Mangler's Wrestling Stories

Mangler's Wrestling Stories

A series of stories written by myself (Mangler) and other authors. Posts from my previous webpage plus new stories.
Comments on the stories are always greatly appreciated.

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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Going Shopping IV

Going Shopping IV-- The Park-Round 3

by Gym Dude

About a week after the mall incident, I ran into my wrestling victim and a few of his wrestle buddies in the park. A challenge was made to take on three remaining healthy wrestlers in one-on-one competition. I need to beat two of them to win the shirt and put an end to this confrontation. I started off by beating the shit out of a 200-pound wrestler and was on my way taking down their 215-pound champion but the son-of-a-bitch caught me napping and crushed me into submission with his incredibly powerful body scissors and bear hug combination.

The guy's massive legs snaked around my waist and crushed me like I was nothing. After I was too weak to fight back, the powerful kid wrapped his big arms around my chest and just crushed me until I couldn't take any more. Even after my submission, he kept me locked in his killer grip, just for the fun of seeing the big muscleman struggle! The shithead is too much like me. I knew the stud was strong, but DAMN! It was like falling into a pit of boa constrictors! That much muscle wraps around you and you're done for. I'd hate to have to face that powerhouse when he grows up!

OK. So, I'm one-and-one against these muscular wrestlers. It's me against their big man for all the marbles. And BIG MAN is right! This stud weighs 240 pounds at a height of 6'4". This guy towers over me by 5 inches and outweighs me by at least 25 pounds and all of it looks like rock solid muscle.

I figure that I've got three things working for me.

One; this kid is used to wrestling at the high school level and probably won't be too proficient at submission wrestling moves. If I can get him under control and weaken that big body down, I'll be able to take him.

Two; Mr. Muscle is not used to fighting bodybuilders. I've got a lot of power ready to unleash in his direction. With any luck at all, more power than his big muscles will be able to handle.

Three; With his size and weight, Mr. Muscle's fights probably don't last too long. There are not many guys around who are able to kick this stud's ass, and I'm willing to bet that there isn't a guy in high school that can stand up to him. He probably doesn't have to fight that hard to win his fights and I'm the man to change that!

Mr. Muscle flexes his massive body and I have to admit that I'm impressed. Nearly all high school kids at his weight are just big and overweight. Their wrestling matches usually end when one guy falls on the other. This man is different. He has obviously spent more than his share of time in the weight room and doesn't look soft at all! Even with my power, I have no intention of trying to match muscle with this dude.

He lifts his big right arm for a test of strength! After one look at all the muscle before me I take the offensive with a shoulder block to the big guy's stomach. Mr. Muscle didn't have a chance to prepare, but it didn't seem to make much difference. I was unable to even move the 240-pound giant and just bounced off him! Shit, this guy's body is just as hard as the other two fighters! Their coach must train the hell out of these guys!

I'm going to have to dig down and wrestle this dude hard, so I charge forward for a double-leg take down. Again, it was like running into a mountain, except for the double ax-handle to my back! Badly hurt, I drop to one knee only to take another powerful smash to my back. I've got to get away from this kid!

I spin away and try to get behind him, but the big shit is faster than I expected.

"Come on Turbo, kick his ass!" "Yeah, Man. Show this guy your stuff!" the guys were cheering him on, but he's not showing signs of needing their support.

I try to take him down with a cross body block but the big boy holds his ground and catches me in mid-air then just laughs at my efforts to fight him.

"You stupid shit!" the big boy exclaimed. "Did you really think that crap was going to work on me? Here's the big muscleman who likes to beat up high school kids. Alright, Dude! Beat up THIS high school kid!" and he slammed me to the ground so hard I actually bounced. Damn! That hurt! The impact knocked the breath out of me and I could hardly move. Turbo's buddies were going nuts. "That's it! Waste him, Man." "Show the dude some shit!" They yelled.

The big boy reached down and grabbed my arm. I was in a world of hurt. I've got to come up with something to stop this big stud. Turbo pulled me to my feet, brushed me off and helped steady me since at that point I could hardly stand. The big lug stepped back a pace and just smiled at me.

"Come on, Muscleman! You wanted to fight. Let's do it! Come on, Stud. FIGHT ME!" The kid was making a big mistake. First, when you have your man hurt, you take him out. Second, don't try to humiliate a man with major league muscle! My fury turned into second wind. I'm going to kick this big kid's ass!

I'm no Kung Fu expert, but I have worked out with some of my buddies who are, and they've taught me a few things. Now is as good of time as any to put them to use.

I was breathing hard, packing as much healing oxygen in my lungs as they would hold. My giant foe stood before me, I don't know what he expected, but I've got a few surprises for the big shit!

As I began to move forward, Turbo started to chuckle. "Good! The big man's not done yet. I was hoping we could have some more fun. Come and get me, Big Man!"

Before we could lock up, I began to spin away, lashing out with a spinning back kick, but the big guy stepped back and I caught nothing but air. Fortunately, I had learned to finish forward prepared for my next strike.

"OOOOH!" One of the guys exclaimed. "The big muscleman knows some karate shit!" "Better watch out, Turbo! Musclebound Bruce Lee is after you!" None of them sounded too worried, but I didn't care. I was going to take their big man down!

Turbo stepped up to the plate and I fired off a side

kick, but he deflected my strike with his forearm. I tried thee more kicks but all were deflected harmlessly. I stepped into my man and smashed three fast punches to his midsection. I ripped the boy

hard, but I could tell I wasn't doing any damage.

Turbo laughed at me! That bastard! I'm going to kick his young ass and he's just laughing at me! I know one move that will take ANY man down, I don't care how big or tough he thinks he is. While Turbo laughed, I stepped forward again, coming in low and inside I ripped a solid right hand between the big stud's legs. Instead of seeing Mr. Muscle drop helplessly before me, my fist erupted in pain! Again, the boy was way ahead of me and my fast smashed into his. Once more, Turbo was no worse for wear and I stood there shaking my damaged fist. Shit I think I cracked a knuckle!

In my agony, Mr. Muscle stepped toward me. I expected him to take a punch but instead he reached out and gently slapped me upside the head. He spoke in a condescending tone, "Listen, Muscleman. Your karate shit doesn't work and you've proven that your fists can't hurt me either. You're just beating yourself up trying. Come on, Muscleman. You've got to have some real power in those big muscles or you couldn't have beaten two of our champion fighters. I want to have some fun here, so get some balls and wrestle me! Show me what the fuck you've got!" With that, Turbo turned his back to me with his big arms stretched out to the side, an open invitation for my full nelson!

Shit! I hate this big stud. He's so convinced that I can't do anything that he's giving me every break in the world. Well, this young stud is about to learn that there are some people you don't pull this shit on!

I jumped at the chance and locked my weight-trained arms around the big stud's back, gripping solidly behind his neck and cranking on with all the strength I had left. This smart-ass son-of-a-bitch is going to pay and pay big time!

One thing I noticed when I first set eyes on this big stud was that he was amazingly proportioned. He had obviously not ignored his leg workouts, his whole body looked like it was made of iron. But now, I got the impression his entire 240 pounds was upper body muscle. I could hardly get my hold locked on this dude's massive shoulders. Turbo's neck was like a freaking telephone pole!

I wasn't going to hold back. This is my best hold and I've got the muscle to make it work, but I have never used it on anyone this big before. Properly applied, the nelson can bring a big man to his knees, but you've got to really pour on the coal and I was prepared to do just that!

"OK, big muscleman. Go ahead, take our big boy down!" Alpha Male shouted from the sidelines. Damn! It sounds like he's cheering for me? What's with that?

"Yeah, Tough Guy. Show our man what those big bodybuilder muscles can do!" Mr. Hardbody chimed in.

"Now's your chance, Smart Ass." Mr. Muscle added. "Take me out if you think you're man enough to do it!"

Shit! Everyone was after me to take this big stud out, even him! Why not? I cranked down with all the strength I had built up in my massive arms. I've crushed a lot of pretty tough fighters with this hold and I know how to really make it work for me. I locked down again, and again and again! I was trembling at the force my mighty arms were delivering to my unsuspecting victim.

My massive opponent was still standing so I locked down even harder. I didn't want to do any permanent damage I just want to demonstrate for Mr. Muscle who the real man is here.

I locked down again and one final time. I knew my man had to be wasted by now. Every ounce of available power has been unleashed against the tower of muscle in my grip. His big neck hadn't really moved, but I had been able to pull those broad shoulders back a few inches. I expected my man to be moaning and groaning by now and maybe even be ready to give it up. But NO!

His voice was still calm as he spoke, "Any time, Big Man. You can start on me at any time!"

HOLY SHIT! I had powered into this boy with everything I had and he's acting like I haven't even started yet?

"Enough already! I'm tired of waiting around for you to find some way to fight me. Here, let me show you how it's done!" He said disgustedly.

Turbo flexed the iron muscles across his shoulders and my full-nelson shredded almost without effort. Mr. Muscle turned to face me while his pals were going crazy. "Damn, Muscleman. What happened to your killer hold?"

I couldn't believe it. The guys cheered their man as though he were some kind of superhero. As Turbo flexed in a double biceps pose his entire body rippled with 240 pounds of premium muscle. The kid knows I can't hurt him, and takes his time stretching and flexing his rugged physique. He's impressing the shit out of his teammates and intimidating the hell out of me!

Nothing is working for me! I can't form an effective offense. I come to the realization that I can't fight this guy! He's too big, he's too strong and he's too tough for me. He's just too much man for even my powerful muscles to fight.

"Now, I'll show you how to wrestle!" Mr. Muscle exclaims as he steps forward gripping my arm and easily powers a wrist lock behind by back. My knees begin to buckle from the pain and the pressure of his powerful body bearing down on mine.

"AAAAARGH" I screamed as he bent my wrist back in directions it was never intended to go. Amazingly to me, at the sound of my agony, Turbo instantly released the hold. "Gee, sorry buddy. Did that hurt? Here let me try this!" The powerful athlete swept me off my feet and kneeling to one knee he smashed my back across his massive thigh.

SHIT! I thought he had broken my back! "Oh, Damn!" I shouted in agony. Would he release me at the sound of my distress?

"Oh, darn. Did I hurt you again? I figured a big musclebound bodybuilder would be tough enough to stand up to a few simple wrestling moves? You're not that frail, are you?" The mighty stud asked as he stood, lifting me to chest height before dropping me across his knee again.

"AAAARGH" I screamed while Turbo's buddies cheered their hero.

Mr. Muscle lifted me again then tossed my helpless frame to the ground, laughing while I squirmed in agony at his feet. "Hold on, my friend. I've got lots more I want to show you!"

Then Mr. Muscle began using my bodybuilder physique as his personal wrestling dummy! Hold after painful hold, Turbo worked out on me while I could offer virtually no resistance. Mr. Muscle was enjoying himself at my expense. The big horse effortlessly turned me every way but loose and I was helpless to

respond. The other wrestlers continued cheering him on while the massive stud worked move after move. At one point he lifted me with my stomach across his broad shoulder and my legs dangling behind his back then dropped to one knee ramming my shoulder across his outstretched knee. The pain was unimaginable, I was sure he had broken my collarbone but my traps took all the punishment. After a few more, my arms would hardly move.

The big guy pulled me to my feet and just stood there flexing his massive physique while I staggered around barely able to stand.

"Be careful there, Brute!" Mr. Hardbody yelled, "The mighty muscleman looks like he's ready to attack and tear you apart!" All the fighters laughed as their heavyweight got this fake look of concern on his face.

"Is that it?" he asked incredulously. "Are you just playing possum, waiting for me to drop my guard so you can unleash the power in those big muscles and kick my punk ass? You'd really like that wouldn't you?"

God, YES! I'd love to rip into this big stud and take him down to size. There would be nothing better than to get a grip on his big heavyweight body and cripple this ass-hole in front of all his rugged smart-ass buddies.

"Then don't let me hold you back, Superman. Go for the Gusto!" the powerful athlete laughed as he spread his arms to the side and stood defenseless before me.

Shit, this kid looked great. With his size and conditioning, the stud looked like a giant wall of muscle. I knew better than to wail on his abs, I tried that before and it just fucked up my fists. The kid is giving me a free shot and I want to make the most of it. Lunging forward I locked my pythons around his chest and gripping my hands together I crushed down on the boy's handsome physique with everything I had. I've used my bear-hug to wipe out some pretty tough dudes and even after the working over this man has given me, I should be able to deliver some damage, at least enough to wear him down some.

The big heavyweight's chest was just as solid as it was massive. My boulder biceps were locked across his lats. GREAT, I thought. I'll be able to flex my cannons and crush this boy down. Finally! Things will start going my way!

"OUGH! AAAAARGH! DAMN!" The big stud moaned. I could hear his gasps of labored breathing between expressions of agony. Oh, the ignorance of youth. Ignorance and arrogance are a deadly combination in a fight. Mr. Muscle had dropped his defenses before the wrong man this time and I intend to make him pay for that mistake and pay big time!

I cranked up the power again and I could feel the kid's massive body bend from my strength. "AAAArrgh! It HURTS!" Mr. Muscle bellowed.

"YEAH!" I responded. "It's supposed to hurt. Here, like this!" I taunted as I cranked using all my reserve power.

"Come on, Man!" The guys were cheering their hero. "Don't let him do this to you!" "Come on, Turbo! Break out and crush this dude!" "Don't let this guy take you out man!" All the fighters were shouting encouragement to their big man, but I had all intentions of taking him down then make an example of the massive horse. To the big man's moans and groans, I cranked down harder and harder. I now had a chance to really whip this ass-hole. I was getting my second wind. The longer the fight lasted, the stronger I was becoming! YES!

"OOOOOH! UUUUUGH! Please, Dude! You're crushing me! AAAAGH ... you're .. too .. strong ... for ... me!" I had him! The big man was going down and with him weakened I'm ready to beat the shit out of him! I'll show him some wrestling moves this boy never dreamed of!

What's that? His buddies have stopped their shouts of concern and encouragement and are laughing? What the hell is so damn funny?

I crushed again with my last ounce of strength and my massive foe collapsed across my shoulder. "AAAAAGH! Please ... no ... more! I ... can't .. take .. any .. more .. of .. your ... Power!" The big man was toast, I thought.

"NOT!" He laughed. LAUGHED? This guy is getting ground into mush in my big cannons and he's laughing?

Mr. Muscle raised his head as I leaned back a looked him in the eye. The big shit was smiling back at me!

"You idiot! What a stupid shit!" He had a look of amazement on his face. "Did you really think that your puny bear-hug would have a chance against a muscle stud like ME! Get fucking REAL!" He placed his big hands on my chest and pushed out of my killer hold as though I were a weak little school boy.

Mr. Muscle slammed his massive right hand into my stomach and I instantly doubled over like some wimp. My washboard abs gave way from the incredible force of his fist. As I dropped to one knee before him, the big wrestler wrapped is guns around my back gripping across my chest. He lifted me as if I were light as a feather and whipped my back across his shoulder like a sack of wheat. My head was swimming. One minute I was on the threshold of victory and the next I am racked in outrageous pain!

The massive champion gripped my arms giving them a slight twist before pressing my cannons toward each other behind my back.

My screams were immediate and uncontrollable, "AAAAAAAGHH! AAAAARRRGH! AAAAAGGH!" In an instant, the big boy had me under his total control!

I couldn't freaking believe it! While I writhed in pain across his shoulder, the big boy pulled my arms tighter and tighter behind my back. My chest expanded until I thought my ribs would separate. The fire in my muscles felt as though he were tearing my beef-steak pecs right off my chest!

I don't know where a high school kid would learn to fight like this but the massive stud took his time for the next twenty minutes, he systematically worked over every major muscle group leaving me totally wasted.

I was exhausted and helpless as the other fighters cheered while the massive athlete continued to demonstrate his complete domination over the battered bodybuilder in his grasp. Then he stopped and stood above. Basking in the limelight, Turbo again flexed his massive physique to the delight of his rugged fans.

Thinking the "battle" was over, I used my last remaining strength to struggle to my hands and knees.

"Look out, Turbo. It looks like the karate man is coming back to kick your ass!" one of them shouted and they all laughed.

Mr. Muscle stepped before me again and stood undefended. Simply for my benefit he stretched his magnificent arms into his double biceps pose and pumped his gigantic guns. Turbo's powerful body

rippled in the bright sunlight. "Look at THIS body!" he shouted down to me. "You DARE to think your bodybuilder muscles can stand up in a fight against THESE muscles?" His voice sounded like thunder, making me feel as though I were groveling at his feet.

Mr. Muscle scoffed at my helpless condition. "Look at YOU! You're WEAK! You will NEVER stand a chance against REAL muscle!" Turbo reached down palming my head like a basketball with just his left hand and cranked up the pressure. The pain from his iron grip was indescribable and I lacked the power to break his hold. I had only one chance left and began ripping my best punches into the big guy's abdominals but it was like smashing my fists into a brick wall. The massive wrestler leaned back and fired a few shots with his right fist to my face, then nailed me with a wicked punch to my neck. All of a sudden, I couldn't breathe! Helpless, my big arms began flailing in desperation.

Mr. Muscle released his grip and using both hands locked his fingers behind my head pressing his palms against the sides of my head right behind the ears. The pressure on my skull was paralyzing and I was left on my knees hanging in the big stud's grip. "You want to see how tough these abs are? Here take a closer look!" Mr. Muscle shouted down to me and smashed me face first into his stomach.

He pulled me back and my eyes were rolling around from the impact. The massive stud laughed at the dazed look on the face of the big he-man then smashed my face into his rock-solid abs again and again and again! I could feel blood draining from my nose while my eyes were crossed from the pain.

This big guy was literally beating me silly with his stomach muscles! I didn't know you could even DO that! Each time he slammed my face into his rippling stomach was like being smashed face first into a brick wall! The impact, the force, the stud's power were incredible!

"You want a closer look at some REAL muscle, Big Man?" I could barely focus. My skull was being crushed under incredible force. I was on my knees in front of this incredibly powerful athlete. All I could see before me were row after row of deeply cut thick coils of abdominal muscle smeared with traces of blood, my blood!

"Here, He-Man. Take a good look!" The mighty wrestler crushed down again, then pulled my face into his abs and started running my head back and forth across the hard-rippling muscle as though he were grating cheese.

I was delirious with pain. It felt like my nose, lips and eye brows were being ripped from my face. I was totally beaten. With all my power, I couldn't stand up to this mountain of solid muscle. As the massive heavyweight applied a little more pressure, I started to mumble, "I'b gib. I'b gib ub. Doe more! Doe more plead. I'b gib ub! Plead doe hurd be! Doe hurd be ady more" The big stud laughed at my helpless condition and stopped his punishment.

The big tough bodybuilder was done.

Mr. Muscle released his devastating grip but still held the top of my head with one hand to keep me from falling in the dirt. Looking over to Alpha Male on the sidelines he asked, "Anything you want to say to this guy?" The champ stepped behind me, locked his iron-muscled left arm around my neck, securing it across his big right arm. The kid began to flex his massive arms, crushing my neck in his powerful sleeper hold. "How's it feel, big man? I want to take my time and let you feel just how hard my biceps are as I flex, so you can feel what it's like to have my muscles crush into your neck. Go ahead, flex away. Flex as hard as you can. Just see if your puny neck can hold up to my muscle power!"

The kid wrenched down on my neck again while my muscular arms hung weakly at my sides. Then he spoke into my ear, "I live two blocks down, the green house on the corner. Bring the shirt at noon tomorrow. I'll be in the garage. "

He flexed again and his powerful arms crushed deeper into my neck. My face was red and turning blue. All feeling was leaving my beaten body. It seemed to take forever then everything went dark.


  1. We need more people to have their eyes roll around in their sockets whenever they get hit. Its hilarious. I love slapstick.

    1. I must say, I have always enjoyed Gym Dude's writing. I hadn't read his stories in a long while and it is nice to revisit them.

  2. GUYS!!! Thanks for your comments! It really makes a difference to all the writers that you enjoy our efforts. Motivation is a good thing! And as I have always pointed out ..... SUBMIT your own work too. We can only come up with so many ideas we need your fresh perspective too. Thanks again and it is GREAT to see The Mangler BACK!!!!!!
    FIGHT HARD my friends......GD
