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Mangler's Wrestling Stories

Mangler's Wrestling Stories

A series of stories written by myself (Mangler) and other authors. Most of these are reposts from my previous webpage, but there are some new stories as well. To easily navigate by author, simply click on the links below.

Comments on the stories are always appreciated.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Jekyll Island Fights: The Beginning

[Well, I finally managed to get back into the groove and finish another story.  Hopefully this is the start of a series, but probably not as frequently as before.  Let me know what you think.] 

Jekyll Island Fights:

The Beginning


The Mangler

Jekyll Island, a barrier island off the coast of Georgia, is limited by state law in the number of acres that can be developed.  Therefore, it not as developed or as busy as other beach locations.  Because of this, it is not high on the list of college spring break vacations as there are not enough bars and night activities.  The beaches are mostly open and undeveloped.   Many families do go there for the smaller crowds and slightly more relaxed atmosphere.

However, some college people do stay there for the quiet relaxing atmosphere and travel over to St. Simons for the more raucous aspects of spring break.  Jerry and Stewart were two such college students and were staying at Jerry’s parents’ condo at the beach.  It was an ocean front condo in the section known as The Cottages and since Jerry’s parents owned it, staying there was free. 

The beach was actually one long continuous beach that was 10 miles long but was known by various names at different locations.  The condo was located on the northern end of the island and as such, the beach was very dependent on the tide schedule.  At high tide, there was no beach and at low tide a fairly large beach.  Fortunately, at the middle and southern ends of the island there was always beach available.  So, beach activity at the condo wasn’t continuous and had to be well timed.

Jerry and Stewart had been best friends since kindergarten and were near inseparable until they left for college.  Their only major difference was that Jerry was a bulldog fan so he went to the University of Georgia, while Stewart was a yellow jacket fan so he went to Georgia Tech.  There had always been a good-natured rivalry because of this.  They were in their freshman year of college and this was their first college spring break.  They couldn’t afford to go to one of the bigger spring break sites so they borrowed the condo.    As they both had managed to get out early from classes, they showed up on a Thursday.

They had been on the Island for a little over 2 hours and had already been razzing each other about their college and which was the better college, who was the better athlete, card player, gamer, etc.  They were each going to be joined by two of their college friends in a two days.  Jerry’s friends were going to be staying with him, and Stewart was going to move over to his friend’s condo, which was next door.

Also going to be there was Mikey, a Georgia student known to Jerry and his friends.  Mikey was considered an odd duck and hung out with the same group as Jerry and his friends, but wasn’t actually considered a friend or truly a part of the group.  He was a bit weird and didn’t interact with the members of the group a lot, just hung out with them.  The best that could be said was that he was tolerated but really wasn’t purposefully invited to any activities. He just showed up.

Jerry and Stewart had gone down to Glory beach to do their evening jog as it was high tide so the beach in front of their condo was underwater.  To their great surprise, they had run across a professional wrestling ring set up on the beach.  After making some inquiries, they found out that there was going to be an indie wrestling show in the next couple of days and the ring had been set up to allow the wrestlers to use it for practice beforehand.  Both Jerry and Stewart had wrestled and had managed to convince the powers that be to allow them to use the ring for a match between themselves for bragging rights and to best the other.    They even managed to convince the league to provide a referee for the match.  The match was set for the next day.

While this was a friendly match, they were taking it  seriously and had agreed to stakes.  The loser would be at the winner’s mercy for 4 hours the morning after the match.  Both knew that they would be trying to humiliate and embarrass the other one.  This had been the ongoing stakes between them since they started high school.

The two collegiates arrived at the ring around noon.  Jerry was dressed in a pair of professional trunks with UGA symbols on them. He had red knee pads and red wrestling shoes.  He stood just shy of 6’ and weighed in at 185 pounds. He took his nutrition and working out seriously so he was very cut.  His pecs and abs were covered with a modest amount of dark hair.

Stewart was wearing a Georgia Tech wrestling singlet.  He stood at 5’10” but only weighed 155 pounds.  He could best be described as wiry.  He was not nearly as obsessive about diet and exercise as was Jerry so his body was less shredded.  After they had agreed to the match, Jerry has stated “there was no way a skinny little guy like you, could do anything damaging to me.”

The two wrestlers climbed into the ring on opposite sides.  There were a few of the professional wrestlers and crew watching at ringside.  The ref, dressed in the obligatory ref’s shirt, but wearing board shorts style swimming trunks, called the two collegiates to the center of the ring.

“My name is Chris and I’m going to ref your match today.  I hear that you both have some experience but are in no way pros.  But I’m going to hold you to the same rules and expectations.  Do I need to go over those or are you okay to begin?”

“We’ve wrestled before so we know what we are in for.  Just let me beat the shit out of Stewie here so I can get on with my day.  Lots of planning to do for tomorrow morning.”  He then winked at Stewart.

“Sounds fucking good to me.  Except Jerry, you are the one who’s going to get beat, so I have planning to do.”  He returned Jerry’s wink.

Chris just laughed and sent them back to their corners.  As they walked back to their respective corners, Chris was plotting in his head.  Chris was a professional wrestler, and not a full-time referee.  Had either of the collegiates known who he was, they would have been in awe and maybe a little afraid.  Chris felt that since they were both so cocky and sure of themselves, that a taste of what real professional wrestling was like may be in order.  He just needed to contemplate how to accomplish that.   After all, teaching cocky jocks a lesson was what he was all about.  He signaled to one of the wrestlers at ring side who banged a branch against a folding chair to simulate a bell. 

Hearing this, the two met in the middle of the ring and locked up in a collar and elbow.  They circled and pushed each other but neither was able to get an advantage.

“Okay guys, are we going to pussyfoot around or is there going to be some actual wrestling?” Chris mocked.

The two released their collar and elbow and stepped backwards.  As they did so, Jerry leaped for a standing drop kick.  Unfortunately, he had telegraphed his move, so Stewart sidestepped the feet.  The result was that Jerry caught nothing but air and crashed down onto the mat on his right shoulder.  As soon as he turned to his back, Stewart began delivering kicks and stomps into the shoulder.  He wasn’t giving Jerry any break, so Jerry managed to roll under the bottom rope and drop to the sand. 

Stewart went to follow him out, but Chris got in front of him.  “Keep the action in the ring,” he said as he pushed Stewart back into the ring.  Seeing his opportunity, Jerry climbed onto the ring apron, jumped to the top rope and then leaped over Chris before locking his thighs around Stewart’s head and flipping him to the mat.  Stewart felt his head slam into the ring floor as he hit the mat.  Chris was rubbing the back of his head, because Jerry’s leg had slammed into him as he leapt over.  Jerry was unaware of the contact, or the look of mischief that Chris gave him. 

Upon hitting the mat, Jerry made sure that Stewart rolled onto his back, and Jerry then applied a figure four headlock, locking pressure down as much as possible. After holding the hold for a couple of minutes, in spite of Stewart trying to escape,  Jerry released the hold and rolled Stewart to his stomach, grabbed one arm and raised it up and then locked on an Indian Choke hold. 

As Stewart felt himself becoming lightheaded he tried to pry the legs off without success.  Suddenly he heard Chris starting a count.

“What the fuck you counting for,” Jerry asked.

“His foot is under the rope, so break the hold,” Chris replied.

Jerry broke the hold and slid back and got to his feet.  As he approached Stewart, Chris got in his way and pushed him back.

“Wait until he is fully back into the ring,” Chris admonished.

“He is in the ring; he just needs you to protect him.”

Stewart had managed to get to his hands and knees.  Seeing this over the ref’s shoulder, Jerry puts his hand on Chris’s shoulder and gently pushed him to the side, stepped around and headed for Stewart.  He missed the look that Chris threw his way. 

As soon as Jerry stepped around the ref, Stewart launched himself from his hands and knees, slamming his shoulder into Jerry’s abs.  At the same time, he wrapped an arm around each thigh and, as Jerry stumbled backwards, Stewart lifted his opponent and charged across the ring driving Jerry’s back into the ring post.  A loud “oomph” is heard as Jerry expelled the air in his lungs.  Chris had to stumble out of the way to avoid being caught up in the action.

Stewart dropped his hold on the thighs, grabbed the middle rope on each side and began slamming his shoulder repeatedly into the abs.  When he heard Chris start to count, Stewart stood up, grabbed Jerry by the head and flipped him over his shoulders and onto the mat.

Jerry bounced as he hit the mat.  Before he could catch his breath, or get his bearings, Stewart delivered a couple of stomps to the abs and then dropped down with a knee into the abs at the belly button.  Jerry “oomphed” again and tried to double up, but Stewart simply pushed him back to the mat.  

Stewart stood up and looked down at Jerry deciding on what his next move was going to be.  He reached down and grabbed a handful of hair and began to pull Jerry to his feet. 

“Watch the hair dude,” Chris said toward Stewart.

“Seriously?  You are worried about,” was interrupted by a large scream followed by Stewart grabbing for his crotch and falling to his knees on the mat. For as Stewart was talking to Chris, Jerry had shot a fist directly into Stewart’s ball, slamming them up and against his pubic bone.

Chris just looked and didn’t say a thing.  He knew what had happened but as he was distracted by Stewart he did not see the action.  Plus, he wanted Stewart to get pissed off. 

Jerry ran across the ring, rebounded off the ropes, jumped up and slammed his butt into the upper back of Stewart, who was still on his knees, forcing him face first down onto the mat.  His forehead slammed into the mat with the action accentuated by Jerry landing his weight on the shoulders.  Stewart was seeing stars and was barely aware of what was happening.

Seizing the opportunity, Jerry rolled Stewart to his side and applied a guillotine hold. Not being a pro wrestler by any means, he was not able to lock the hold on as effectively as he could have.  Although he was still groggy, Stewart knew he was in trouble.  He blindingly reached out one hand and managed to grab the rope, as Jerry hadn’t had ring awareness and had applied the hold too near the ropes.

Chris called for the break while mentally thinking to himself, “Damn, maybe I should try to get some action against these guys.  I could have so much fun torturing them with only minimal illegal activity.”

“Goddamned fucking idiot,” Jerry berated as he released the hold, rolled over and stood to his feet. 

“Who are  calling at idiot,” Chris inquired with some heat to his voice.

“Not you, me,” Jerry replied.  Chris had to agree with that assessment.

As soon as the hold was released Stewart pulled himself under the ropes and dropped to the sand below.  His crotch was on fire and his abs felt stretched out.

After getting Jerry to the other side of the ring, Chris walked slowly back to the side of the ring and began a slow count on Stewart who was pulling himself up to his feet.  He wasn’t interested in a DQ and wanted to give him time to get back into the ring.  He was surprised when he saw Jerry outside the ring, charge down the side of the ring, grab Stewart by the hair and slam his head into the ring apron twice before forcing him back under the rope and into the ring.

As Jerry hopped back onto the ring apron, Chris was in his face berating him for the outside the ring action.  Jerry simply ignored him, leaped to the top rope, and leaped over Chris, again, to deliver a frog splat to the prone Stewart.  As his body flew over Chris, Jerry’s left foot, slammed Chris in the face driving him back a step.  Jerry wasn’t aware that it happened but this was the second time it had occurred.  Chris turned with an evil look on his face and started toward Jerry before stopping himself.  These weren’t true pros so he forced himself to calm down, for now.

Once Jerry obtained his feet, he pulled Stewart up by grabbing two handfuls of hair. He ignored Chris’s halfhearted admonition about pulling hair.  Once he had Stewart in a standing position, he turned Stewart around and locked on a full nelson.  He applied all the pressure he could to force the chin down.  Once Jerry was satisfied with the position, he began to turn and started swinging Stewart around.  One his first attempt, Stewart slammed into Chris knocking him backward.

“Watch what the fuck you are doing,” Chris screamed at Jerry.

“Just try to stay out of the way, asshole,” Jerry replied.

He then began swinging Stewart again.  Luckily for Jerry, this prevented Chris form approaching and also gave Chris time to cool down.

Stewart’s feet left the mat as he was swung around by his head and neck.  Tiring, Jerry released the hold sending Stewart flying toward the edge of the ring where he landed on the inside of the ring but slid into the corner post with his lower side and pivoted around the post, flew out of the ring and landed on the sand.

As Jerry made to leave the ring, Chris got between him and the ropes and pushed him back.  Jerry pushed forward and they ended up standing nose to nose with Chris’s back against the ropes.

Although he was stunned by the swinging full nelson and his ride along the mat and outside the ring, Stewart was able to reorient himself enough to get to his knees.  He looked into the ring and saw Jerry and Chris going at one another.  Knowing that he needed to take advantage while he could, he stood and walked up to the ring edge.  He reached between Chris’s legs and grabbed the ankles of Jerry. He then fell backward, pulling Jerry’s ankles with him.  As Jerry slide forward, he grabbed onto Chris to try and maintain his balance.

As Stewart continued to fall, he pulled Jerry’s ankles between Chris’ legs and under the bottom rope causing Jerry to lose his balance and fall backward.  Jerry was still holding onto to Chris, so he rotated as he fell such that he landed on Chris, crushing him into the mat.  Jerry rolled to the side and ended up on his back.  He then began sliding under the bottom rope as Stewart had re-grabbed the ankles and pulled.  Once Jerry’s knees were at the edge of the map, Stewart dropped one ankle.  He pulled the other ankle to the side opening Jerry’s crotch for the fist that slammed into his balls.

Ass the pain exploded into his crotch, Jerry’s hands went to his balls and he sat up screaming.  Once he was sitting up, Stewart reached over the second rope, locked his hands around Jerry’s neck and pulled forward forcing the front of Jerry’s neck across the second rope.  He then leaned back putting as much pressure as possible.  He held the choke until he saw Chris staggering to his feet.

Stewart released the choke and pulled Jerry onto the sand.  He wrapped his hands around Jerry’s throat, lifted Jerry up and proceeded to deliver a power slam to the sand.  As Stewart stood and looked into the ring, he saw Chris standing there looking at the action, but not saying or doing anything.  He proceeded to do two leg drops across the upper chest, before he heard Chris telling him to get back into the ring.  He went to the ring, rolled under the bottom rope and stood up.

Chris began a slow count on Jerry who was having trouble standing up.  Not wanting a count out, Stewart twice interrupted the count until Jerry managed to stumble up to the ring, grab the second rope and began to pull himself into the ring.  When Jerry was up on the apron and putting his head and chest between the ropes, Stewart sidestepped Chris, locked his bicep around the head in a headlock and then charged into the middle of the ring, dragging Jerry into the ring.  Once Jerry was in a fully horizontal position with his head in the headlock and his ankles on the second rope, Stewart dropped down driving the forehead into the mat.

If this had been a cartoon, stars would be flying around Jerry’s head and his tongue would be hanging out.  Except this wasn’t a cartoon, but Jerry was still seeing stars. Stewart stood up at Jerry’s head and grabbed a handful of hair pulling him groggily to his feet.  He bent Jerry over at the waist, with Jerry’s head in his abs.  He hooked each of Jerry’s arms, jerked upward and backward, forcing Jerry’s head down and his feet up such that Jerry was not sitting  on Stewart’s shoulder with his crotch in Stewart’s face.  Stewart then dropped Jerry to the mat in a power bomb.  Jerry bounced when he hit the mat.

“Damn dude, not bad for a little guy,” Chris intoned.

Stewart just looked over and smiled.  He dropped down to cover Jerry for the pin, but Jerry was able to get his foot over the lower rope.

“Break the hold, his foot is over the rope.”

As Stewart looked back he cursed “fuck.”

He pulled Jerry up and prepared to repeat the power bomb.  However, this time Jerry was more prepared.  As he was lifted up, he locked his thighs around Stewart’s head and threw his upper body forward over Stewart’s head.  This threw Stewart off balance and he began to fall backward.  Jerry did a tuck as he fell forward landing on his back and forcing Stewart into a back flip slamming his head and chest into the mat.

Stewart felt the air woosh from his lungs at the same time he felt like his head had hit a cement block.  Jerry  rose up to feet and delivered a series of stomps and knees to the upper back and one or two to the back of the head.  He seemed to be trying to smash Stewart into the ring.

Tiring of this, he pulled Stewart to his feet, twisted them back-to-back, grabbed Stewart head and then threw his feet out and dropped to the mat, slamming the back of Stewart’s head and neck into his shoulders.  Stewart flopped to the mat barely moving.

Jerry pulled Stewart upward, with much difficult as Stewart was close to being a wet dish rag, before lifting him for a body slam, but instead dropping him over his knee in a back breaker.  He then placed one had under the chin and the other grabbed an ankle and his pushed and pulled stretching Stewart’s back over his knee.  Chris dropped to the mat near Stewart’s head asking him repeatedly if he submitted.  Stewart mumbled no.

Jerry released the ankle, slapped Stewart in the balls and then formed his hand into a claw and slamming it down into the lower abs and locking in.  He dropped Stewart from his knee to the mat, formed the other hand into a claw and locked that into the abs as well. He was on his knees and pushing down as hard into the abs as he could.

Stewart began to thrash around and by shear happenstance his knee slammed into the side of Jerry’s head, causing him to loosen the hold and blooding his nose.

“You fucking son of a bitch,” Jerry cried as the knee slammed in.  He released the claws and delivered a hard open hand slap into Stewart’s balls.  Chris elected to say nothing.

Jerry proceeded to drop a few elbow drops across the chest and abs of Stewart.  He then pulled him to his feet, made sure they were in the middle of the ring, walked behind him, and brought his hand and arms around Stewart’s head and neck.

Jerry locked on the sleeper.  He adopted a wide leg stance to give himself more stability.  As was to be expected, Stewart initially struggled trying to reach either the ropes, or break free.  He was not successful and he began to feel the effects of the hold and began to slump toward the mat.

After checking to make sure it wasn’t a choke hold, Chris stepped back to the side.  In his peripheral vision Jerry noted Chris stepping behind him so that he was out of sight.

Suddenly, Chris screamed, “Hey, what the fuck are you doing, get out of the fucking ring,” before he dropped down and delivered a pump handle between Jerry’s thighs making sure his rock-hard biceps forced the balls up and into the pelvic bone.

“Ahhhh, shit, fuck, damn,” Jerry yelled and croaked as his balls exploded in pain.  As he released the sleeper, allowing Stewart to fall to the mat, Chris dropped his arm down and then slammed it up into the balls again, causing Jerry to rise to his tiptoes before he dropped to his knees.  Vaguely he heard Chris screaming again.

“I said get out of the fucking ring!”  As he was delivering this line, Chris executed a spinning kick to Jerry’s head dropping him completely to the mat in a nearly unconscious state.  Chris followed this up with two thigh drops to the back of the head making sure that Jerry was nearly out of it.

Chris looked out at the watching crowd and said, “Stupid amateurs.  Just a little payback for him kicking me in the head earlier.”  The few wrestlers watching the action just laughed, including the faces.  They all felt it was a real-world introduction into pro wrestling. 

Chris turned back to the college boys in the ring, and went over to check on Stewart and to help him to his feet.  Stewart turned around and noticed Jerry laying on the mat.  Still smarting from the earlier low blow, he reached down grabbed the legs and rolled Jerry to his back.  He stretched the legs out and then dropped down with a headbutt into the exposed crotch.  The exploding pain in his nuts, brought Jerry back to consciousness as he screamed and grabbed at his crotch.  He rolled back and forth on the mat.

“Watch the low blows,” Chris intoned but he could not keep the smile off his face and didn’t include much emotion with the statement.

Stewart just shot him the middle finger, as he reached down, grabbed Jerry by the hair and forced him to his feet.  He then slammed a fist into Jerry’s stomach, causing him to bend forward at the waist.

Stewart locked Jerry’s head between his arm and side and then dropped backward slamming Jerry’s head into the mat in a perfect DDT.  Jerry jerked once and then just lay there.  For added insurance, Stewart pulled Jerry to his feet, grabbed his hair in the back and delivered a series of forehead slams into the turnbuckle.  Hen then repeated the DDT.

Jerry, laying unmoving on the mat, was rolled to his back and Stewart rolled him up and onto his shoulders. For good measures he grabbed the back of Jerry’s trunks.

Chris dropped to the mat and delivered a slow three count.  Didn’t matter Jerry wasn’t moving at this point.

“And your winner of this bout, Stewie baby,” Chris intoned as he raised the right hand.  The crowd clapped and shouted.

“It’s Stewart, fuckwad, not Stewie,” was Stewart’s reply.

Chris responded by twisting around and driving a fist into the lower abs.  As Stewart bent slightly forward, Chris wrapped the head under his arm, grabbed the front of the trunks and lifted Stewart up and over into a suplex.  Chris then stood, placed his legs over on each side of Stewart and then dropped down, slamming his ass into Stewart’s lower abs and driving most of the wind from his lungs.

Chris then looked down at Stewart.  “And it is not fuckwad but C-H-O-I-R-B-O-Y  to you.  Make that Sir Choirboy.”  As he spelled out each letter, Chris delivered a slap to Stewart’s face.  By the time he was done, Stewart’s ears were ringing.

Choirboy then stood and started to exit the ring.  He then turned back and looked at Stewart and said “and if you have any more problem, we can work them out in the Redneck Arena.”  He then delivered a stomp into the abs.  As he walked by Jerry, he slammed a kick into the balls, the pain revving Jerry.  He then dropped down to the sand, high fived most of the wrestlers standing around and they turned and headed off the beach.

As Chris climbed out of the ring, Stewart slowly got to his feet.  He turned and walked over to Jerry who was still holding his crotch and moaning.

As he offered his hand to Jerry he said “Come on,  let’s get out of here, so you can get your punishment” 

“Fuck you man, you cheated and had outside help,” Jerry replied, obviously in a lot of pain.

“Bullshit, I beat you fair and square.”

As Jerry started to argue the point, one of the league representatives entered the ring.  “You two need to get out so we can prepare for the real wrestling later today.” 

He then looked at Jerry and said, “He beat you without any outside interference, so man-up and quit whining.”  

Jerry allowed himself to be pulled to his feet and helped out of the ring by Stewart.  They slowly walked back towards the car.  He would later try to argue that there had been interference so the bet was void, but he was without success.

The league official in the ring watched them and laughed.  He loved when amateurs tried to do pro wrestling.  They were so gullible and easy to manipulate.  What he said was technically true.  There was no OUTSIDE interference as Chris was INSIDE the ring.

He then turned and began to prepare the area for the upcoming wrestling bouts.

[Check back next week for the consequences and the set up for the next match]


  1. Nice. Love the story. And all the characters and twists you make to. Love it. Your great as always

    1. Thank you. My devious mind is working on other twists and turns as well.

  2. loved this new set up and match. what a nice mayhem. and maybe some more future double teaming if are lucky. as always love your great stories and the way you develope your wrestling characters

    1. I always love a good double team. Working on the follow up as I type.

  3. Welcome back. Lovely start to some rivalry between two friends

    1. Truly friends, but may be pushed a little to the limit.
