Mangler's Wrestling Stories

Mangler's Wrestling Stories

A series of stories written by myself (Mangler) and other authors. Posts from my previous webpage plus new stories.
Comments on the stories are always greatly appreciated.

To navigate by authors, please click on the page links below.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Previous Stories Published

I just upload 4 previous stories.  These are all from Punk Wrestler and are a series.  You can check out his authors page to make sure you have the correct order.  I have published them so that you can start with the first one "Squash Job" and then proceed in order.

Warning -- Punk Wrestler's stories are more violent and intense than a lot of the stories I publish.  hope you enjoy

LEAVE COMMENTS!!  (please)

Pretty Boys Revenge: Part 2

[To the blogger review team:  Many of my posts are suddenly saying that they are being placed behind a warning for containing sensitive content.  The ENTIRE blog is behind the adult setting with a sensitivity content.  Is this a second layer or something??  Most all of my posts would fit this description.  Is there something else I should be doing??]

Pretty Boy’s Revenge: Part 2



When Jason left the gym, he headed directly to the arena. He knew he had to tip the scales in their favor or he and Shawn would get squashed.

But first things first: he had to find a way for Shawn to best Alec in the lead off match.

Squash Job


By Punk Wrestler

It was a quiet Saturday morning as the tag teams entered the gym to commence their morning ritual. The ritual usually consisted of the current reigning tag team champs using the other dudes for practice fodder.

Pretty Boys Revenege: Part 1

Pretty Boy's Revenge: Part 1


Punk-Wrestler 2000

A few months had passed since Alec and Ryan had become subservient to Shawn and Jason.

But in those few months, Alec and Ryan had been plotting their revenge.

Pretty Boys Revenge: Part 3


Pretty Boy’s Revenge: part 3

By Punk Wrestler

The Tag Team Titles on the line.

In the locker room between falls, Shawn and Jason were studying the contract Shawn had been forced to sign.

Jason snickered as he read the fine print. In his haste Jeff had not specified what style of match this was going to be.

Friday, March 27, 2020

New Uploads

Okay, I have uploaded a set of previous stories and one new story.  There are two stories my Cocky Punk, one by Mr. Phil, and a new one from the Mangler.  The new one is quite possibly the start of a series.

Fraternity Wars

[This story was not a planned story.  It just sorta worked its way into my brain and wouldn't stop until it was done.  Quite possible the start of a new series.  The fraternity names, while real, do not represent any specific frats or chapters]

                              Fraternity Wars


The Mangler

The discord between Tau Kappa Epsilon and Alpha Tau Omega had been ongoing for years.  TKE was considered a "jock" frat, while ATO was called a "nerd" frat.  Both were oversimplifications but still, as most labels have, there was an element of truth. TKE members were usually members of the college's sport teams, sport clubs, or intramural teams although many of them were quite bright and academic as well.  ATO members were usually more academic in nature, although many of them did play in intramural and sports clubs.  Few were on the college’s sports teams.

The Setup

The Set-Up
Cocky Punk

"But it's just that you look like shit.  You haven't been to the gym in two weeks.  Come on, we're friends.  I trained you.  Why won't you tell me what happened?" Max, the attractive 40-something man said.

John, the young stud sitting across from him replied, "Stop telling me I look like shit.  You've said that already ten times.  Look, I get it.  You aren't giving up until I tell you everything, exactly as it happened.  Fine, here goes:"

The Quarterback Controversy

[To the blogger review team:  Many of my posts are suddenly saying that they are being placed behind a warning for containing sensitive content.  The ENTIRE blog is behind the adult setting with a sensitivity content.  Is this a second layer or something??  Most all of my posts would fit this description.  Is there something else I should be doing??]

The Quarterback Controversy

by Cocky Punk

 “So, it’s agreed? This is how you both want it?” Coach Howe asked Dave and Mark. They both nodded their agreement and signed the contract. Their fathers had already signed the contract. Once done, the coach and one of the assistants witnessed the signing and it was done.

Country vs City

[The last match that I have from Mr. Phil]

Mr. Phil

            Bryon pulled his sports car into the long gravel driveway as per the map.  He   drove pass the farmhouse to the back of the farm parking next to an old barn.  As he was pulling in, he noticed a young farm girl standing by the side watching him.  He thought to himself that she looked pretty good and to be about his age of 23.  This might turn out to be some fun after all making it with a country bumpkin like her.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

A Minor Plea

As I am finding out once again, and knew from my old website, it is hard to get people to leave comments.  What this means is that I don't know if people like what they read, don't like what they read and if they like or don't like something what it is in particular.  So to try and help make it easier, I have added a "Reaction" tab at the end of each story.  Just check the box that applies and it will let me know where I stand and you don't have to leave a message.

Of course comments are truly appreciated, especially for Mangler stories.  You can either leave a comment at the end of the log entry or if you wish to leave something not public, click on my profile and leave me an email at that address. These help me decide how to shape future stories if I can.



A Bad Day At Black Rock

[This is the last story published to my old website and was written by Gym Dude. It was written to try and get me back to writing as I hadn't written anything for the website for a couple of years by this point, but other authors were filling in the slack for a while.  Sadly it didn't work as I didn't start writing again for almost 13 years.  I had forgotten about this story until looking through my old stuff to post here.  Thanks Gym Dude for all the old stories.  I will repost most of them here. (there are a couple that were lost along the way)]

In tribute to our inspiration
By Gym Dude


 “YOU CUT ME OFF!!!!  YOU SON-OF-A-BITCH!!!!!”  DAMN!  I want to pull that slob over and provide some Drivers Ed!

Going Shopping I

[Series written by Gym Dude for my old website. He was one of my most prolific contributors.  Some of his stories are more violent than others.]

Part 1 of 5

Going Shopping I
Gym Dude

My friends know I’m a people watcher.  I find it fascinating to sit in a park, at the beach, downtown or in a mall and just watch people.  It’s much more interesting than TV.  I wonder what their life is like and what brought them to this point, who they know and what they are going to do with the rest of their lives.  I wonder what changes they will make that will dramatically change their future.  What if they won the lottery, or turned a corner and found their perfect mate?  What if they already had a mate? Young, old and in-between, they are all interesting to me.

Going Shopping II

[Series written by Gym Dude for my old website. He was one of my most prolific contributors.  Some of his stories are more violent than others.]

Part 2 of 5

Going Shopping II: The Park
Gym Dude

About a week after the mall incident, I was off for my daily run.  After nearly ten miles I finish with a few laps around the park.  The trees offer shade and it’s a nice cool-down for me.  It was a warm day so I was down to just my running shorts, I always jump at the chance to get some sun and show off my build to all those lesser humans along my path.

The First Fight For Manny

[This is the first story that Dean The Destroyer wrote for my website.  His stories tend to be a little more violent.]

My Gym, My Rules:

The First Fight For Manny

By Dean the Destroyer

Before I relay any matches, I need to give you the rundown on how and why these matches occur. I also need to explain where they occur. Five years ago, I bought a gym in a small southern city; actually, the gym is one of the largest gold’s gyms on the east coast. An outstanding facility but it was lacking something. I found what it needed. Besides the large cardio deck, and extensive free weight and machine areas, I had 6 racquetball courts. Four were enough and the last two were often used for storage. Being a wrestling/fight fan, I decided to change the last two courts into more usable space.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Battle Royal Massacre

[By popular demand, okay one request, here is one of my favorite original stories.]

Battle Royal Massacre


The Mangler

 His magnificently muscled body was splayed out for all to see.  All his muscles were strained and on display.  Of course, this was not exactly what he wanted but at the moment Ray had no choice.  He was in the middle of the wrestling ring.  Both of his arms were stretched above his head, held at extension by the young tough who had his feet planted on Ray's shoulder and was pulling upward on Ray's wrists.  Each of his legs were held by another young tough and spread wide.  His purple trunk clad crotch was widely exposed.  The package presented was very large and inviting and was the target for the final young tough guy.  Ray had ended up in this position as a result of the final wrestling match of the evening a 20-man, $10,000 battle royal.  Unknown to him, his final four opponents had worked as a coordinated group during the event to eliminate the other wrestlers while "protecting" him from being eliminated.  The other four wrestlers were going to use him to send a message--a brutal message.

Battle Royal Massacre II

Battle Royal Massacre II


The Mangler

When Slim and Samson reached the entrance to the backstage area, they were met by a couple of members of the promoter’s management team. However, with a couple of scowls and dirty looks, the management decided not to get involved. “After all, they are all adults and knew what they were getting in to,” would be the promoter’s line if questioned later. When Hercules and Stocky reached the area with Ray and College stud with them, they went into the smaller of the two locker rooms where the “heels” usually changed. Most of the other wrestler’s had already left and the few still in the area, quickly dressed and left or even left half dressed.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Samson vs Skull -- the Rematch


[While this is labeled a "rematch", the original match has not been written.  However, that match was the impetus for the creation of The Redneck Arena, as described in several stories in the series.]

Samson vs Skull -- the Rematch


The Mangler

Tonight's match had been years in the making.  The last time these two met it was in a regular arena. While Samson had won the match, he was attacked and used by the audience during subsequent matches.  Since Skull's motorcycle buddies had been supplying security, they were "occupied" elsewhere and "not aware" of what was happening.  While Samson had been sexually used by the crowds the only "damage" had been a right nipple piercing.  After the events he had elected to keep it as a reminder.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Tuff-Tony's Lesson

[To the blogger review team:  Many of my posts are suddenly saying that they are being placed behind a warning for containing sensitive content.  The ENTIRE blog is behind the adult setting with a sensitivity content.  Is this a second layer or something??  Most all of my posts would fit this description.  Is there something else I should be doing??]

[Crusher was the first author to write stories for my site.  Here is part 1 of a 4 part series.  Since I am publishing them all at once, I put them in order]


by Crusher

Tony decided to take a much-needed vacation. He only had a couple of days so he wasn’t able to take a big vacation like he wanted to, so he just packed a bag and tossed it into his pick-up truck and took off. Not really heading anywhere in particular. He just wanted to get away from the rat race and relax for a day or two. Maybe just lay up in a motel room and enjoy some peace and quiet with no one to bother him. It wasn’t often that Tony was able to get away what with his heavy schedule in the East American Wrestling Federation. He is a top star and has held several titles. Of course, that wouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who saw Tony. He is 36 years old and is a massive muscleman. He stands six feet four inches tall and weighs 245 pounds. Ruggedly handsome with short black hair and a mustache and goatee. His muscular chest had a mat of black hair that tapered as it reached down to his belly button. From his belly button, there was a narrow line of black hair extending downward that disappeared beneath the waistband of the form-fitting levis he had on. Tony never wore a shirt unless it was absolutely necessary. He had a great body and he loved to show it off at all times. His chest measured fifty-two inches and his torso tapered in a magnificent V-shape to his thirty-four-inch waist. He has rock hard six-pack abs too. Tony had one more attribute that contributed to his macho-masculinity: that was his massive cock. Few men could boast about having equipment like Tony s. It was a thick six inches long while it was soft and when hard, that bad boy grew to a good ten and a half inches. Tony took a lot of ribbing from guys all of the time about his overstuffed pouch. (Most of the ribbing was just good-natured teasing from his friends but some guys offered crude comments that were not intended to be in fun.) Actually, Tony sort of brings it on himself because even knowing how heavy duty his equipment is - he insists on wearing ‘very thin, ‘very brief spandex trunks when he wrestles and when even when he is just working out. This only draws attention to his bulging basket.

Tuff-Tony's Lesson - Part Two

[Crusher was the first author to write stories for me.  Part 2/4]


by Crusher

Tony slammed the door as he stormed out of the promoter’s office. He had just been arguing with the promoter about the humiliating situation that he had been put through by Nasty Nick and his kid brother Jim in that motel room outside of Atlanta several days ago. Tony wanted out. He said that he could never face anybody in the EAWF again. He was totally mortified after Nick showed the video of his little brother giving Tony the worst physical and sexual beating of his life to everyone in the organization. But Sam, the promoter told Tony that he had a signed contract and that he had absolutely no choice in the matter.

Tuff-Tony --Bashed on the Beach

[Crusher was the first author to write stories for me.  Part 3/4]


by Crusher

Tony had spoken with his lawyer about getting out of contract. However, the lawyer explained that while it would probably be possible, it would mean a public court fight, public display of the tape, and many other humiliating questions. Tony had decided that he could manage to fulfill the contract so that his recent ordeals would remain private. What he had not counted on was the reaction to the other wrestlers.

Tony's Destiny

[Crusher was the first author to right stories for me.  This is part 4/4]

Tony’s Destiny

by Crusher

Tony was finally beginning to wake up. His eyes opened and he tried to focus on his surroundings. He had no idea where he was. Nothing looked familiar to him. When he tried to move, he realized that he had been restrained. He was on a bed with his arms and legs stretched out and tied to the bed-frame. Once again, panic set in when Tony realized his situation. He was laying naked on a strange bed tied up in a spread-eagled position. He struggled to try to free himself but it was no use. His capture had him bound very securely.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The Real Heel

The Real Heel

by Cocky Punk

Shaun stood at 6’0” tall and weighed 195lbs. He admired himself in the mirror, wearing black wrestling trunks over a black jock, tall black wrestling boots laced up tight and black wristbands. He smiled and thought he looked suitably heel-like. He had a match in mere minutes and was still debating between the "leather-dom" look, which was popular among his fans, and the traditional heel look that he now sported. He had not been this excited about a match in a long time, but Thor had really gotten his juices going.


The Bookstore

[To the blogger review team:  Many of my posts are suddenly saying that they are being placed behind a warning for containing sensitive content.  The ENTIRE blog is behind the adult setting with a sensitivity content.  Is this a second layer or something??  Most all of my posts would fit this description.  Is there something else I should be doing??]

The Bookstore


Cocky Punk

 “Nice shop you’ve got here. We wanted to stop in and say welcome. This is our beat, so we like to get to know the people we protect,” Officer Dwayne Connors said. His partner, Officer Rick Thompson, was looking around across the store.


[Back when I had my website at GeoCities, I managed to talk a few guys into writing stories for the site.  One of the first was Cocky Punk.  He wrote several stories for the site and I am going to publish the first three now.  I have 3-4 more his to publish as well.  I am trying to convince him to write another story, so I am sure he would appreciate some comments -- let him know what you like and what you don't.]

Max's Last Match


Cocky Punk

Max stood in the entranceway, behind the curtain, getting ready to make his way to the ring. At 40 years old, he was the oldest wrestler left in the promotion. In fact, over the past year, the new owner had cleared out everyone over 28 except Max, making way for younger talent. The fights had gotten rougher and more bizarre in the past year, but Max’s contract allowed him to avoid anything too wild. He had seen his friends raped and abused horribly before being sent packing out of the fed. He thought about retiring, but the money was good. He mainly decided to stay, though, just to piss off the new promoter, who Max despised.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Revenge -- The Conclusion

[this is the third and final (at the moment) story of the series]

Revenge – the Conclusion (??)

The Mangler

 As the cage door was opened, Brad came charging down the aisle and then turned left to head over to help out Barry.  He was so focused on his goal that he did not see Tim charging across the ring, grabbing the second rope and propelling himself between the first and second rope and heading for Brad like a guided missile.  He had timed it perfectly and slammed into Brad right side with his shoulder driving them both into the cage.  Brad took the brunt of the force, but Tim was also stunned as both wrestlers dropped to the arena floor.


[This is the follow up to Start of Revenge and the 2nd story in the trilogy]


by The Mangler

The fallout from the Choirboy versus Tim match had been many faceted. Jake had actually managed to make it home naked without much consequence, other than trying to explain to his new bride why he had given a guy a blow job!! However, she had finally, reluctantly, accepted his explanation. The wrestling commissioner had not been so gracious. He had summarily suspended Jake for two weeks and had forbidden Jake from having any contact with any of the wrestlers or other personnel – thus preventing Jake from advising Tim what had happened. The commissioner had also been unwilling to listen to any explanation from Jake. And while Jake had even tried to resign from the league, the commissioner refused to allow that reminding Jake that he had just signed a two-year commitment to the league. Unknown to Jake, while he and the commissioner had been having their meeting, the Choirboy had been in the adjoining room having a good laugh.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Phil and Mark's Revenge Match

[This is the third and final Mr. Phil Match]

Phil and Mark's Revenge Match

By Mr. Phil

Phil and Mark are getting ready in the locker room at the arena. They both decided to take on BB Crusher in a two on one tag match. It took a lot of convincing from the arena owner for them to return back to the wrestling scene, especially after what happened to them the last time, they met up against BB Crusher. It took a few weeks for their balls to recover from all of the abuse that was heaped upon them. After a medical examination they found out that there was some permanent damage with 20% internal scar tissue. They also lost a lot of work during this time since both of them were at a factory that requires heavy lifting. At 23 years old that is the only job that they could find after graduating from college for the moment. With missing work both had bills piling up and needed some money fast. The arena owner gave them a cash advance just for them to come back. This was theirs to keep above the winning prize money. He also provided them with triple thick heavy-duty wrestling trunks. The matching trunks were a deep purple made out of layers of lycra-nylon-spandex. The cups he bought for them were the ones that hockey goal keepers use. They were made out of metal and painted bright orange with only a slight outward curve. He had a seamstress sow the cups inside the crotch area of the trunks so they could not be pulled out.

Mark's Rough Match

[This is the second story of the Mr. Phil Trilogy]
Mark’s Rough Match



Mark finished pulling on his silver wrestling singlet over his brief underwear. He preferred the smooth feeling of his nylon briefs under his Lycra singlet than wearing a jock strap. The wrestling singlet is the same one he used in college and fitted very tightly over his large balls and bubble butt, especially since he put on twenty more pounds of muscle. His matches were usually against other guys like him who wanted to still wrestle and make few extra bucks on the weekend but in sane matches. The promoter of the arena told him that if he wanted to continue wrestling here, then he is going to have to go up against some of the veteran wrestlers in a submission match.