Mangler's Wrestling Stories

Mangler's Wrestling Stories

A series of stories written by myself (Mangler) and other authors.
Comments on the stories are always greatly appreciated.

To navigate by authors, characters, or series order, please click on the page links below.

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Teen Jobber Humiliation III






Teen Jobber Part 3

Grocery Store Gangbang

The pain in my head felt like someone was hitting me in the skull with a hammer over and over.  I couldn’t see.  My eyes were closed, and my totally cloudy, super groggy mind could not open them.  I could hear laughter, lots of it.  It was the young male stockers of Evan’s Foods, the grocery store where I worked. 

I was lying spread eagle on the floor of the large stockroom of the store, wearing only a pair of humiliating white cotton underwear briefs with two large pink stripes on the elastic waistband.   The underwear was stuffed with mayonnaise front and back.  A little kid had beaten me up and stripped me down to my humiliating underwear.  Now he had me on the floor, pumping a horrible sleeper hold into me.  I could never take a sleeper. 

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Vinny Muscle


A new wrestling blogger has arrived on the scene.

Well, sexyaphawrestler has actually been posting on Gaydemon for many years, but now he has decided to turn to the dark side and start his own blog.  I'm looking forward to many new and exciting stories.

Check out his new blog site and let him know what you think of his stories. 

Thursday, March 6, 2025

A Little Housekeeping

A little housekeeping at the site.  I have gone through and tried to clean up all the author pages, character pages, and series in order pages.  As you may know, any attempt at a good need on Blogger is punished.  Therefore, I had to redo all the links.

So if you find a link that is not working or takes you someplace strange, please leave a comment and I'll fix it.  You can also send me an email at


Saturday, March 1, 2025

Campground 2 Butch vs Brice, The Rematch


[Much apologies, but Cumface realized that I had published the original match and not the rematch.  So here is the rematch.]

The Campground 2: Day 3

Butch vs Brice, The Rematch


The Mangler

The crowd was anxiously awaiting the next match:  Butch vs Brice.  Their first match (see Brice vs Bruce) had ended with everyone unsatisfied, except for Angel and the skinheads.  They were delighted with the results.  Butch and Brice had both demanded that another match be arranged, this time with no “stipulations” attached to it.

“And now, the referee for the Butch vs. Brice Showdown, Part Deux, is none other than..”  The announcer stretched out the silence until the crowd started screaming and yelling obscenities in his direction.  “The impeccably honest and fair ----- Aaaangeeell.”

As Angel walked out of the tent and toward the ring, the crowd was going batshit crazy.  He was the bastard who had screwed them out of a finish to the first match.  And no one thought that Brice and Butch would agree to him doing this match.  Angel mainly ignored the crowd except for a single “fuck you” hand signal.

He wore standard ref attire—a black and white striped shirt, pants, and shoes. People were not only surprised that he was the ref but also surprised at how he was dressed.

To answer the shouts and insults from the crowd, the announcer continues.  “Angel was the referee requested by both Butch and Brice.”  Now, the crowd was perplexed.  Angel slid into the ring and walked to the middle, awaiting the wrestlers.

Butch and Brice approached the ring from opposite sides, and both slid under the bottom rope at the same time, so there was no chance for any chicanery.  Both wrestlers were dressed only in jockstraps; Butch’s was black, while Brice’s was red.  There were a lot of exposed body parts, and the crowd couldn’t have been happier.

Each wrestler approached the ref, nodded at him, and gave him a fist bump. After reviewing the rules, he sent each wrestler back to their corners.  He didn’t bother with a foreign body check as there appeared nowhere for them to hide anything.  Both wrestlers turned their backs on their opponent and strolled back to the ring corner before turning around.  The crowd was utterly confused and had no idea what the fuck was going on.  Had they entered another universe?

Once each wrestler was back in his corner, Angel signaled for the bell to start the match.  Not wasting any time, the two wrestlers charged out of their respective corners and hit chest to chest, each trying to push his opponent back.  Butch took his right foot and hooked it behind Brice’s left leg, and lunged forward.  As Brice tried to step back, he lost his balance and fell backward. 

Brice tried to regain his balance, but Butch continued pushing forward, forcing Brice to the ropes.  As soon as they hit the ropes, Butch grabbed a wrist and threw his opponent across the ring, where he rebounded to be met with a drop kick to the upper chest knocking him to the mat.

Butch dropped a knee into the abs before sitting astride Brice and wrapping both hands around his throat and choking him.  Angel immediately started the count, and Butch broke the hold at 4.  Angel stepped astride Brice’s chest so that he was standing almost against Butch, blocking him from any further action.

“Get the fuck off him,” he yelled at Butch.

“What the hell?” Butch replied.

“I said break the hold, and that includes you getting off him.  NOW.”

Grumbling, Butch did as instructed, stood up, and took a step backward.  As soon as he did, Brice cocked his right leg back and slammed it up and into Butch’s abs.  Not expecting the move, Butch’s abs were unflexed, so it felt like a very angry mule had kicked him.  You could hear the air exiting his mouth as he doubled over.

Brice jumped to his feet, wrapped Butch’s head under his right armpit, and drove him to the mat in a DDT.  Butch grunted as his head impacted the mat.

Brice rolled Butch over to his stomach, bent both legs under his armpit, sat on the back, and pulled, locking his opponent into a Boston Crab.  He scooted his ass back so that he was higher on Butch’s back to get more arch and pressure to the lower back.

When Angel went to check if Butch wanted to submit, Brice grabbed a handful of balls and started squeezing.

“My nuts, my nuts,” Butch screamed.

Turning back toward the feet, Angel asked “You abusing the balls?”

“Of course not.  Don’t need to with this pussy.”

Not seeing anything illegal, Angel had no choice but to do nothing.  When he turned his head back toward Butch’s head, Brice again grabbed a handful of nuts.

“Break the hold, break the hold,” Angel yelled.  Knowing what was happening, he turned his head back in time to see the ball grab.

Brice ignored him until Angel started his count.  When the ref reached four, Brice dropped the hold and stood up.  Angel was immediately in his face.

“When I say break, I mean do it NOW,”  he screamed.

“You mean when you say it?” Brice asked with a look of innocence on his face.

“Of course, when I say it, dumb shit.”

“Okay, Okay, sure thing.”

While Brice and the ref had been talking, Butch had rolled to the ropes and pulled himself to his feet.  Brice charged in grabbed a wrist and flung Butch across the ring and into the corner turnbuckle.  He followed up with a shoulder to the abs.  He grabbed both middle ropes and began repeatedly slamming his shoulder into the abs.


“Break the hold,” Angel demanded before starting his count.

Angel counted to four, and when Brice stepped back from the corner, he inserted himself between the two wrestlers and forced Brice back to the center of the ring, all the while berating him.

“Dammit, when I say break, I mean Break, and I mean NOW,” he screamed at the wrestler.

“Well, why the fuck don’t you make that clearer?” Brice asked with a look of confusion on his face.

“I did make it clear.  I can’t help it if you are a big dumb idiot.  I swear you are the most ….”

Angel stopped talking as he got a stunned look on his face.  Suddenly both hands flew toward his crotch, where Butch had delivered a pump handle between his legs, slamming his balls into his pelvis.

The crowd erupted in cheers except for the skinheads, who yelled curses toward the ring and began to approach.  However, the Demons headed them off, and a brawl broke out in the crowd between the two groups. The orange-vested “safety” crew got between the brawl and the ring. They would let the two groups battle it out as long as they didn’t interfere in the action in the ring.

As Angel bent slightly in pain, Brice bounced off the far ropes, charged into the ring, and delivered a clothesline, slamming Angel to the mat.  Butch immediately followed this with a leg drop across the upper chest which was followed by a knee into the abs from Brice.

Butch pulled Angel to his feet and locked on a standing sleeper hold while Brice unloaded on Angel’s abs with a series of punches.  Finally, Angel slumped in Butch’s arms and offered no more resistance.

Instead of allowing Angel to drop to the mat, Brice hefted him into an overhead lift, walked to the ropes, and tossed Angel out of the ring, where he landed at Cumface’s feet.

“He’s all yours,” Brice called to him.

Dan (Cumface) got a look of surprise and pleasure on his face as he quickly rolled Angel to his chest and applied a pair of handcuffs to his wrists.  Landing on the grass had partially awakened Angel, but Dan had the cuffs applied before he could do anything.  He rolled Angel to his back and rubbed his hands under Angel’s ref shirt.  He then rolled the shirt over his head, exposing Angel's chest and abs.  Dan sat on the abs and began to rub and fondle the chest and tits.  When playing with the tits, he was anything but gentle.  He ignored the fiery and obscene words emanating from Angel.

Dan stood up and dropped down, slamming his ass into Angel's abs knocking the breath from him.  He then proceeded to strip Angel of his pants so that his cock and balls were fully exposed. Dan began to manhandle, squeeze, and abuse both.

“You had better stop, or you will pay, asshole,” Angel screamed.  Dan ignored him while Angel wondered where his gang was, unaware the Demons were keeping them occupied – as planned.

“But this is so much fun,” Dan replied, winking at Angel.  Dan stood, grabbed a handful of hair, and pulled Angel to his feet.  He bent over, rammed his shoulder into Angel’s abs, and then stood lifting Angel over his shoulder, his head hanging down his back.

“Put me down, asshole,” Angel demanded.   “You can’t fucking do this.”

“Looks like I can, and besides, we can have so much more fun in the dungeon,” Dan said as he headed in that direction.

Some of the crowd followed excitedly, wanting to see what Dan had in mind.  They shouted suggestions to him as they approached the dungeon tent.  Most of the crowd, however, turned their attention back to the ring to see where this was going.

After tossing Angel to the ground, Brice turned back to face Butch.  They did a quick fist bump, eliciting a large round of boos from the audience.  They didn’t come to see a love match. 

And a love match was far from what they were about to witness because immediately after the fist bump, the two locked up in a collar and elbow and began to jockey for position.  Their hatred had not diminished even as they had teamed up to eliminate a problem.  Unknowingly they had created a problem for Cumface, but that wasn’t their concern at the moment.  For now, they were back to where they started, looking for a definitive conclusion to their situation.

After struggling unsuccessfully, they broke the hold and stepped back.  Brice attempted a quick charge, but Butch had anticipated it and stepped to the side. As Brice ran past, Butch drove his knee into Brice’s abs, slightly winding him.  He followed up with a double pump handle to the upper back, forcing Brice to the mat chest down.

Not letting go of his advantage, Butch dropped two knees in the lower back before grabbing Brice by the ankles and dragging him to the middle of the ring.  As he was sitting on the lower back, Butch shot a bird over to where Chad, Wrestledaddy, The Patriot, the twinks (Chuck and Stuart), and their friends were seated.

Once his ass landed in Brice’s lower back, Butch laughed and slapped the ass cheek with the twink flag tattoo on it, easily visible because of the jockstrap.  He next grabbed the ankles, bent the legs at the knee, locked the feet under his armpit, and sat back.  The Boston Crab was well applied.  After bouncing a few times, he released one leg, reached down, and locked on a ball claw.

“Fuck, Fuck, my balls, my balls,” Brice screamed.

“It’s okay, I’ve got them, they are safe,” Butch laughed as he squeezed harder.

Not appreciating the abuse Brice was getting, Chuck started toward the ring, but Chad grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him back.

“He knew what he was getting into,” he said.  The twink gave him an angry look but didn’t say anything.

Tiring of the hold, Butch dropped the balls and the other leg.  He quickly rotated around Brice’s body and pulled his arms over his thighs.  He now had Brice in a Camel Clutch.  He slapped his hand over Brice’s mouth, restricting the airflow, but he spread his fingers somewhat so Brice could get some oxygen.  The plan was to weaken Brice’s back and his oxygen supply.

He removed his hand from over Brice’s mouth and used the index finger of each hand to apply a fish mouth, pulling open the cheeks.  Tiring of the hold, he released one hand, grabbed Brice by the back of the head and slammed his forehead into the mat.

Butch pulled Brice to his feet, locked on a bear hug, and, lifting him in the air, began squeezing as hard as he could.  When he felt it was time to release some pressure, he charged across the ring and slammed Brice back first into the second turnbuckle.  He rotated Brice to face the corner, grabbed the middle rope on each side, and slammed a series of shoulders into the lower back.

Butch pulled back from the corner, and he watched his opponent stumble back into the ring, where Butch lifted him into an over-the-shoulder backbreaker, pulling down on the chin and the thigh.

“Balls, Balls, Balls,” the crowd started cheering, so Butch humored them and grabbed a handful of nuts and began squeezing. Brice let out a satisfactory scream.  Before Chuck or Stuart could react, Chad slammed a large hand down on each shoulder and squeezed, freezing them in place.

With his back in tremendous pain, not to mention his nuts, Brice decided he had to do something, or this was going to become a squash job.  He reached around and raked across Butch’s eyes and face.  When Butch groaned and let up on the pressure, Brice repeated the move and was able to slide down Butch’s back to the mat.

As soon as he hit the ring floor, Brice rolled into Butch’s legs, taking his feet out from under him and dropping him onto the mat.  Brice rotated so he could deliver a punch between Butch’s legs and to his balls to slow him down.  His punch was met with a mild scream.

Brice regained his feet, grabbed the left ankle of his opponent, lifted it into the air, and delivered a series of stomps into the upper thigh region before dropping a knee in the same area.  He repeated the move twice more.  With each blow, Butch would grunt and struggle to move away from Brice.   For his final move, he lifted the leg perpendicular to Butch’s body and pulled outward, and dropped to the mat, stretching out the muscles and tendons of the leg.  Butch rolled over as he grabbed at his thigh. 

Butch rolled to his chest, and when he did, Brice grabbed the ankle, bent the leg at the knee, lifted the leg off the mat, and placed his foot behind the knee before stomping down, slamming the knee into the mat.  He repeated the move before Butch could jerk free.  It was obvious that Brice was trying to affect Butch’s mobility.

Brice jumped over the top rope to exit the ring.  He faced the ring, grabbed the right leg, and pulled it under the rope near the ring corner.  He proceeded to slam the abused thigh into the ring post several times.  He pulled Butch crotch-first into the post before locking on a hanging figure four, forcing Butch’s ball into the ring post and applying pressure to the right knee.

The Demons complained about the “out of the ring” action, but Chad and the boys reminded them there was no ref, so it was all fair.  The orange-vest guys pushed them back every time the Demons started in that direction. Brice finally released the hold and hopped back onto the ring apron. His back was protesting, but he ignored it and began to slip back into the ring.

One of the Demons evaded the orange guys and got to the ring, grabbed Brice by the ankles, and yanked him backward off the ring apron. Brice was not expecting the move and ended up slamming his chin onto the apron before falling to the ground. An orange-vested man reached the ring and pushed the Demon back before he could do any more damage, threatening him with ejection from the Campground if he interfered again.

Brice was disoriented for a moment but quickly regained his senses and crawled back into the ring.   Butch had managed to scoot his body back into the ring, as well, but was favoring his right leg as he used the ropes to pull himself to his feet.

Butch looked across the ring, and as soon as Brice stood up, he charged across the ring and slammed a clothesline across his chest, sending him into the ropes, where he flipped over them. Usually, he would have landed on the grass, but he was holding onto the middle rope when he flipped, so he ended up with his arms trapped between the middle and top rope such that he was suspended from them.  He scrambled to get both feet back on the ring apron so he could power himself up and possibly over to release himself.

Butch prevented that by dropping to his knees, grabbing each of Brice’s legs, one and a time, and forcing the ankle and foot behind the bottom rope.  He now had Brice trapped in the ropes facing the audience.  

As he exited the ring, Butch taunted, “Oh, looks like you are a little tied up. I assume that means you won't be wrestling for a while.”

He laughed as he launched a series of punches and elbows into the exposed abs.  They quickly turned red from the abuse.

In the crowd, the Twinks were going ballistic, and Chad and Wrestledaddy had to prevent them from trying to interfere.  

“Let go of me, goddamn it,” Stuart screamed.  “He’s using illegal holds, dammit.  Plus, the Demons interfered.”

“Yep, he is, and they did,” a calm Chad replied.  “But that is the chance you take when you wrestle without a ref, and he chose to do so.”

Trying to break free, Chuck swung his fist around and slammed it into Chad’s abs. Chad seemed unphased, and he used both hands to lift him to eye level, saying in a deep, menacing voice. 

“I wouldn’t do that again, little man.”

Seeing Chad’s look, Chuck realized he needed to backtrack fast. “Oh, um, sorry, Chad. I got a little carried away. No hard feelings, huh?”

Chad held him for a few seconds before setting him down and said, “No hard feelings.   For now.”

Chuck turned back to watch the action.  “Okay, Stuart and I are going to have to teach Chad not to get between Brice and us,”  he thought as he looked over at Stuart, who had also stopped struggling.  Stuart nodded as if he read Chuck’s mind and revealed an evil grin.

At ringside, Butch had tired of the punching and climbed on the ring apron.  He ran his hands over Brice’s abs and noted that they were as firm as before, but Brice took an intake of breath when he pushed in.

He re-entered the ring, came up behind Butch, and locked on a sleeper hold.  Trapped in the ropes, Butch didn’t have much leverage to protect himself.  It looked like this match was going to be over with soon.

As Butch felt Brice begin to sag, he released the sleeper and untangled him from the ropes.  Once his arms were free, he gently pushed Brice forward and fell from the ring, landing forehead-first on the grass.  He wasn’t moving much, but by his moaning, he was obviously still conscious.

Butch looked over at the Demons and smirked as he said, “He hasn’t suffered enough,” as he once again exited the ring.  The Demons gave him a rousing cheer.  Now, the good part started.

Butch walked around the ring to where Brice was lying face down with his feet still on the ring apron.  As Butch leaned over to grab Brice by the hair, he suddenly let out a loud scream, and his hands dropped to his crotch as he dropped to his knees.

Stuart had managed to sneak around to that side of the ring and delivered a full-throttle boot between the legs and into the balls.  Once Butch hit his knees, he did a reverse kick to the side of the head, knocking Butch to the grass.

Chad looked over at Wrestledaddy.  “I thought you were watching him.”

“He was doing so well; I guess I let my guard down,” Wrestledaddy smirked.

Chad’s lips twitched at the corners, but he said nothing.

“Back off,  Do that again, and you are fucking out of here,” one of the orange-vested guys yelled as he grabbed Stuart and pushed him back from the wrestlers.

Stuart threw his hands in the air and walked backward.  He saw a couple of the Demons heading his way, so he quickly hightailed it back to the relative safety of Chad, Wrestledaddy, and the Patriot. Sensing a big fight about to break out, the orange-vested guys made sure to come between them.

Butch and Brice both began to recover at about the same time.   After attaining his feet, Brice walked around the ring, putting it between him and Butch so he could move about as he tried to re-orient himself without having to worry about Butch.  Butch was happy to have the time to himself as well.

Both wrestlers crawled back into the ring at about the same time and rose to their feet.  They slowly approached each other before locking up in a collar and elbow.  They jockeyed for position, but neither could see an opening, so they broke the hold and stepped back.  Brice suddenly did a spinning back kick but hit only air as Butch stepped backward before throwing himself forward and slamming into an off-balance Brice.  They both went to the mat, with Butch landing on top.

Butch began delivering a series of punches to the head and neck while Brice used both arms to fend off as many blows as possible.  Finally, Butch delivered a devastating blow to the solar plexus knocking the steam out of Brice.

Butch pulled Brice to a sitting position, grabbed both of his wrists and wrapped them around his own throat before planting his knee between Brice’s shoulder blades and leaning back.  Brice was now trapped in a Japanese stranglehold. 

Brice knew he had to do something quickly, so he pulled his arms as hard as possible, trying to break the hold.  He was able to pull his arms off his carotids to stop the effects of the hold.  Brice also pulled his knees up to his chest.  Trying to maintain the hold, Butch drops his knee to the mat. 

As soon as Brice felt the knee move from his back, he raised his ass and pushed off with his feet propelling him backward and into Butch, causing him to lose his grip on one wrist.  Brice pulled that arm forward, pivoted so that he was facing Butch, and threw a haymaker which only grazed his opponent, but in dodging the punch, Butch was forced to release the hold.

Brice rose to his feet and backed away from Butch.  Butch cautiously regained his feet, and the two wrestlers stood facing each other.   

As they slowly circled each other, Brice suddenly performed a leg sweep dropping Butch to the mat.  He dropped an elbow into Butch’s abs before turning him over and stomping on the lower back multiple times.  He pulled Butch to his feet, locked him in a bear hug, and charged across the ring, slamming his lower back into the middle turnbuckle.  He pulled Butch out of the corner, re-applied the bearhug, and charged to the opposing corner slamming the back, again, into the turnbuckle.

If Butch wanted to go after the back, Brice would show him how it’s done.   This time he pulled Butch out of the corner, spun him around, and lifted him in an across-the-shoulder backbreaker.  He pulled down on the chin and the thighs as he walked around the ring, bouncing up and down.  Butch would moan with each bounce.

Butch went for an eye gouge but was only partially successful.  Brice backed into the ring ropes, leaned back, and slid his opponent from his shoulder.  Butch’s back impacted the edge of the ring as he fell to the grass around the ring.  Brice wasted no time in exiting the ring between the ropes.

Once on the outside, he stomped into the lower back twice before picking Butch up in a cross-body hold.  He charged him back first into the corner post before turning, running down the side of the ring and repeating the blow.  He did this twice more before depositing Butch onto the ring apron and sliding back into the ring.

He grabbed both ankles and pulled Butch to the middle of the ring, where he applied a Boston Crab.  He concentrated on inflicting as much pain to the back as he could.  Butch tried to power out but was not successful.

Brice dropped the legs, bent them at the knees, stood between the legs, and brought the ankles around his thighs before placing them on his lower abs.  He leaned over, grabbed both of Butch’s wrists and stood up, pulling Butch into a swinging surfboard.  He began to move his hips back and forth, causing Butch to start swinging.  The pain in his back was now being concentrated.

“Want to end the pain?  Give up?” Brice shouted.

“No,” Butch grimaced, obviously in a lot of pain.

Brice made sure he was standing in the middle of the ring when he dropped the hold and kicked into the back twice.  He pulled Butch to his feet, locked his arms around him from the back, and picked him up and fell backward, suplexing Butch to the mat.  He repeated this maneuver, and the blows to the back of the head began to have an effect.

The next time Brice pulled Butch up, he bent him at the waist, trapped the head under his armpit, and dropped to the mat delivering a DDT.

He rolled the wrestler to his back,  hooked a leg, and dropped across Butch’s prone form.

“One…….Two……Three…..Four…..Five,” Brice counted.  He added extra counts to show that he had truly won.  The pain in his back and the repeated suplexes had rendered Butch incapable of kicking out.

Members of the Demons weren’t happy, but they followed Tank’s advice and stayed out of it.  Brice signaled to the two twinks, Chuck and Stuart, before standing and doing a double biceps pose for the crowd as they cheered his win.  When the twinks slid under the ropes, members of the Demons headed toward the ring while Chad, Spike, and Patriot did the same.  However, Tank gave the Demons a wait sign to see what would occur.

Brice bent over, grabbed  Butch’s jockstrap, and slid the waistband under Butch’s cock and balls, holding them up.  He dropped his ass onto Butch’s chest before pulling down his own strap, releasing his erect cock and his balls.  The twinks finished removing Butch's jock while Chuck sat on his abs with his back to Brice.  Butch’s legs were pulled up and locked under Chuck’s armpits.  Stuart dropped down and began rimming Butch while Chuck started stroking the cock and balls.

Brice gave a couple of gentle slaps to Butch’s face.  This, along with the stimulation from the Twinks, brought Butch back around.

As he woke, Butch began to thrash around before Brice gave him a sharp slap across the face.

“Settle down, bitch.  You lost, so are you going to be a man about it or a cunt?”  he inquired.

Butch, feeling the sense of pleasure radiating from his groin, stopped thrashing and looked up at Brice. 

“Do what you gotta do,” he said.

Brice scooted up until his balls were resting on Butch’s lips.

“Starting licking and sucking.”

When Butch didn’t start immediately, Brice responded with another slap across the face. 

“I thought you were going to be a man and not a pussy.”

Shooting daggers at Brice, Butch began using his lips and tongue to manipulate the balls in his face.

The twinks were now using several techniques to bring pleasure to Butch.  But not too much pleasure.  Whenever he began to show signs of cumming, they would back off.  And one thing the Twinks were experts at was edging someone.  Butch was in for some significant frustration.

Brice’s cock became rock hard and finally began to leak some precum which dropped down onto Butch’s forehead.  Brice slowly slid backward down his opponent’s body dragging a stream of precum with him until the head of his cock was sitting on Butch’s lips.

“Kiss it,” Brice demanded.

Butch obeyed and began kissing the head of the cock.

“Lick along the shaft,” Brice stated.  Once again, Butch did so.  Suddenly Butch began to breath faster and buck his hips.

“Ease off there, boys,” Brice said to the twinks.

“You mind your own fucking business, Bricey boy.  We know what the hell we are doing,” Chuck sneered.

After a minute of licking and kissing, Brice looked down at Butch and said, “Open.”

Butch slowly obeyed, and Brice inserted the head of his cock between Butch’s lips.  “Suck.”

As he began to suck, Brice slowly lifted himself off Butch’s chest to his knees so that he could start pistoning his rock-hard cock into the open mouth.

Chuck dropped one leg, slid to the side, and while using his mouth to stimulate Butch’s cock and balls, reached up and began to pinch and massage Butch’s tits.

Butch responded by sucking in air in pleasure, allowing Brice to penetrate even deeper.  The three soon developed a rhythm, bringing Brice, and Butch, significant pleasure but not allowing Butch to come, although the twinks brought him to the edge multiple times.

“Oh Fuck, let me cum, let me cum,” Butch begged as Brice removed his cock from his mouth.

“Not yet, stud, not yet.”  Brice then repositioned himself so that Butch’s legs were on his shoulders and the head of his cock was at Butch’s now well-lubed hole.  The twinks repositioned so that they could get to Butch’s cock, balls and tits.

“Beg me to fuck you,” Brice said as he looked down into Butch’s eyes.

“Fuck you,” was the natural response from Butch.

“No, the correct phase is fuck me,” Brice laughed.

Butch held out until the magic the twins were performing brought him close to ejaculating, but they backed off before that could happen.

“Aaahhh,” Butch yelled.  “For goodness’ sake fuck me, already,” he yelled at Brice.

“You’ve gotta ask politer than that, big boy,” Brice said, and he rubbed the head of his cock against Butch’s now hungry hole.

“Please fuck me.  Fuck me until I come,” Butch whined.

Smiling, Brice slowly inserted his cock until his balls were pressed against the now open ass.  He then began to plunge in and out, varying his speed and depth while the twinks continued their ministrations.

“Oh, faster, fuck me harder, harder,” Butch began.

Brice plunged in and out of the quivering hole for the next thirty minutes.  Butch was lost in a state of frustrated ecstasy and alternated between begging and cursing as he brought closer and closer to a climax but was never allowed over the edge.

With an audible pop, Brice removed his cock from Butch.

“No, no, you can’t stop, not now,” Butch begged.  “Please, please, fuck me until I cum.”

Brice just smiled and laughed as he rolled out of the ring.  He reached in, grabbed Butch by both armpits and pulled his body outward until his neck was at the edge of the ring and his head was hanging down.  Butch’s sweaty body made this an easy task.

Brice slowly rubbed his cockhead across Butch’s lips.

He leaned over and whispered so that only Butch could hear.

“If I feel any teeth, they are mine, and I’m going to take them home. Understood?”

“Yeah, yeah, no teeth,” Butch groaned.   “Just, please, get me off.”

Brice slowly inserted his cock into Butch’s mouth until Butch started to gag.  Brice nodded at Chuck. He quickly inserted one finger up Butch’s ass and began to massage the prostate.  This caused Butch to take a great inhale in, and Brice took advantage and shoved the rest of his cock in until his balls were banging against Butch’s eyes.

He then began his assault on Butch’s mouth and throat, similar to what he had done to his ass.  Soon Butch was moaning in pleasure and desire.  For fifteen minutes, the three continued their assault on Butch’s body and nerves.

Finally, Brice began to pull his cock back until the head was just beyond the teeth before slamming its full length back into the mouth.  He began to moan.  As his thrusts became more vigorous and his grunts louder, he pulled his cock all the way out of the mouth just as he began to ejaculate.  He covered Butch’s face with his cum.  When he had finally finished, he turned and slumped against the ring.

“Oh fuck, fuck, let me cum, please let me cum,” Butch begged.  Brice looked up at the two twinks and nodded to them.  This time they did not stop when they got close but continued until Butch began spurting cum out of his cock.  The first spurt flew over the ring rope and hit one of the audience members in the face.  He had a massive smile on his face.

The twinks continued their manipulations until Butch had finished having one of the most intense and productive orgasms of his life.  His body was covered in his cum.  The twinks scooped some of the cum up and rubbed it on their lips before locking each other in a very passionate kiss.  Wet spots developed on both of their shorts.

They broke the kiss, smiled, and slid out of the ring.

Butch was taking several deep breaths in and out as he relished in his post cum state.  Suddenly, he felt himself sliding as Brice had reached in, grabbed an ankle, and pulled Butch sideways onto the ring apron before twisting him around until his feet dropped to the grass and he was standing outside the ring leaning against the edge of it.

Brice standing directly in front of him, ran his finger through the cum on Butch’s chest before sliding them up and into Butch’s mouth.

“Looks like you are good for something after all,” Brice gloated.

Butch responded by dropping to his knees and inserting Brice’s cock into his mouth.  He almost immediately had Brice back to full erection.  He then began to vigorously deep-throat Brice.  Butch reached out, grabbed Brice’s hand, and placed them around his own head.  Anticipating what Butch wanted, Brice tightened his hold and began to give Brice a major skull fucking, pulling his face inward with each stroke.

Brice felt himself hardening more as he approached orgasm. He felt Butch place his hands around the back of Brice’s thighs and pull himself forward until his nose was buried in Brice’s bush.  Brice tightened his hand and pulled forward, and he deposited a large load directly into Butch’s throat.  As his ejaculation eased, Brice and Butch released their holds, and Butch slowly removed the cock from his mouth.

He reached over and kissed the head of the cock as he stood up, placed his hands on Brice’s biceps, maneuvered him so that his back was against the ring, and bent his upper body backward.

He brought his face close to Brice’s as if going for a kiss, but at the last second, he turned slightly so that his mouth was next to Brice’s ear.

“This ain’t over with, Bitch,” he whispered as he drove his knee upward into Brice’s post-orgasmic tender balls.  Before he had much time to react, Butch pulled back with his right hand a delivered a full-powered punch directly into the hurting balls.

Brice screamed as his hands shot to his groin, and he slid down the ring edge, dropped to the ground, and rolled to his side.

Butch laughed as he stepped back and was joined by the Demons before any of Brice’s friends could react.  The Demons then walked off, leaving Brice curled on the ground in a fetal position, surrounded by his concerned friends.

Butch had no shortage of audience members offering to help him clean up, as many rubbed their hands over his torso collecting cum for themselves.  Butch looked over the offering, and knowing he needed someone sturdy, he went up to a very masculine and muscular couple and grabbed them by the back of their necks. 

“Umm, I’m strictly a top,” one of them stammered.

“Not anymore, you’re not,” Butch replied as he increased the strength of his hand on his neck.

He looked at his partner, who had a wide smile on his face, and said, “Help me.”

“Not a fucking chance,” his partner responded back with a wink.

“Oh well, I have always been a little curious, so why not now,” he replied as he accepted his fate.  His cock was tenting the front of his shorts by this time.

Butch drugged them, willingly, to the dungeon tent.  Once there, the Demons emptied the tent of others over many protests and left Butch and his two acolytes alone in the dungeon.  Surprisingly, Dan and Angel were not among those who were removed from the dungeon.  They emerged separately about one hour later.  Both looked quite content.

For the next several hours, sounds of pain and pleasure could be heard coming from the tent. Some campgrounders winched in sympathy, while others moaned in jealousy. When it was all over, the two acolytes had a huge problem—both were now power bottoms.

Later that afternoon

Angel walked up to Dan, Chad, and Brice, who were relaxing on the porch of their cabin.

“Hey, asshole, I want to speak with you,” Angel yelled as he marched over.

“You’re going to have to be more specific than that,” Brice laughed.  “Seems a couple of us got some good use out of you today.”

“I’ll fucking deal with you later, twinkie lover.  But as for you, Cumface, I want your motherfucking ass in the ring tomorrow.  Just me and you, both at full strength.”

“Yeah, like it would be just me and you.  I know how you and your gang work,” Cumface replied.

“Ooooh, Scared of a little true man-on-man action, are you?  Okay, you can get Chad here to officiate.  He’s tall and mean enough to keep everyone in line.  And with Brice hanging around, you should be well protected.”

Cumface looked over at Chad, who smiled and nodded his head.  He was always up to ref a good match.  And this one should be good – smaller (but meaner) vs. bigger (but nicer), very experienced (Angel) vs. fairly new (Cumface), and big-time cheater vs. by the rules.  Making it a fair match would mostly eliminate the third difference and make it a good match.

“You’re on Angel,” Cumface said.  “We just need to figure out what time.”

“Already checked, second match of the morning, tomorrow.  See you there.”

Angel turned and walked away.

A short time later, Angel was seen in the food tent talking to Tank.

Even later that evening

Chad, Brice, and the twinks were wandering the campground while Cumface sat on the porch with a beer. He saw Samson and Skull walking by, and to his surprise, Skull veered away and walked over to him.

“Hey Dan, what’s up?” he asked.  “What have  you got planned for tonight?”

“Just chilling out.  Had a fun day, so just hanging out without any plans.”

“Huh.  Yeah, not many can say they got to play around with Angel safely.  Say, why don’t you join Samson and me for some fun over at our camp?” 

When Skull saw the look of distrust that came across Dan’s face, he said,  “Look, I’ve been impressed by your improvements in the ring, even if you do lose a lot, and I think you are kind of hot.  And you're assuming control over Angel today; that took some cajones.  I want to play around with those cajones and the rest of you.  I promise nothing extreme, and you will have a good time.  You can call it off anytime you like.  We can even get a couple of the orange vests to supervise if you insist.”

Cumface, at first, was very cautious about the idea.  But when Skull mentioned the orange-vests, his concerns were addressed because nobody, and that meant nobody, messed with the orange-vest guys.

“Sure, why not?  Let me change clothes and ….”

“You don’t need to change.  You’re not going to be in them long enough for it to matter,” Skull said with an exaggerated wink.

Laughing, Dan stood up and joined the two as they headed across the campground. Dan had certainly changed since his first visit last year. He was now more confident, relaxed, and comfortable there.



Wednesday, February 19, 2025

A Blast From The Past

A Blast From The Past

I was going through some old wrestling materials when I came across my copies of BG Wrestling Combat. That was a newsletter that BG sent out. It contains some wrestling miscellaneous, including some photos, a wrestling story, and some drawings. The drawing below was (and still is) one of my favorites and inspired many a fantasy. This was published in 1986.

And this was another one I loved. 


So you can blame BG and Brooklyn Joe for my heel bent !!

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Mangler's Wrestling Blog Anniversay


Blog Anniversary

(random ramblings from the Mangler)

Today is the 5th anniversary of the rebirth of the Mangler Wrestling site.

You have Alex Miller (The Cave) to thank for that and I truly appreciate him for it.  While I was reading his site in 2020, he mentioned (The Cave: Firsts) that one of my stories, ( A Family Affair), was the first wrestling story he read, and he had many complimentary things to say.  Interestingly enough, he had some parts of the story he really didn't like (referred to them as yucky), but he mentioned what he did like: is so not my personal taste but the inter-character dynamics got me through that.

I found (and still find) that sentence very interesting. I think inter-character dynamics were the least successful part of my early stories, and while my newer ones are better, I still find them lacking. Alex does a way better job of that, and that is one reason I enjoy his stories so much. He brings his characters to life.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Teen Jobber Humiliation II


Jobber Billy's torment continues. 




I woke up in my dressing room, lying on the table.  My head felt like it was going to explode.  My fat penis was still hard as a rock sticking up in the air, out of my pink speedos.  I had passed out before I squirted sperm in front of the massive audience, and I was brought back to the good guy’s locker room on a stretcher.  Not squirting in public was a pathetic victory, but it was something.

My name is Billy Simpson, and I’m a small 165-pound professional wrestler.  The promoter in the fed is trying to turn me into a total jobber boy and he took a big step toward success tonight as I just suffered what could be one of the most humiliating matches in the history of wrestling.  After being beaten to a pulp and not having any offense at all, my fat penis hardened and stuck up out of my trunks in plain view of the crowd.  They showed close-ups of it on the huge jumbotron screens.  My only victory at all was not to have squirted against my will.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Marshall/Cumface vs B&B

Marshall & Cumface Vs B&B


The Mangler

In the Redneck Arena

“I’ll be damned if I ref that match,” Taylor said.

“What’s the problem?” the commissioner asked.

“What’s the problem?  What’s the fucking problem?  Did you see what those two sons of a bitch did to me the last time I refed for them?” Taylor asked. (see B vs B)

The commissioner smiled as he said, “Well, yes, I did. And the fans loved it.”

“Well, I fucking didn’t,” Taylor huffed.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Teen Jobber Humiliation I





Throughout the years, many authors have put wrestling stories up on the net in various places.  Unfortunately, many of those stories have been lost or disappeared over time.  One of my favorite authors used the name Ringdogggg.  

Ringdogggg wrote over-the-top jobber abuse and humiliation stories.  The action was unrealistic and sometimes horrifying.  However, if you were willing to suspend disbelief and accept the stories for what they were, they were very satisfying, especially to those of us who take the sides of the heels.  I lost many of those stories due to computer problems and have been unable to find them on the net.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Gauntlet III Marshall vs The Executioner


The Gauntlet III:

Marshall vs The Executioner


The Mangler

Marshall limped through the curtain to the back as the announcer announced the second wrestler for the next match. He ignored the argument between Wiley and the league official, Walker, which was taking place in the aisle of the arena. 

The next two wrestlers were well-matched, so Marshall figured the match would go its full length. He had 20-30 minutes to prepare for his final bout against The Executioner, so he thought a quick hot shower would help.

No sooner had he walked into the locker room than a pair of arms went around his upper chest and under his arms before lifting up and locking his hand behind his neck, placing him in a perfect full nelson.  Almost instantly, he saw Ash, wearing lightweight boxing gloves, step in front of him and start throwing punches into his abs.  

Each punch echoed with a “splat” and the explosion of sweat droplets that reflected throughout the locker room.  Each blow landed deep into Marshall’s already worked-over abs and felt like a semi driving through him.  Ash quickly fell into a routine as he was used to using Marshall’s abs as his personal speed punching bag.  Tonight, he was trying to see how hard he could hit.  Marshall had almost no chance at defending himself other than trying to tense his abs, which was not very effective after the abuse from his first two matches.

The blows went on for a little over a full minute—a lifetime as you were getting your abs destroyed-- before a loud whistle was heard.