Mangler's Wrestling Stories

Mangler's Wrestling Stories

A series of stories written by myself (Mangler) and other authors. Posts from my previous webpage plus new stories.
Comments on the stories are always greatly appreciated.

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Saturday, April 11, 2020

The Initiation

The Initiation



This was going to be Ray's first time in a wrestling ring. Up to this point his wrestling experience was limited to horsing around with friends and a little amateur style wrestling in high school. Neither of which had prepared him for what was about to take place.

At 38, Ray was proud of his physique. His 6' frame and muscular 200-pound build were the result of hours spent in the gym. His 48-inch chiseled chest formed two mounds of muscle that protruded from his torso, perfectly capped off a 32-inch waist which together with 17-inch arms gave him a "fitness model's" build. His opponent, Jose, also spent a lot of time at the gym. At 26, Jose is a 5' 7" fire plug. With a 35-inch waist, 46-inch chest and 19-inch arms Jose was compact and powerful.

Jose had challenged and Ray had accepted a date in the ring following a disagreement they had in the weight room. Jose had notice Ray laughing while Jose was posing in front of the full wall mirrors by the weight benches. Ray always found guys flexing and posing to themselves in the gym amusing. Jose did not share Ray's point of view. With hurt pride, Jose challenged Ray to a "first to pin" match in the gym's boxing ring calling him a "pussy" and threatening to make him his "bitch".

Up to this point Ray kept to himself at the gym. And so, he came to the ring without fanfare or entourage, arriving about fifteen minutes before the match and began to loosen up. In contrast, Jose entered the ring several minutes late with all fanfare of a prize fighter in a world championship.

A big partisan Hispanic crowd had gathered around the ring. Word of the fight had spread over several days and it seemed that almost every gym member had made his way to the gym that evening. Clad in a long, sequin studded black robe covering a singlet resembling the Puerto Rican flag and blue wrestling boots, Jose strutted around the ring. Ray was overwhelmed by the regalia and nervously observed the spectacle from his corner. In contrast to Jose's ring attire, Ray was in an old worn wife beater, baggy shorts and was barefoot.

Finally we were summoned to the center of the ring by the gym's owner, Pedro, who had agreed to referee the battle. Pedro explained the rules to the both combatants. This was a no holds barred fight, the winner being decided by either a three-count pin or knockout. They were told to return to their corners to await the bell.

Upon hearing the bell Ray cautiously approached the center of the ring to face a much more aggressive, charging Jose. Just before contact, Ray ducked under the charging Latin grabbing his arm and flipping him over in a skillfully applied arm drag. After taking a minute to recover, Jose jumped to his feet and again charged Ray. Ray repeated the move. Jose's aggression was replaced with rage. He charged Ray a third time, realizing too late again that Ray had again eluded the charge. This time however instead of being flipped onto his back, Jose was face down on the mat, Ray was perched on his lower back grasping Jose's toes while crossing his legs in a reverse toe hold. Jose reached around toward Ray attempting to break the hold. As Jose squirmed, Ray leaned back viciously stretching Jose's quads. Jose's quads burned and knees ached with pain. Seeing Jose's anguish, Pedro asked Jose if he was ready to submit. "No" Jose replied and before the syllable ended, Ray leaned back harder transforming the response to a screaming "NOOOOOOOO".

In desperation, Jose clawed his way toward the ring ropes. As he neared them, he reached through the ropes for the edge of the ring apron. Upon reaching it, he gripped tightly and pulled himself out of the ring. Realizing the approaching danger, Ray released the hold as Jose slide out of the ring.

Jose took a minute to recover, stretching out his quads while Ray impatiently awaited Jose's return to the squared circle. Upon his return, Jose approached Ray using more caution. The two muscle studs lock up collar and elbow. After a short test of wills, Ray managed to slip under and away from Jose while reaching around Jose's head pulling it toward his chest and into a side headlock. Ray flexed, grinding his bicep into Jose's right ear. Again, Jose had been caught off guard and was writhing in pain. Jose fought off the hold by pushing Ray back toward the ropes. Using the rebound of the ropes, Jose sent Ray racing across the ring, bouncing off the opposite ropes gaining speed on his return toward Jose.

As he approached, Ray leapt into the air delivering a cross body block. As they crash to the ring apron, Ray rolled off his fallen opponent, pulling his head into another side headlock as they both returned to their feet. Before he could cinch the hold in place, Jose again bounced Ray off the ropes. Again, Ray found himself racing toward Jose. Seeing Jose drop his shoulder in an attempted shoulder block, Ray leapt high into the air hurdling the attempted tackle. His momentum sent him to the opposite ropes where Ray turned and bounced off. This move increased his speed and as he catapulted off the ropes again; Ray momentarily lost his ring awareness. Just as he began to regain his bearing, Ray realized he was nearing the center of the ring facing the outstretched arm of his opponent.

The impact was devastating. The crowd first gasped then erupted in cheers as Ray's upper body snapped backward while the momentum of his legs continued forward. In an instant Ray's feet flew off the mat while the back of his head and shoulders crashed to the mat. Seizing his advantage, Jose lifted Ray off the matt grabbing his arm he again hurled Ray toward the ropes. In a complete daze, Ray raced back and forth across the ring and was met with another close line. This one was delivered with even more force than the first sending Rays feet up over his head. Ray landed on the back of his neck and his momentum carried him over completing a somersault. Landing flat with only his face and chest Ray's body bounce off the mat before coming to rest.

In an instant, Jose was on his knees rolling Ray onto his back then while kneeling in front of the fallen stud he propped Ray's body into a kneeling position. Loud "WAAAPPP"s could be heard throughout the gym as Jose's hand connected with Ray's face delivering several humiliating slaps across his face. With each blow Rays head snapped back and his body slumped, leaning back while he remained in a kneeling position. Jose was now standing wailing away as Ray's head snapped back and forth. Finally, Ray's eyes rolled back and as his shoulders reached the mat. With his legs still stuck under him in a kneeling position Ray's outstretched body caused his wife beater to ride up above his navel. The taught navel and lower abs offered a tempting target for Jose. He pushed Ray's shirt further up his torso and over his head fully exposing his pecs and abs. Looking for approval from the crowd, Jose raised his arm into the air holding up a single finger. The crowd roared in approval. Jose then lowered his finger and in sadistic fashion began to probe Ray's stretched naval. Ray had never felt pain like this before. A dull ache traveled from his navel through his groin as Jose dug and probed and poked and drilled deeper and deeper into his navel.

Ray's body convulsed several times in response to the pain. This freed his legs from beneath him and released the tension in his outstretched torso causing Jose's probing finger to drill deeper into Ray's navel. Ray felt as though Jose's finger was drilling down to his spine. Pedro asked for Ray's submission. Unable to speak, Ray shook his head no but knew he had to free himself or he would not be able to last much longer. Somehow Ray managed to get to his feet so Jose could no longer use his weight to push down toward the mat for leverage and the hold was broken.

When the hold was released, immediately and involuntarily, Ray dropped back down and into a fetal position clasping his gut. Jose stood above his fallen foe and began shouting to the crowd. "Look at this pathetic excuse for a man. He's nothing but a pussy." Redirecting his comments to his opponent, Jose grabbed Ray by his ears, brought him back up to a kneeling position. "I am going to show everyone what a pussy you are." As Jose let go, Ray fell forward into Jose with his nose landing in Jose's lower abs. Jose then reached up pulling the shoulder straps of his singlet down to his waist, positioned Ray's head through the loosened strap and wrapped it around his throat. Ray gasped for a moment and then began thrusting forearms into Jose's side in an attempt to escape. With each forearm Jose cringed, bending sideways. Finally, Ray was freed from the strap.

Ray could feel his second wind coming on. With a sudden burst of energy, Ray reached back delivering an upper cut connecting solidly with Jose's chin. The Latin's head flew backward exposing his gut. Seizing his opportunity, Ray lunged forward with a knee into Jose's stomach whose backward momentum turned forward. Jose found himself doubled over, wobbled and looking down at the canvas. Ray reached around pulling Jose into a front head lock and with a burst of energy flipped Jose upside down into a flying neck breaker. The two landed on the mat with Jose's neck and head absorbing the impact. Jose lay sprawled out spread eagle in the middle of the ring. This was Ray's opportunity to finish the match.

He stepped through the ropes out onto the ring apron and headed toward the corner. After climbing to the top turn buckle, Ray stood up, raising his hand into the air in a victory pose drawing a round of "BOOs" from the audience. He then leapt high, soaring toward the fallen Jose in a splash position.

Jose lay motionless on the mat beneath the approaching doom. Unknown to Ray, Jose was fully aware of the circumstances. Playing possum, he was waiting for just the right moment, and when Ray was in a position where he could no longer change his trajectory, he made his move and simply pulled his knees up to his chest. The result was devastating. Instead of delivering a match ending splash, Ray stomach landed squarely across Jose's shins and knees. Immediately, the air was forced out of Ray's body as he heard the crack of a rib.

Ray didn't know what hit him; one moment he was soaring through the air on his way to victory.  then BAM he was eating canvas, gasping, unable to catch his breath.

Jose then went to work: Standing above his suffering opponent, he scooped him into the air, holding Ray parallel to the mat. In a single motion, the Latin grappler dropped to a single leg kneeling position and dropped Ray's lower back onto his awaiting knee. Ray let out a scream upon impact. For a second Ray lay stretched out over Jose's knee. Jose did not release the hold. Instead he rose to his feet keeping Ray in the same position. Jose repeated the move. As he did, in unison the crowd cheered "DOS". Spurred on by the crowd, Jose repeated this maneuver until the crowd reached "DIAS", Ray's body had gone limp by this time lying motionless, stretched out over Jose's knee.

Jose kept Ray in position pushing down under his chin toward the mat while his back lay implanted on Jose's knee. Again, Jose was presented with a stretched-out navel. He again went to work drilling Ray's taught navel with his finger. A weakened Ray responded with groans and moans. In the meantime, Jose's repositioned his left hand from under Ray's chin grabbing round his Adam's apple in a blatant choke. Pedro began asking Ray for his submission.

The pain was unbearable. Ray's back was arched beyond its limits. He was beginning to lose consciousness as Jose's meaty hand wrapped round his Adams apple. At the same time, the dull ache had returned to Ray's navel as Jose's finger probed deeper and deeper. Ray held out for as long as he could. For what seemed like hours, but was actually about forty seconds, he lay moaning in this same position. Finally, he couldn't bear the pain any longer and weakly gurgled out his submission. Pedro tapped Jose on his shoulder and told him to release the hold. The instruction fell on deaf ears. Ray's moans turned into pleading as he weakly begged for release.

Pedro's repeated his instruction more forcefully. Again, Jose ignored the ref. Ray's was now whimpering. Finally, Pedro patience had worn thin and he forced Jose to break the hold. Ray's body lay motionless on the floor. An irate Jose stood face to face with Pedro shouting "What are you talking about? There was nothing in the rules about submission. You said pin or knockout." Pedro hesitated for a moment, looked with hesitation down at Ray, turned back to Jose, winked and smiled then shrugged his shoulders and motioned for the match to continue.


  1. This is one of my favorite stories from your old website. Though in this part, I noticed that the ending was cut off. Has it always been like this? There is no ending to the action in this part of the story, right?

    I wish Lifeguard will write more as well. I love his style and characters.

    1. I believe that this is the way the story ended originally. I had a major computer crash shortly after my GeoCities closed and lost all the stories from there. I was able to find a backup for some but not all. Recently I found a site that had archived all the GeoCities sites before they were taken down. This is all of the story that had and I believe that it did end here, although it is possible that part was cut off.

      If anyone out there has more of this story, please let me know.

      I lost touch with most of the authors many years ago. If any of them are reading this and want to add some more stories, let me know.

  2. Mangler I think I have the rest of this story. There was actually five or six chapters in total. I will look around.

  3. If you look on lifeguards page I think I have all the followups but if you find a new one would love to have them
