied, Spike pulled Slutboy to his feet, locked his head between his thighs, grabbed both wrists, and pulled the arms upward.  The Patriot began to deliver a series of kicks into the wide-open abs.  Slutboy could be heard grunting with each blow. 

Spike and The Patriot released Slutboy to drop to the ground. When the ref turned around, he was lying on the ground with no one around him. Wrestledaddy walked over and pulled Slutboy up in a cross-body hold.

“Hey, stop the outside-the-ring action,” the ref demanded.

“That’s what I’m doing,” Wrestledaddy replied.  “I’m helping him back to the ring.”  With that, Wrestledaddy charged across the grass, slamming Slutboy back into the ring post.

“Oops.  Looks like I missed,” Wrestledaddy said before repeating the move.  He then slid Slutboy under the bottom rope and back into the ring.  He and the ref both jumped onto the ring apron simultaneously.  The ref parted the first and second ropes, helping Wrestledaddy back into the ring.  Once in the ring, Wrestledaddy returned the favor for the ref. 

Wrestledaddy walked over to Slutboy, who was holding his stomach and abs from the combined assault. Wrestledaddy bent over, grabbed a handful of hair, and began pulling his opponent from the mat. Slutboy reached his knees before delivering a punch to Wrestledaddy's balls. When he did, three things happened at once.

“Watch the goddamned low blow,” the ref screamed.

Slutboy screamed and jerked his hand back as his fist impacted the metal cup, protecting Wrestledaddy balls.

And Wrestledaddy grunted an oomph and stepped back but did not appear in a great deal of pain.  While the cup had absorbed most of the blow, it had allowed the transmission of some of the blow.  But Wrestledaddy recovered quickly, backed up, and then ran forward, driving a knee in Slutboy's head, knocking him flat to the mat.  He followed up by delivering a series of stomps into the abs, followed by a big knee.  He knelt beside the venture capitalist and locked on an abs claw reinforced by his other hand. 

“Do you wish to submit,” Ace asked the obviously hurting wrestler.  He received a shake of the head.  After holding for a while, Wrestledaddy released the claw, drove a fist into the abs, and finally rolled Slutboy out of the ring.  He quickly followed Slutboy onto the grass.

He stood with both feet on Slutboy 's abs.  Using the bottom ring rope to support himself, he began to jump up and down, smashing the abs beneath him.

“Come on, Wrestledaddy. You know action outside the ring is illegal,” the ref calmly announced.

“What action?  I’m simply bouncing to warm myself up,” Wrestledaddy replied while continuing the movement.

“Yeah, but you got Slutboy underneath you, and that isn’t allowed,” the ref explained.

“Oh, really.  I didn’t realize that,” Wrestledaddy said.

The ref then began the count to ten.  Around 6, Wrestledaddy hopped off Slutboy, deadlifted him from the ground, and pushed him back into the ring.  As Wrestledaddy went to get back into the ring, Ace held the top two ropes open to facilitate him. 

Wrestledaddy made a trip around the ring with his hands raised in the air to the overwhelming cheers of the Crowd.  This Crowd loved a one-sided squash job and loved it even more as it was directed at such a handsome and successful guy.

Wrestledaddy turned back toward the middle of the ring, where he saw a very unexpected sight. That was Slutboy leaping at him, spearing his shoulder into his abs, and driving him back first into the turnbuckle forcefully. The sight was unexpected because he didn’t think Slutboy had enough gas in the tank to execute such a hold.

In reality, Slutboy didn’t, but he was desperate, and a big adrenaline rush helped him.  Slutboy immediately grabbed the ropes on each side of the turnbuckle and began driving shoulder smash after shoulder smash into the abs.

The ref demanded that Slutboy break the hold. Finally, he began a very quick five-count, forcing Slutboy to release the ropes and step back. Ace immediately got between Slutboy and Wrestledaddy and got into his face.

“Keep the action in the ring and off the ropes,” he screamed.

“Fuck you,” was Slutboy ’s reply.  “You’ve been letting him get away with murder.”

“I’ve called this fair and square right down the line,” Ace screamed.  “I can’t help it if you are overmatched.”

“Yeah, because of some help from you,”  Slutboy retorted as he reached over and jabbed his finger into Ace’s chest.

“Fuck you, asshole,” the ref said as he put his hands on Slutboy ’s chest and pushed backward.

Slutboy stumbled back a couple of steps before he fell over a kneeling Wrestledaddy, slamming his upper back and head into the mat.  The Crowd cheered.

Wrestledaddy, still on his knees, got between Slutboy ’s thighs and delivered a series of punches into the lower abs.  He followed this up by grabbing one nut in each hand, pulling them out the legs of the golden speedo, and squeezing.  Slutboy screamed in pain.

The ref walked around to Slutboy, dropped to the mat by his head, and asked, “Do you submit?”

“My nuts, my fucking nuts,” Slutboy screamed at the ref.

“Again, do you submit?” the ref responded. When the ref asked this question, Wrestledaddy began squeezing harder and yanked the nuts farther toward Slutboy ’s feet.  Slutboy ’s screams increased as he rolled back and forth in pain.

“Are you Going to give it up or not?” Ace asked as he laughed at Slutboy. Slutboy looked up and, seeing the look on Ace’s face, knew he had no choice.

“I give, I give, I give,” Slutboy screamed as the pain exploded throughout his body.

Wrestledaddy held the hold until the ref had reached a count of 4.  He dropped Slutboy’s nuts to the mat and raised his arms in victory as the Crowd overwhelmingly cheered their approval.  He made a victory lap around the ring and then walked over to where the ref checked on Slutboy.

“Get out,” he demanded as he gently pulled the ref to his feet.

“Hey, I was just checking …” the ref began.

“Don’t care.  Under the terms of the match, he is mine for the rest of the week, so I will do any necessary checking.”

The ref just looked, winked, stepped back, and started to turn away.

“Wait a moment,” Wrestledaddy demanded. He reached over, grabbed the top of Slutboy’s speedo, and pulled down, removing it and the jockstrap underneath. 

“A little something for your effort,” he stated as he threw the items to the ref.  The ref caught them, smiled, and slid under the ring with them in his hand.  He walked over to one of the other skinheads and traded the two items for a small bag.  He then turned and went back into the ring.

Wrestledaddy had sat on the mat and then pulled Slutboy to a sitting position with Slutboy leaning against his chest.  Slutboy had whimpered, causing Wrestledaddy to smile.  He reached around the chest and began to gently massage and pinch Slutboy’s tits.

“Jerk off, Slut” Wrestledaddy whispered into his ear. 

“Aahh, come on. Give me a minute; my balls are killing me,” Slutboy whined.

Wrestledaddy squeezed hard on both tits and replied, “I SAID JERK OFF Slut.”

The pain in his nipple was translated to his cock, and he reached out, and in a matter of moments, he slowly started stroking his cock.  Ace poured some lube into his hand to assist in the act.  Slowly Slutboy ’s cock began to harden.  Between his stroking and Wrestledaddy ’s tit play, in a matter of moments, his cock was rock hard, so his jerking increased.   His breathing increased in tempo along with his stroking. 

“About to cum, yes, about to cum”, Slutboy husked, but suddenly, he let out a loud scream, and his cock rapidly deflated. He tried to double up, but Wrestledaddy ’s hold on his tits prevented this.

Ace had hit him in the cockhead with a blast from a small taser.  The pain was tremendous.  Just as he deployed the taser, Wrestledaddy screamed, “Stop stroking, NOW.”


Wrestledaddy pushed Slutboy flat on his back. The ref handed him a box containing a simple CB 6000 metal chastity cage. Wrestledaddy very efficiently applied the chastity.

“No, no, no, come on, no, at least let me cum first,” Slutboy pleaded as he realized what was happening.

After a few minutes, Wrestledaddy stood and ordered Slutboy to his feet.  He then handed him some clothes and ordered him to put them on.

“Oh, come on,” Slutboy said in disbelief.

“Put them on.  You have to do what I say.  Or do I go to work on these again,” Wrestledaddy said as he grabbed Slutboy ’s balls.

Sighing, Slutboy said, “Okay, Okay,” and he donned his clothes: a pair of tan docker shorts and a pink Polo brand top.

“This is your outfit for the rest of the week, AND you are not allowed any sexual activities.”

The Crowd roared as they heard this pronouncement because sexual activity was ALL that Slutboy did during Leather Week.

“NO,” a horrified Slutboy shouted.  “You CAN’T do that to me.  I look forward to this week all year long.”

“Tough shit.  Should have thought of that before you locked me in a chastity device,” Wrestledaddy smirked.

“Come on, I’ll do anything, just not that, please, please, come on.”  Slut dropped to his knees and lifted his hands upward, begging Wrestledaddy.

The Crowd was thoroughly enjoying watching the gorgeous man beg for the ability to have sex.  Many in the Crowd started chanting, “No sex, No sex, No sex.”

Wrestledaddy stepped very close to Slutboy, leaned over, and said, “I guess you aren’t Slutboy anymore, just BJ for the rest of the week. Welcome to wrestling Campground style.”

The Crowd went crazy as they released that BJ was in for a few days of torture – just not the pleasurable kind.  They knew it sucked to be in BJ's place.  Or actually, it didn’t suck to be in his place.

He stepped back and said, “Come on, BJ. Look closely at what you won’t be doing for the rest of the week.”

Wrestledaddy pushed Ace back into the corner and locked on a lip lock while his hands explored Ace’s body.  Wrestledaddy dropped to his knees, yanked down Ace’s ref pants, and began to stroke the hard cock.

Wrestledaddy looked over at Slutboy and said, “Get over here and start massaging Ace’s nips as a reward for his excellent reffing job.”  Slutboy started to object, but seeing the look on Wrestledaddy 's face and remembering what he was wearing, he obeyed.  He wasn’t going to get any sexual activity for the week, but Wrestledaddy had no problem using him as a sexual aid.

When Ace’s breathing increased, Wrestledaddy leaned forward and engulfed his entire cock to the base.  He began to suck as he moved up and down the shaft.  In no time at all, Ace found himself arching his back, grabbing Wrestledaddy by the back of the head and holding him down on his cock as he released spurt after spurt of cum down the throat.  When he finished, he released the head, and Wrestledaddy pulled back.

“Thanks, Ace.  You did your part, and I’ve done mine,” Wrestledaddy said as he stood up.

“Got enough balls to come back to the skinhead playground with me?” Ace inquired.

Wrestledaddy laughed and said,  “Don’t think so. I won the match. But I’m sure you could find one or two deviants in this Crowd.”

As he said this, several voices from the Crowd shouted their willingness.

“More fun when I have a daddy top to play with,” Ace said as he pulled his pants back up.

Wrestledaddy motioned for BJ to follow him out of the ring as he said, “You can probably find one of those as well.  But not me.”

He jumped to the grass before he turned back to Ace and added, “At least not this time.”  He winked as he and BJ turned and headed toward the eating tent.  Wrestledaddy gave Spike and The Patriot a high five as they and Bully joined them.

Ace exited the ring and headed toward his friends.  As he walked by a tall, muscular guy dressed in leather, he reached out, grabbed hold of the vest, and pulled him along.  The leather guy followed without any resistance.

“Lucky son of a bitch,” one of the leather guy’s pals said.

“With Ace, I’m not so sure,” another said.  “But that’s not our concern.  Let’s go find a couple of twinks.”



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