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Mangler's Wrestling Stories

Mangler's Wrestling Stories

A series of stories written by myself (Mangler) and other authors. Most of these are reposts from my previous webpage, but there are some new stories as well. To easily navigate by author, simply click on the links below.

Comments on the stories are always appreciated.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

The Campground 2: Introduction


The Campground Year Two:



The Mangler

The SUV turned off the paved road and onto the rutted dirt road. The ride became bumpier and less comfortable.  The grunts from the cargo section of the SUV increased in intensity.

"Shut the fuck up, Sir Kyle.  You wanted to hitch a ride with us to meet up with Choirboy, so you got your wish,” Dan shouted.  Kyle was sure that his wish didn’t involve tight stringent bondage for 3 hours.  However, the Choirboy did require it.   And where Kyle was concerned, the Choirboy got what he wanted.

Dan was sitting in the back seat with a collar around his neck and a pair of tiny and tight leather shorts.  This used to bother him but not anymore. With the end of Leather Week last year and the subsequent events, he had become much less inhibited such that even full nudity concerned him less.  That and his adventures at the Redneck Arena had seen to that.  Last year’s visit to the Campground had been a major eye-opening experience so he was a little more prepared for this year.  But even then, he was less anxious because he was sure he wouldn’t see things that he hadn’t already seen and experienced.

Chad, as usual, was driving. He was a big man, both in physical stature and in mental appearance.  He wore jeans, a leather vest, and a leather cap.  All his body hair had grown back, but he had elected to keep his head buzzed very short.  He was talking with Brice sitting in the front passenger’s seat.  Brice was a muscular marvel who owned a gym and worked out religiously, harder than anyone else.  Those that hired him as a personal trainer had very little room to complain about how tough he was although for the first three months he was back from the campground last year, he was a raging bull and accepted only perfection from his clients.   He had lost several, but also gained a few who saw what results he could obtain. Over time, he calmed down somewhat but was still pretty hard-ass.

Only a couple of clients had asked about the tattoo on his ass, but after his response word got around that topic was definitely off-limits.  Brice still sported all his piercings although he was beyond the one-year requirement to keep them in but they were a reminder of what had occurred.   The twinks still showed up when they pleased and had their way with Brice.  He just couldn’t seem to shake them or their control over him.  Others had commented on this, but only a time or two, and then they kept their opinions to themselves.

Chad, Brice, and Dan formed a three-man household with Chad and Brice being in charge, and Dan not.  While that situation had been somewhat fluid in nature,  after last year’s campground escapade, the roles were more firmly locked in place.  Although to be honest, Chad and Brice were thawing toward Dan somewhat.  What was not fluid was that Chad and Brice pushed Dan hard at his training and his wrestling.  He was in the best shape of his life.

His position was defined, but still not defined at the same time, and he didn’t really know what to call it other than satisfying.  Not that every moment was easy, it wasn’t, but overall, he was more content than he had ever been.

“What the goddamned fuck is it with this new requirement to stay at the campground this year?”, Chad screamed at Brice.

"How the hell would I know?  It just is.  You knew what it was when you agreed to it and chose to come this year.  So, get over it,” was the reply.

“It’s not right that I have to do that.  It’s okay for Cumface back there, but I shouldn’t……”

“Oh, shut the fuck up.  It’ll be good for you.  A little humility outside the wrestling ring will be fun -- just like last year.”

Chad turned and glared at Brice and then stuck his tongue out at him.  “Don’t know why I put up with an asshole like you.”

Brice reached over and took Chad’s right hand off the steering wheel and dropped it down onto Brice’s cock.  “Yeah, you do, big man.”

Chad just laughed.  Dan, or Cumface as he was known from his wrestling debut, just sat in the back and kept his mouth shut.  It wasn't that he was afraid or anything, he just didn’t feel like listening to Chad bitch, whine and moan anymore, although he was the cause of most of that whining.  He also knew that most, but not all, of it wasn’t serious.

The SUV hit a rather deep rut and all the occupants bounced in their seats.  The groans from the back increased in volume.

“Yeah, Sir Kyle we are almost there.  And what the hell are you complaining about?  You’ve had to deal with much worse,” Dan said as he looked over the back seat to make sure the bound man was doing okay.  By the way, his cock was standing at full attention, it was apparent that he was.

The SUV finally rounded a corner and came to a gate across the road that had a metal sign across the top that said “The Campground.”  During most of the year, it was a leather and gay-friendly campground.  For one week of the year, it was the location for one of the largest, not to mention raunchiest, gatherings of leather, rubber, wrestling, skinhead, and most other kinks, men in the state. It was a wild time.

As Dan looked out the window he smiled.  Coming toward him was a walking mountain.  The mountain was 6’7” tall and had to weigh 400 pounds. He was in shape but not muscular and cut.  He was tattooed from the neck down with very little un-inked skin available.  He was bald, had a large septum piercing, like you would see on a bull, and a Vandyke beard.  He was naked except for the boots he was wearing.

His tits stood out from his chest about 2 inches (Dan would swear they were bigger this year) and were also pierced with large rings.  His large cock pointed straight up his abdomen where his prince Albert was locked to his belly button ring.  The tattoo down the length of the cock said “Choirboy’s” although he was now Spike’s slave, a continuing bone of contention between Spike and Choirboy.   A chain led from there up to the middle of the chain running between the two tits.  This was the same “outfit” that he had been wearing last year when Dan first met him.  It was actually his standard outfit for welcoming people to Leather Week at The Campground.

Chad rolled down the window as the mountain approached.  “Hey Bully, here we are again.  How are you doing?”  As he said this, he reached out the window, took hold of one of the tits, and squeezed and twisted.  Bully's cock twitched at the contact.

“Doing very well Mr. Chad.”  He leaned down and looked into the car through the open window.  “Welcome Mr. Brice and Mr., err, I mean Cumface.”  He smiled as he said the last.

“He is Mr. Cumface to you again,” Chad said.

“Oh, thank god, Mr. Chad,” was the reply.  “I don’t need Master Spike any more annoyed with me.”

Dan looked at him and said “One of these days” with as much menace as he could.  He couldn’t keep it up long though as he broke into a big smile. 

“Anytime Mr. Cumface, anytime.” Bully smiled back and then looked down at his clipboard. “I was told to expect one more in your party,” Bully began.

“In the back in his usual condition,” Dan said jerking his chin toward the rear cargo area.

Bully walked back to confirm that Kyle was there.  He approached the window again. “Good.  I would hate to have to tell Mr. Choirboy that Mr. Kyle wasn’t with you,” he said with a worrisome shutter.

“No shit,” Chad replied. “And I would make YOU tell him.  Now what the hell is this new requirement all about?”

At that time, a horn blared from the motorcycle behind them.   After looking in the outside mirror, Chad shot a one-finger salute out the window.

“You keep promising that Chad, but never deliver,” was the yell from the motorcyclist.  “And after your show from last you, I not sure you really want to.”  He then laughed.  Chad started to get out of the SUV, but Brice stuck out a hand and grabbed him by the bicep.

“Just get the fuck over it.  You, Cumface, and I are going to be the butt of a lot of jokes and comments this year. Just roll with it.  HOWEVER, if anyone tries to act on it, then feel free to beat the shit out of them,” Brice said.  “That is if you can,”  Brice smirked.

Chad looked at Brice and just laughed as well as he said, “Yeah that is true, but no reason I can’t put the fear of god into them.”  He got out of the car and headed toward the motorcycle.

Brice turned and looked out the back window.  “You couldn’t put the fear of God into Chas even if you were god,” he stated.  Dan just laughed.

Chad reached the motorcycle, reached out, and pulled the helmet off to reveal a mid-20s rough looking, in-shape man.  “I’m going hook up with that ass of yours for sure this year,” Chad shouted menacingly as he reached down and pawed at the man’s crotch.

“Oooh, I’m so afraid.  My heart, ass, and cock are all looking forward to it."

Chad reached over and locked on a very passionate, and rough, French kiss with dueling tongues.  Chad thought the guy was hot as hell, but also knew he would have his dick cut off if he did anything without his master’s permission.  And he hadn’t been able to arrange that, yet.  The master’s price was a little high but he was going to work hard on getting that permission this year.

“That just might cost you, Chad,” the man replied when the kiss was broken.

“Would be worth it, Chas, would be worth it,” Chad said as he jammed the helmet back on and walked back to the SUV.

“Now, about that new requirement,” Chad asked again as he settled into the driver’s seat.

Bully said, “It is mandatory for all entrants as you know, Sir.  That is all I am supposed to tell most people, but if you will pull over there,” as he pointed to a spot in the field off to the side, “Master Spike said I could tell you the story.  He doesn’t want everyone to know yet, but he likes you, a lot, Sir.”

Chad pulled off to the side as directed.  Bully handed his clipboard over to another naked slave to deal with Chas and the other arrivals and walked over to the SUV.

“Why the special treatment for us,” Brice asked.

“As I said, Master Spike likes you guys and the various help you have given him and his friends over the years.  He is especially grateful that you “babysat” me for that month he had to be gone, Mr. Chad, Sir.  And for what it is worth, so I am.   He grinned as he said the last.  “Thank you again, Mr. Chad and Mr. Brice.”

Dan was still having a hard time wrapping his head around the situation.  Not many people were thankful to spend a week, much less a month, at Chad’s ranch receiving his special attention.  He knew that he didn’t, even though it had gotten him in tremendous shape.  The other thing he still couldn’t understand, at least not completely, was Bully’s devotion to Spike.

In contrast to Bully, Spike stood 5’4” tall and weighed 130 pounds, with his clothes on and soaking wet.  He looked, talked, and dressed like a preppy frat boy, but ran a very successful real estate agency only one year after graduating from college.  He was also one of the most respected and feared tops in the local leather scene. He was a master at manipulation, cheating, and working things to his advantage, but he was still well-liked.

“Well sirs, it is like this.  One of the local developers bought some acreage next to the campground and wanted to develop it.  However, he didn’t think the campground was a respectful enough neighbor and was trying to get the council to shut it down or at least sell it to him.  And it looked like he was going to succeed.”

“Damn, I had heard about that.  But I heard some mysterious benefactor came along and convinced the council otherwise,” Brice said.

“Not exactly sir.  The benefactor bought several parcels of land that the council desperately wanted for development in another part of the city.  He told the council that if they continued with their plans for the development and the campground, he would donate the land he bought to a national conservatory group, taking the land out of consideration for development permanently.  And the council reluctantly agreed to not approve the project instead of trying the legal route.”

“I bet that didn’t go over very well with the developer,” Brice replied.

“No sir, it did not.  However, the developer was somewhat mollified when the benefactor bought his acreage at a slight profit.  He also bought the campground and about 1,000 acres and placed it in trust so that it cannot be developed any further without his agreement.  Needless to say, there were a lot of very grateful gay and leather folks.  This is one of the highlights of the year for them.”

“Okay, but what does that have to do with this special condition?”

Bully smiled a mischievous smile and said “Well that benefactor was Master Spike’s dad, Sir.  He is big into land development and real estate.  He gave Master Spike control over the trust as a birthday present.”

“Must be nice to have a father so rich and also so supportive.  Not many do.”  There was a sadness to Brice’s comment as his biological family barely “tolerated” him, but he had developed his own family and was content with that.

“Mr. Spike’s father is a very nice guy, for a big business type.  As for Mr. Spike, his father has always supported him unconditionally, although sometimes I think he wanders what the hell he has gotten involved with.  But I have nothing bad to say about the guy.  The first time I showed up, naked and in bondage, he didn’t even bat an eye and was very accepting.”

“Anyway, since his father gave him control over the land,  Master Spike feels that he is entitled to a little gratitude from the attendees for ‘saving’ their week.”

Chad started laughing.  “Oh, he will get some gratitude but mainly is he going to piss a lot of people off.  And some of them aren’t very nice.”

“That’s an understatement,” Brice replied.

Bully looked around, lowered his voice, and smirked.  "I think that he is counting on that Mr. Chad.  Looking for something to “spice” up the week a bit.” With that comment Chad, joined by Brice, went into a full-blown bout of laughing and roaring. Chad had to wipe a tear from his eye.

“I’m sure he’ll get that,” Brice said.

When they had settled down, Bully pointed to the gate.  “You are in cabin 6 again Sirs.  Master Spike and I are next door.  I think that is where he is looking for his err, umm, err,  appreciation….Sir.”

Chad gave Bully the stink eye.  Bully just turned and walked in front of the next car in line with his hand up.  An expletive came from the driver, but seeing Chad looking at him, “Oh let him get in so he can start his cart horse duties,” he smirked.  Chad glared at him and noted who it was but didn’t say much else.  Bully turned and waved Chad in front of the stopped car and through the gate.

Although he knew what to expect, Dan was still a little in awe and amazement at the various people and kinks he saw wandering about.  Accommodations at the campground ran from hammocks and pitched tents, RV's, and cabins, so everyone brought much different gear.  He did notice that most people were wearing a lime green wrist band which he had not seen last year.

The SUV pulled up to their cabin and the three got out. As soon as Dan was out of the car, Chad held out his hand toward him.  Dan sighed and then removed his leather shorts.  Underneath he was wearing a jockstrap that was almost transparent.  In the front, a hole had been cut out so that his balls were hanging out but his cock was covered.  For some reason, Dan found this more embarrassing than just being naked.  That is why Brice and Chad had insisted that he wear it.

Dan went around to the back of the SUV and lifted the hatch.  He reached in, grabbed Kyle by the feet and pulled him out, and helped him to stand up. Kyle was wearing a tight ball gag, a thick and tall heavy leather posture collar, locked into place, tight straps around his shoulder, mid biceps, and lower arms, with his wrists locked into cuffs attached to each thigh by a leather cuff.  The two cuffs were joined together by a short chain, meaning that Kyle had to take short steps.  His clothes consisted of a tight rubber tank top, tight rubber short shorts with the zipper down and the rock-hard cock sticking out.  The leather cockring helped keep it erect.

“You cannot be fucking serious, you damned puny-assed bitch,” came the enraged voice from the porch of the cabin next door, number seven.

Everyone in the vicinity turned to look at cabin seven.  Like most of the cabins, cabin seven had a covered porch running the full front of the building.  Master Spike was sitting in a rocking chair naked, except for his boots, with his hard cock sticking straight up his lower belly.  Standing in front of him, dressed in a black jock, chaps, and a leather vest was a very pissed-off individual.

In a very calm and serene voice, Master Spike responded "Of course I am serious.  But no one is forcing you. You can always leave, but if you wish to stay ….."

The four guys standing around the SUV quickly realized that the leather-clad person was Choirboy. He now had many eyes on him. He would have been better off just doing the chore and being done with it. But he couldn't bring himself to do that.

“You little faggot, I’m going to…” Choirboy began and took a step toward Master Spike.  Two very large guys, even larger than Bully, standing behind Spike,  literally growled at Choirboy.  He took one look at them and stepped back.  “This isn’t over you fucking little turd.”

Choirboy then dropped to his knees, leaned over, and kissed each of Master Spike’s boots, and said, “Thank you for allowing me to be in your masterful presence this week and for saving this wonderful weekend, Master Spike Sir.”  After finishing he stood up and started to walk off.

"Wait, I think you forgot something," Spike said and was holding out something in his hand.  Choirboy just stalked over and stuck out his wrist to which Spike attached the lime green wristband that Dan had seen earlier.  It signified that appropriate appreciation had been paid.

As Choirboy started to leave, Spike said “And here is one for your boy who is standing over there.  Doesn’t look like he can kiss much of anything dressed like that.  But he will have to catch up later…or else.”

Choirboy whipped his head around and saw Chad, Brice, Dan, and Kyle standing there watching along with a lot of other people.  His face turned purple with rage.  He grabbed the wrist band but as he had reached for the wristband, Spike reached over and tweaked one of his nipples.  That very nearly pushed Choirboy over the edge. 

“This ain’t over, just you goddamn fucking wait,” Choirboy snarled at Spike while watching his guard dogs closely.  He snatched the wristband, shot a one-finger salute to Spike, stepped off the porch, and stalked over to cabin six and Kyle.

Choirboy stomped over to Kyle, grabbed the leash hanging from Kyle’s collar, and pulled Kyle so that they were nose to nose.

“You. Fucking. Saw. Nothing.  GOT IT.”

Kyle was frantically shaking his head up and down as much as possible.  Choirboy shot the other three a menacing look and said “And you three will keep your damned mouths shut if you know what is good for you.”  He turned and stalked off with Kyle trying to keep up.

Dan said, with some concern in his voice, “Should we be concerned about Sir Kyle?”

Brice looked over and said “Well, I wouldn’t want to be him for the next couple of hours, but he isn’t in any true danger.  And he signed up for this.”

Dan looked a little skeptical.

“But we will keep an eye out for him just in case,” Bruce added.

As Choirboy stalked past cabin seven, he stopped, turned to Spike, and said, with a lot of menace in his voice, “Wrestling match, you versus me.  Loser is winner’s no-limits slave for 24 hours."

“I get to choose the ref and standard wrestling rules apply,”  Spike responded.

“Campground rules apply,” Choirboy countered.  “And disqualification is a loss.”

“Agreed,” Spike said.  “The ring is tied up today, so first thing tomorrow.”  Campground rules were standard wrestling rules but were more relaxed with outside interference not necessarily leading to disqualification depending on agreed-upon rules, who the ref was etc.  That is why Spike wanted to choose the ref.

Choirboy and his slave Kyle continued to where ever Choirboy was staying.  Everyone knew that Kyle was probably in for a rough evening, especially Kyle.

Seeing that there weren’t many people waiting to show their appreciation to Spike’s boots, the three guys walked over and did their groveling.  Chad made a big deal out of it and embellished the hell out of the ritual. Spike wasn't really happy about it as he was hoping for more reactions like Choirboys.  After all, it wasn't often that many of these Masters had to debase themselves.  Some of them probably never did.  Spike wasn't naïve and knew that he wouldn't get away scot-free for the week.  But at least it should be interesting.

When the three stood and started to leave, Chad turned and said “Why don’t you, Bully, and your guard dogs here join us for dinner?  Dan has learned to grill one mean ass steak.”

“Sure.  Me and the boys will be over about seven.  Okay if I bring Wrestledaddy if he wants to come.”

“Fine with us, but last I heard he and BJ were planning on hooking up for the week,” Chad replied.

Spike laughed, “Yeah, but one person can’t keep Slutboy, BJ’s name for the week, occupied for Leather week.  He has way too much whoring around to do.”

Chad and Brice agreed and as they headed back toward the Cabin and climbed on the porch, Brice said to Dan, “What the hell do you think you are doing?”

Dan looked confused for a minute and then said, “Oh, yeah right.  Unload the truck.  Got it, boss.”   Chad and Brice had Dan bring them a beer from the cooler, then sat on the porch to watch the arriving folks and the actions next door.  Many of the leather tops were not happy with Spike at all, but everyone did their duty.

As Dan was unloading the SUV he heard the loud roar of many motorcycles arriving at once.

“Sound like the Demons are here, big man,” Brice smirked at Chad.

Chad gave Brice a look of pure evil and just grunted.  The motorcycles cut out as their engines were stopped. Dan had just finished unloading the SUV when a large contingent of leather-wearing motorcyclists made an appearance.  Yep, the Demons had arrived.

No one was surprised that Tank was leading the guys toward their campground.  However, many were very surprised to see Samson walking beside him.  Samson had lost a match last year and became the property of the Demons.  He was wearing a leather cap, boots, and leather chaps with no jock or other underwear underneath.  His cock was encased in a Steelwerks chastity device.  The Demon's brand was easily evident on his ass.

What was so surprising was seeing that Skull was again wearing a collar with a leash that was attached to Samson's chaps.  The other surprising part was that Butch was walking next to him also wearing a collar and leash attached to Samson's chaps.  Butch and Skull were attached by a pair of wrist chains and ankles chains so they had to walk carefully in unison, but both were chatting and smiling and appeared to be very happy.  Everyone wanted to know what had changed since last year, but they were just going to have to wait.

 As Tank walked toward Spike and cabin seven, he yelled over to Chad.  “We still have a place for a stupid beast of burden or two!”

Chad started to stand when Brice grabbed his arm.  “Don’t let him goad you. Settle it in the ring tomorrow.”

Chad took a deep breath and replied, “Yeah, after I beat your ass tomorrow, you will be the one hauling people and supplies around like a donkey.”

“Fat chance, fat chance.  I’ll make sure to have my personal chariot awaiting you after I beat your fucking worthless ass tomorrow.”  By this time, he had arrived at Spike’s cabin so he and the other Demons did their duty – not that most of them liked it one bit.

When Dan was finished unloading The SUV he entered the cabin and noted that, same as last year, the mattress from the two beds had been pulled to the floor giving them one large sleeping area.  This was his favorite part of the week, but a lot had changed since last year, partially because of him.  He failed to notice the dog bed sat off to one side.

As Spike and his entourage walked over to Chad and Brice’s cabin, they could smell the grilling meat.  Dan was standing at the grill tending to the steaks dressed only in a pair of leather chaps and a tight leather jockstrap – bright green in color.  Spike and Patriot looked out of place at Leather Week as they were dressed in tank tops, loose gym shorts, and tennis shoes.  But make no doubt about it, they belonged at Leather Week.  Spike's two “guard” dogs were dressed in leather wrestling singlets, while Bully was naked other than boots.

Wrestledaddy had decided to join the cookout and was dressed in tight leather shorts and a leather vest and was sporting a nice bulge making it obvious he wasn’t wearing a chastity device.

“Hey, little daddy there is free,” Dan smirked.

“Very funny Cumface,” Wrestledaddy replied as he gave Dan a very tight hug followed by a very strong slap on the back which knocked Dan forward.

Suddenly a very loud whistle was heard followed by “Holy Mother of God. What the hell is an angel like that doing here?”

The group turned as a carriage pulled by 2 human horses came into view.   Sitting in the carriage was one of the most gorgeous men ever seen.  The man was fucking gorgeous and sexy as hell.  He had blonde hair, blue eyes, stood bout 6’ 2”, and looked to weigh about 195.  He was wearing a hand-tailored suit which probably cost upwards of 3,000 dollars.  He had a couple of Versace leather satchels with him.

“Well, Well, looks like Slutboy has arrived,” Wrestledaddy screamed in the general direction of the carriage.

“No, it’s BJ at the moment, Slutboy will be here soon,” was the reply as the carriage continued onward.  Every head in the vicinity turned in unison as they watched the carriage go by.   BJ was one of the most successful, and rich, venture capitalists in the world and he dressed like it.  However, a couple of times a year he transformed into Slutboy a sexually adventurous slut who turned down almost no gay experiences from mild to wild, but the wilder the better.

“Must bring back fond memories seeing BJ,” Brice teased.

“Fuck off,” was the reply as Wrestledaddy remembered losing to BJ and being locked into a chastity device for several weeks.  This week was going to be time for payback.

About 30 minutes later, the same carriage was passing by headed in the opposite direction but was now pulled by a single human horse.  Close examination revealed that it was BJ.  Well, actually Slutboy as he was completely nude.  He had a horse bit lashed into his mouth, his hands tied to the frame of the carriage, a pair of tit clamps tightly applied with a 5-pound weight pulling them down, and a ball parachute with a 10-pound weight hanging down and swinging between his legs.  His cock was rock hard and dripping precum.  He moved slowly as he was barefoot.  Guiding the carriage was a blonde twink who was generous in applying the whip.

Wrestledaddy walked over to the carriage and when Slutboy came into range he grabbed the tit clamps with one hand and the ball parachute with the other and jerked both.  Slutboy grunted and his cock jerked with pull with an increase in the precum.

“Well, glad to see you in your natural state.  But I think I owe you one, so I challenge you to a match.  Looser gets total control of winner for the rest of the week.”  Wrestledaddy then winked and got an evil grin on his face.

BJ nodded without hesitation.

“Well today and tomorrow looks booked at the wrestling ring, so 7:00 am two days from now,” Spike yelled at the group.

Both Wrestledaddy and Slutboy nodded in agreement.  Wrestledaddy dropped both chains and smiled at the grunt of pain, and jerking of the cock, that occurred when the weights jerked downward.

Wrestledaddy returned to the cookout just laughing as he planned the match, and stakes, in 2 days.







  1. So happy to see Campgrounds back again! and with so many matches set up already, it seems like it's going to be a payback season. I just hope Cumface still gets some time to shine, or in his case, have his new ripped body destroyed. No matter how you look at it, Cumface is a great wrestling dummy and an even better cum dump; i hope his balls have toughened up. Please wreck him Mangler.

    1. Looking forward to the Tank and Chad fight. Chad is hung like a horse so he might as well be treated like one. I hope Samson gets his chance to wrestle Cumface or Skull gets his revenge

    2. I appreciate the comments. So far I have written
      Chad vs Tank
      Brice vs Butch
      Choirboy vs Spike
      And partially written
      BJ vs Wrestledaddy

      I think (hope) you will like those.

    3. I'm REALLY looking forward to the Chat and Brice matches. I hope Brice's muscular body gets a good beatdown, as he should since he is the trainer of Dan. Hope Cumface gets some action this Campground season.
