Mangler's Wrestling Stories

Mangler's Wrestling Stories

A series of stories written by myself (Mangler) and other authors.
Comments on the stories are always greatly appreciated.

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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Teen Jobber Humiliation III






Teen Jobber Part 3

Grocery Store Gangbang

The pain in my head felt like someone was hitting me in the skull with a hammer over and over.  I couldn’t see.  My eyes were closed, and my totally cloudy, super groggy mind could not open them.  I could hear laughter, lots of it.  It was the young male stockers of Evan’s Foods, the grocery store where I worked. 

I was lying spread eagle on the floor of the large stockroom of the store, wearing only a pair of humiliating white cotton underwear briefs with two large pink stripes on the elastic waistband.   The underwear was stuffed with mayonnaise front and back.  A little kid had beaten me up and stripped me down to my humiliating underwear.  Now he had me on the floor, pumping a horrible sleeper hold into me.  I could never take a sleeper. 

It debilitated me almost the second it was locked on, and my suffering increased every second it was held on me.   The dreadful hold, which smashed arteries in the neck and chin to restrict blood flow to the brain, was used to knock out an opponent.  My enemies used a light version of it to make me suffer and humiliate me for long periods of time. 

But the little kid wanted me out cold.  The stockers had told me that if I was pinned or passed out, I would be kept in the stock room and worked over until my next match, a day and a half away.  I had desperately kicked out of multiple humiliating pin attempts by the little kid.  But now I was on my back, and the kid was pumping the sleeper into me.  I had to hang on and not pass out, or I was doomed!!

My name is Billy Simpson.  I’m an 18-year-old, small 165-pound professional wrestler and am in the process of becoming the most helpless and humiliated Jobber Boy in human history.  Unlike all the other big strong brawny wrestlers whose prominent body parts are their huge muscles or abs, my most noticeable body parts are my soft jelly belly, big oversized belly button, big red nipples, and my bubble butt.  I have no family left, and I’m on my own with 1 friend (my roommate) and a girlfriend that just dumped me because of how badly I was humiliated in the ring.

Now, I was lying on the floor with my arms and legs spread widely as a little kid worked a sleeper hold into my helpless, prone body.  I held my arm up to avoid being counted out by Ray, one of the stockers.   But my arm felt like I was holding up 100 pounds.  I wanted to let it drop to the floor so bad.  Finally, I heard Ray announce that I was still awake.  I let the arm drop to the concrete floor.  The little kid yanked back on the sleeper, and I nearly blacked out.  I spewed spit into the air, and the crowd laughed.  I lay there, getting weaker and suffering more and more and more. 

It was so pathetic.  The only things moving were my quivering lips and my soft flabby jelly belly pumping up and down and up and down as I sucked in air.  Laying on my back and not moving, the crowd watching me really got to see the humiliating rhythmic pumping of my jelly belly.   My belly had a wicked pumping routine.  It pumped up to full bulge in grand fashion before pumping downward as the air in my lungs expelled.  Then, at its lowest point, it would pause momentarily and jiggle before rising again as air came back into my lungs.  As it did this over and over, people became mesmerized by it.  It screamed I’m helpless beat on me.  It was so humiliating, and it was only one of many things my body did, completely against my will, to humiliate me.

“Man, he’s so fucking helpless!!” said stocker Kyle.

“Yea, look how soft his body is!” said stocker Chris.

“I’ve never even heard of someone being humiliated this bad in public, much less watched it in person!” said Tom.

“Yea and by a fucking little kid!!”, said frozen food stocker Allen.

One of the stockers knelt down and rubbed my jelly belly.  It jiggled wildly, and the crowd roared with laughter.

“It’s so fucking soft and warm!!!!” laughed stocker Jarvis.

Other stockers knelt down and started rubbing my jelly belly.  My poor belly jiggled more, and I cried out.  Anyone in the room not convinced I was a total jobber boy was now sure.  Worse yet, several of the cruelest guys were now salivating at the chance to beat on my helpless body.  One of the guys stuck his finger into my fat, deep belly button, and I jiggled wildly and cried out: “belly button!!”.  That brought wild laughter.  Another one pinched my big red nipples.  The belly button and nipple play made my fat penis surge in my mayonnaise filled underwear.

“Check it out! He’s getting hard!!” yelled stocker Randy.

I was mortified.  I begged my penis not to get any bigger, but I could not convince the hyper-sensitive big boy.  I began to tent wildly in the underwear, and I whimpered helplessly as the humiliation and degradation poured into me.  The kid yanked back on the sleeper hold, and I spewed spit and jiggled wildly again.  I was in so much trouble as I drifted toward unconsciousness.  My arms felt like lead weights.  Ray lifted my right arm into the air again.  I knew I was doomed.  It fell to the floor with a slap.  He raised it again, and it dropped like a rock.

As he raised my hand a 3rd time, another stocker came into the stockroom and yelled that the kid’s father was looking for him.  The kid broke the sleeper hold, dropped my groggy head to the floor, and ran for the door.  I was saved!  But at that moment, another stocker pushed my stock cart into the warehouse.  Randy grabbed the open case of mayonnaise and sat it next to me.  He opened a jar and began to stuff the mayonnaise in my mouth.  I swallowed as fast as I could to keep from choking to death.  It seemed like hours but only took me about 30 minutes to swallow nearly a gallon of Mayonnaise.  My poor jelly belly felt as if it would explode.  Randy grabbed my blond hair and peeled my helpless body off the floor.

“Come on, Billy, get up– you total pussy boy!” said Randy.

My stuffed jelly belly sagged wildly.  It was so full of mushy mayonnaise.

“There’s no way we’re letting Jelly Belly Billy out of here without me getting some licks into that soft, helpless jelly belly!” said Kyle.

I shivered in fear as Randy put me in a full nelson, trapping my arms up in the air and leaving my stuffed jelly belly wide open for attack.  Kyle fired a savage right fist into my belly.  I spewed spit, air, and mayonnaise all over the place.  I tried to double up and go down, but Randy held me up.  Kyle fired in another shot and another and another. 

I was in agony as Kyle banged away at my belly with lefts and rights.  He laid in over 25 licks.  I was shivering with mayonnaise and spit running from my mouth.  Chris stepped in and started firing in licks.  It was unmitigated horror.  The pain in my super helpless, super soft jelly belly radiated out to the rest of my body.  Ten different stockers pumped licks into my belly.  I actually spit up almost all the mayonnaise I had swallowed.  Randy let me crash back to the concrete floor, and I curled up in a ball, shivering in agony.

I could hear all of the stockers laughing and talking about my pathetic body.  They were all talking about being at the match tomorrow to watch me get my ass kicked.  I was sure they were going to beat on me some more.  I begged them to let me go.  I was surprised as they stuffed my jeans and half shirt into the back of my underwear and opened the overhead door to let me out.  I stumbled wildly across the parking lot wearing only my Nikes and stuffed underwear.  I have no idea how many people saw me.  I jumped into the car and drove home.

I took a shower and went to bed, sleeping for nearly 15 hours.  My roommate woke me to make sure I was not late for my horror match.  I decided to wear my gear to the arena and not worry about losing my street clothes.  I got to the arena about 2 hours before the match.  There was already a massive crowd.  I was so dejected.  I was going to get my ass handed to me, and it seemed like the whole world wanted to see it.

I went straight to my dressing room.  There were several water bottles there for me, along with a gift basket of Ding Dongs, Twinkies, Moon Pies, fruit pies, and a box of jelly donuts.  I thought about the names of each snack and wondered if someone was trying to tell me something.  Man, I was so stupid!   

I picked up the wrapped Twinkie, looked at the tan, very soft outer crust packed with white cream inside, and then looked at my body in the full-length mirror.  I shook my head and tossed the Twinkie back into the basket but kept thinking about the names of the snacks as I drank one of the water bottles.  Yes, it was laced with Viagra.  I’m so stupid!  I mindlessly took a wrapped Twinkie and Ding Dong, laying them together on the table to look like a penis and balls.


At that moment,  Chelsea walked into the dressing room.  Chelsea laughed wildly at the Twinkie and Ding Dong penis I had made on the table.  I wanted to melt into the floor.  How did I manage to humiliate myself like this?  She unwrapped the Twinkie and shoved it into my mouth.  I quickly chewed and swallowed as she opened another.

“How’s the white cream feel running down your throat?” she asked as I flushed red.

Chelsea shoved the second Twinkie into my mouth before I finished swallowing the first. As I processed the second Twinkie, she opened the bottle of oil and started rubbing it all over my body. She poured the oil all over my chest and rubbed it in as it ran down my body. 

My Jelly Belly jiggled as she rubbed the oil in, and she giggled.  I nearly spewed Twinkie all over her as my penis started to harden inside my skimpy pink trunks.  I managed to keep my mouth closed and swallow the Twinkie, but my penis popped out of the top of my trunks.   Chelsea laughed wildly and poured oil over my exposed penis.  She shoved a Ding Dong into my mouth and turned me around to oil my back. 

I chewed and swallowed on the big Ding Dong as he rubbed oil all over my back and poured oil down my butt crack.  My bubble butt jiggled wildly as the oil ran down my crack.  Chelsea giggled at my butt jiggle.  Then she used both hands to massage the oil into my bubble butt.  I moaned and hardened even more.  I was in so much trouble.  She turned me to face her and shoved a big jelly donut into my mouth. 

She had trouble fitting it all into my mouth at once, even though she tried mightily.  My big chipmunk cheeks were bulging seriously, and I was overcome with humiliation.  As I tried to chew on the jelly donut, Chelsea applied some cream onto my big red nipples.  They began to tingle wildly and swell and harden.  Tears began to run down my face as Chelsea made me look more pathetic. 

I wanted to squirt so bad.  I had all this sperm stored up in my fat balls because my roommate convinced me that if I masturbated, it would make things worse.  I’m so stupid!  Chelsea poured more oil into my trunks, making sure the entire waistband was soaked with slippery oil.  My trunks would be sagging so badly. 

I had managed to swallow the jelly donut, but Chelsea grabbed another and put it in my mouth.  I submissively opened my mouth and let her shove it in.  That so turned her on, and more tears rolled down my face.  She rubbed my oily jelly belly as I ate the 2nd jelly donut.  My jelly belly was now bulging with sloshy surgery mush.  She asked if I wanted another jelly donut, and I shook my head wildly no. 

She laughed at how hard and fast I shook my head back and forth.  “Are you sure?” she asked again, getting me to shake my head back and forth wildly again and again. She laughed at me.  She took some hair gel and spiked up my blond hair to make me look even more like a little boy.  I felt like a piece of meat being prepared for display.

Then the door opened, and one of the promoter's goons told me it was time to go to the ring.  I begged Chelsea to stall him for a moment.  I was desperate for time to let my fat penis go down even a little.  There was no way it was fitting into my skimpy pink speedos like this, and I did not want to walk down to the ring with my fat penis sticking up out of my trunks.   

Chelsea smiled and told me no.  “I’m going to love watching you suffer and humiliate yourself out there.  I can’t wait to watch you squirt sperm from your big fat hard penis in front of all these people, and it will be all over the world on the internet by the end of the day.” 

The fear and humiliation poured into me, and it made my hard-on worse.  I was in so much trouble.  She rubbed my soft jelly belly and walked out of the room laughing.  I was fighting to hang on, begging my fat penis to soften a little bit.  The guy at the door came into the room, grabbed me, and forced me into the hall with my fat penis still on display.  As we came to the doors to the arena, I pushed the fat boy into my Speedos as best I could. 

I managed to wedge the upper shaft and fat head of my penis under the tiny strip of cloth running from the pouch around my waist, but the material didn’t cover it all, and you could see both sides of my cock head around the material.  I peeked out the big double doors into the arena.  It was packed!  They had added chairs everywhere and even down the aisleways.  The aisle I was about to go down was maybe 4 feet wide. 

The crowd was going to be able to reach out and play with me all the way to the ring.  There might be 8,000 packed in there!  My fat penis surged as the humiliation poured into me.  It nearly freed itself from the speedo.  Tears welled up in my eyes again.  I was in so much trouble. 

A spotlight blazed at the door. I was about to come out, and everyone focused on it.  The fear poured down my little spine and made my bubble butt quiver.  The doors opened, and the crowd roared as they saw me standing there with my massive hard-on.  I froze in fear and total humiliation.  My body jiggled in a humiliating fashion.  The big guy pushed me out the door and——


The End

 Billy will return in Part 4  of Triple Team Horror.

 Will poor Billy make it to the ring without his penis popping out?

 Will Chelsea and her new boyfriend interfere in the match?

 How much punishment can poor Billy’s little soft body take?

 Will Billy lose and be forced to have Chelsea as his manager?

 And the big question:  will the opponents be able to inflict the ultimate humiliation, forced nonconsensual public ejaculation?

 Stay Tuned!!

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