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Mangler's Wrestling Stories

Mangler's Wrestling Stories

A series of stories written by myself (Mangler) and other authors. Most of these are reposts from my previous webpage, but there are some new stories as well. To easily navigate by author, simply click on the links below.

Comments on the stories are always appreciated.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Membership Has Its Privileges


Membership Has Its Privileges


Gym Dude

Like many people, I enjoy the convenience of working out at home, but while my Bowflex keeps me toned, there is just no way for it to replace a real gym.  There is just something about the feel of bench-pressing hundreds of pounds that you can't get from those "springy" things, so when I got an offer from a new gym in the neighborhood, I decided to check it out.

I gotta admit that the place is a little glitzy for my taste and when I walk in the door, I have serious doubts as to whether I will fit in here or not. It may not be fair, but I rate every exercise opportunity with one test, I look at people who do it and ask myself if I want to look like those people. That's why you'll never see me running for any length of time.

As I approach the desk this young dude looks over at me smiles just a little and asks if he can help me. I can tell the guy works out but he still looks a little soft to be at the desk of a gym. I have the urge to say I can help him, knock off the milk shakes and French Fries and spend another quarter hour a day on the slant board. I figure my assistance wouldn't be appreciated so I just tell him I'm thinking about joining. If I owned the place, I'd make sure I had a great looking chick or some real stud at the desk.  You only get one chance to make a great first impression and so far, they haven't. Desk Boy hands me a clipboard with a questionnaire and request for contact information. I have no problem with that and start writing.

About a minute later I'm tapped on the shoulder and turn to see this dude with a really great tan and buzz cut. He introduces himself as Jason and says he'll be with me in just a moment. The dude holds up a red t-shirt in his meaty paw as if to indicate that he is just coming on duty and has just walked in the door himself.

I finish the questionnaire and a few seconds later Jason shows up in his 'uniform'. Every time I go into one of these places, I expect every man working there to be physically perfect. Like I said, if it was my place, I'd want guys who look like my customers will want to look. I mean, these guys have free membership and with the possible exception of 8 hours a day working and 8 hours sleeping, that leaves 8 hours a day that they can work out on all this gear, not to mention total access to all the other trainers and discounts on the supplements. Come on, admit it. If it were you or me in that situation, we'd look like freaking super-heroes!

 So anyhow, Jason is a shade under six feet tall, wearing black warm-ups that don't tell you much except that his waist is about 30 inches. His red polo shirt fits loose and hangs down covering his upper arms. If it were me, I'd have one that fit a damn sight better and helped advertise the product. I'm guessing my little buddy weighs in at 170-175 pounds. Jason is a good-looking kid, maybe 22 or so, his buzz cut is longer on top and it makes him look like the professor on the Muppets. I want to tell him to lose the haircut, but courtesy dictates I keep my mouth shut.

We chat a little about what I'm looking for in a gym and then my little buddy asks if I would like to see the place. Since that's the reason I came in, it seems like a good idea. We walk past a row of treadmills and stair-steppers lined up carefully with TV monitors above them. Normally I am bored to tears by both devices and this is the one area that I appreciate the 'Hollywood' treatment. The thought of half-hour on a treadmill staring into space, give me a freaking break!

We get to another section with resistance machines on one side and free-weights and benches on the other.  Jason asks my preference and I tell him that I don't make much progress on machines. Free-weights have been the only thing that has actually worked for me.  The dude steps back and looks me up and down, seemingly for the first time. "Yeah." He says, "I can see you've been working out. I prefer the free weights myself."

As he takes an eyeful, here is what he sees; I stand just slightly short of 6'2" and weigh in at 218 which I think is a little light for my frame. I usually workout between 4 and 6 days a week and with my diet and careful control of the booze, keeps me looking and feeling lean and strong.

I couldn't believe the dude would wait until now to size up his customer. That's where I would have started, but then he's probably following their sales program and that's the point where you tell all the male customers that they look like weightlifters. For some of us it should be obvious, but any guy is going to take that as a great compliment. Good salesmanship, I thought.

We travel on and he shows me the locker rooms, steam rooms, pool, Jacuzzi and a general exercise room with pads on the floor for martial arts and kick-boxing, then we head back to his desk. Jason pulls out a binder full of stuff, but we go to only one sheet anyhow, the payment plans. They have a twice a week plan that would be worthless for me, and two others, one for single club and another for all clubs. Makes no big difference at this point, the big thing is not

what's on the paper, I want to know what I'll really end up spending.

"OK, Jason." I say, "Let's cut to the chase and save

both of us some time. I'll sign-up for $25 a month, no initiation fee, no last month pre-payment. Pull out your form and let's get started." The dude looks like I had plunged a dagger in his chest, then he smiles and points at the sheet, reminding me that these are my choices. I write my offer on a paper and hand it to him. "Listen, Dude. We both know that you sign people up every day for prices other than what's on this sheet. You've got my numbers, let's go!"

Jason quickly calls over some dude from the next desk. Jerry is a little bigger than Jason and his shirt fits a whole lot better. Jerry looks like he actually works out here. Big Jer uses different words and smiles all the time, but basically says the same thing as my little buddy. I smile and point at my numbers and Jerry stands up straight, his body language lets me know the ball is back in Jason's court. I don't see anyone make a call, but before long the club manager stops by to see how things are going.

Carl is about 25, my height and even bigger than I am. Carl has size and obvious definition; in fact, he looks like I would look if I worked here! We chat with the same results then Carl shakes my hand and says it was nice to meet me, then looks at Jason to close the sale.

Jason has been down this road many times and confidently points at the plans again asking which one would work best for me. Well, if he isn't going to close the sale, then it's up to me. I smile at my new buddy and put my offer on the table. "OK, Jason. You have your price and I have mine. I'll fight you for it."

My buddy looks across the table in total surprise. My guess is he has never gotten an offer like this before. "What did you say?" he asks. "You heard me" I reply, "Man-to-man - No time limit - No rules - Submission or K.O. That way there will be no doubt. If I win, I get my price. If you can take me, I'll sign up at your price. You get to work out here every day so you should be in damn good shape and at your age you should be at your physical peak. You've got the advantage of youth and speed. We can use that open kick-boxing room of yours and you can show me how damn good your gym is. Then again, if you're afraid of me you can give me my price right now." I just smile and lean back in my chair.

For what might be the first time, Jason starts sizing me up for real. Jerry and Carl crack a smile and look at Jason. Carl doesn't say a word until Jason looks up at him. "You know the rules, Jace. The man has an offer on the table. The gym is going to make money on the dues so you'll be fighting for your commission.

This guy is damn near 30, if you can't take HIM then maybe I've got the wrong man sitting in YOUR chair."

Jason starts to look really serious when the subject of his job comes up. Everybody is smiling and waiting for the kid's reply. "But we're not allowed to beat up the members." He replies, so Carl points out "He's not a member yet and by the time he becomes one you might not still be an employee so I don't see any problem here."

By now Jerry has the attention of a few of the other sales guys and my buddy Jason now has a line-up of fairly buff young studs behind his chair. "Come on, Dude. Do it", "You got it aced, Jason. Shit! He's an old man!" said another. "Man! You can take this guy!" "Wipe up the mat with him, Jace!" The kid is getting a lot of support and advice but in all probability, I am going to get a good deal.

Without saying a word and still looking serious as hell, Jason simply stands and as soon as he does, so do I. I'm about two inches taller and guessing about 25-35 pounds heavier. Jason can get a pretty good idea of what he's facing but I still don't know what kind of shape the kid is in. "Let's go." Is all he says as he leads the way back to the kick-boxing room.

By now half the trainers have gotten wind of what is up and the audience is numbering a dozen or more.  Most of the trainers here look like they can take care of themselves and I am pleased that I'm dealing with Jason rather than most of them.

Jason unlaces and kicks off his shoes and pulls off his socks and warm-ups while I pull off my shoes and socks. Jason is wearing gym shorts and I'm fighting in my Levis, but I do take off my belt so as to not damage him with the buckle. I really hadn't planned for this kind of fun on my first visit. The kid has solid looking legs and I can tell he's been training; I assume here.

I pull off my shirt and Jason gets the first good look at his opponent. "Whoa, Dude. You're gonna have fun working this guy over." One trainer says. "All the more target to hit, Jace!" another shouts, "Take this bad boy out, Jason." The other sales people offer their support as Jason pulls off his red polo shirt.

I've got to admit, he looks damn good. I seem to have underestimated the boy for both size and condition.  That lean waist is built from at least three rows of solid-looking plates of muscle. The kid flexes his squared off pecs that sweep up into well-developed delts. His upper arms look like they could be damn near as big as mine. I have to admit that Jason certainly sports a great deal more beef than I expected. I'm guessing my little buddy must tip the scales at 190-195. He's got good size and development and his killer tan sets off his definition very

nicely. The kid must be quite a sight at the beach or around the pool and it looks like he must spend a good

share of this time there.  I watch his moves as the kid warms up and it looks like he is pretty confident. I stretch and flex working to impress the crowd but no too much. I have the benefit of size and power while Jason holds the edge in youth and speed. The longer we go, the more the odds tilt in my favor. My fight plan is simple, just keep the pressure on and wear the kid down. I'll ride him and force him to carry my weight. I'll make him waste all his energy early in the fight and when he is spent, I'll work him over just for the fun of it then show some mercy and finish the poor kid off.  Let's face it; Jason has a good body, but this kid is in for a beating.

Jason's moves are smooth and controlled, even though we haven't even made contact yet. "O.K. Cowboy.  Let's go!" he says as the kid moves closer and to my left. As I turn to face him, his left fist flashes toward my face. Jason nearly scores with a jab, but I'm able to block most of the contact. The kid moves in fast and slams a hard right and hard left to my abs. Jason doesn't do any real damage, but I can definitely feel the sting of his powerful bare-knuckled fists. I pop the kid with a solid left jab just to keep him back and give me a chance to work on him. I've got the advantage in reach so I just need to concentrate and keep him back.

Jason moves in again, but I'm ready for him and scoop his hard-muscled body and smash him to the mat making sure that his right shoulder takes most of the impact. Before he can move, I drop a knee to my little buddy's triceps but he is still fresh and rolls out before I can do much else.  "Don't let him do that to you, Dude." "Kick his ass, Jace!" His buddies are cheering him on and giving him shit at the same time. The honor of the gym is at stake and their fighter is getting thrown around by an 'old man'. Jason comes up rubbing his right shoulder with his left hand as I lunge forward delivering a solid right cross to the stud's jaw. To my surprise, Jason stays on his feet and turns to face me again only to receive a power left uppercut that knocks the stunned fighter into the arms of the trainers standing behind him. The guys prop him up, give him some encouragement and send him back for more. "Get him, Jason." "You got the muscle, Dude! Nail this sucker!" "Take it to him, Man!"  Jason's guard is up, but as I move around him, I can see his eyes are not tracking very well. The stud

throws a desperation left. It's a powerful punch but has little chance of hitting anything. I move in underneath and drill four powerful punches to the kid's midsection. "UUgh! OOOH! WOOOF!" he utters and tries to retreat, but there is nowhere to run. I know I haven't hurt the kid but he is wearing down faster than I planned.

Jason throws power right hand but telegraphs his intentions. I move in low driving my head into his gut with my hands behind his knees I lift and let my momentum drive the young athlete hard to the mat.  "Get him, Jace!" the guys shout encouragement but are short of ideas of how to stop me. Thankfully, so is Jason. Dropping one leg I drive the other to the mat seriously stretching his hamstrings. "AAAARGH!  SHIT!" I am quickly rewarded with the response.

I expect Jason to nurse his injured leg but it surprises me to see him flip and try to get to his feet. The kid doesn't want to spend time on the mat.  Either he is much less confident as a wrestler or he knows he has to avoid my advantage in power. Jason works to gain his footing but I am on his back too quickly for that. Before he knows what hit him, I have the stud's legs grapevined and my recent attack ensures that he won't be able to flex out.

Jason is held to the mat under my weight as I secure his weakened right arm in a hammerlock. The dude has powerful guns but he struggles helplessly against my clear advantage in both leverage and strength. I crank the stud's arm far enough up his broad back to gain a groan then reach forward with my left and grip his left wrist.

Jason is now my captive. I won't be able to finish him with this move and we both know it but the kid is going to have to fight hard to gain release while I can pretty much relax and let my superior weight do all the work. "Break loose, Man!" "He can't hold you! Throw him off, Dude!" the guys call to him while Jason flexes his solid muscles in every effort to break free. Both his powerful legs and his right arm are hopelessly locked solid. The more Jason struggles the more I wrench his arm. He can move his left arm, but has to use all his strength to do it while my weight on his back is making it more difficult for him to breathe.

The only limb Jason can move is his left arm and I'm forcing him to work like crazy to even do that. I must admit a growing respect for the solid musculature of this young stud. He has developed a strong, hard body and I'm impressed at the pure power he can still exert after the length of time I've had him immobilized. The guys are shouting encouragement but there is little the stud can do. 

Jason flexes mightily to force his powerful left arm out to the side. I make him fight for every inch even though there is nothing he will be able to do when he

gets there. I work on my destructive hammerlock which keeps me balanced above his back. Jason moans from the pressure tearing at his arm and shoulder muscles as I chinch the hold tighter. Knowing that even with his strength it will be impossible to break my hammerlock, I reach a little more in an effort to pull his left arm down into the same hold. With a double hammerlock I know I can force this stud into submission.

Just as I begin to pull his left arm back, Jason releases an incredible burst of power and drives his left arm forward pulling me slightly off balance. At the same moment he kicks out with his right leg breaking free of my grapevine. I can't believe it! I had the son-of-a-bitch locked down solid and he caught me paying so much attention to tying up his left arm I wasn't protecting my grapevine! Sucker move, and I fell for it!

I work to capture his leg while fighting to control his left arm. Suddenly Jason twists his powerful physique and kicks throwing me off to the side. The trainers are going nuts! "Great going Jace! Kick his ass!" "Super move, Dude. Now get up and wipe this guy out!" I fight for control but Jason rolls away and we both make it to our feet.

Jason is rightfully proud of his escape move but is also well aware that this fight is a long way from over. He is favoring his right shoulder and arm, working to regain circulation and control. The stud is hurt but not hurt bad, just enough to make him dangerous.

I make a lunge and he backs off while throwing a punch that catches nothing but air. Jason fakes a takedown but finds no one home. I attack again but rather than pull back, Jason steps into me and smashes a hard right fist upside my head. I'm groggy but able to stay on my feet as I see him shaking his fist. That had to hurt him as much as it did me. I try to move back but the young stud ties up a leg from behind with one of his, I turn to counter and before I know what has happened the bastard has me locked up in his abdominal stretch. Jason slaps my abs with his free hand and damn! It stings!

The trainers are going ape-shit over their man's first real aggressive move in this fight but they should know it is no time to start the party. Jason has proven that he's got a few moves and has packed some real power in those muscles. The young stud is making me really uncomfortable!

"Alright, you little turd!" I am trying to maintain as much composure as I can as the muscleman stretches me back. I'm resisting with all I got and am able to

hold off any real damage. I capture a couple of deep breaths while Jason flexes that hard body working to break me down. "It's way too soon to try that shit on ME, Tough Guy. Watch and learn!" I say as I let him pull back slightly then rapidly force my body forward breaking Jason's powerful grip, powering an elbow into his abs and flipping him over my hip, smashing him to the mat. All of the big studs cheering get real quiet, real fast. Jason is stunned and I think I might have hurt him. I think to myself, 'Damn! Too bad. I may just have to hurt him some more!' I drop a knee in his gut and finally get a grunt that lets me know I'm getting to him. Jason curls up for protection but quickly makes it to his feet again.

Carl is off to my right and suddenly yanks off his polo shirt and flexes a 'most muscular' type flex. It looks like I'm about to get double-teamed and one look at that he-man's incredible physique leaves no doubt to the outcome of a battle with that mass of muscle.  Carl instantly catches Jason's attention, his and everyone else in the room. "See this, Kid?" Carl shouted, "If you don't kick that old man's ass, you're going to face me next, and trust me, I'm not going to be nearly as gentle as he is! You got that?"

"Yes, SIR!" Jason quickly replies as though he has just received the fear of God. I know for a fact that I don't want to fight Carl and I'm pretty sure none of the muscle hunks in the room do either.

While Carl has Jason's attention, I move in slamming a powerful left / right combination to the stud's lean midsection. I am able to make him 'GRUNT' and bend slightly but I know I failed to really hurt the young stud.

The guys start cheering him again as Jason gets back into the fight. Unexpectedly he lunges forward securing a head lock coupled with a quick spin the stud hip throws me to the mat. The muscles in Jason's arms feel like stone as he crushes my brain while I work at pounding his rock-solid abs and chest. Jason cranks on me good until I swear, he is about to rip my ears right off my head. I'm firing punches to his gut as hard as I can, but I seem to be getting nowhere then suddenly the young athlete releases me and rolls free.

Jason makes it to his feet before me and circles his prey in search of the perfect opening. I'm busy shaking my head and working to stop the ringing in my ears. I seem to be the only one hearing it. Jason moves in close and drills me with four hard punches to my abs but they really don't do any damage. I'm feeling pretty good that this muscle stud can pound away on my gut and still not hurt me, just as Jason catches me napping with an incredibly powerful left uppercut and a smashing right cross. Instantly I lose

any idea of balance and drop to one knee making every

effort just to stay completely off my back.

The taste of blood brings me around. I'm angry at myself for letting this young stud get to me, it's supposed to be the other way around. I struggle to my feet only to take more body work, and again his fists sting but deliver no real damage. I take a swing but Jason ducks under my big right and drills me with another uppercut that starts my eyes rolling around.  I am standing there making every effort to block a punch when Jason nails me in the upper gut with a front kick that drops me to my knees.

Shit! I'm hurt. Can't breathe! I've got to protect myself. A million thoughts race through my damaged brain. I barely realize I'm on my knees in front of this hard-bodied muscle stud before Jason nails me with an elbow to the traps. Elbows seem to be smashing down from everywhere! How many freaking elbows does this dude have? My big guns hang useless at my sides as Jason locks my head between his massive marble thighs. "OK, Big Man!" I hear a muffled sound of a voice as my ears are crushed into the side of my head again. "Get ready for some fun!"

I can feel a pair of solid muscle arms wrap around my waist. The next thing I know is that my body feels like it is being crushed in some kind of vice-grip. I feel a strange movement as though I am flying, then BOOM, my head freaking explodes! I am suddenly drifting in and out of consciousness. I'm not even sure where I am or what is happening. I only know that I hurt a lot.

I feel my body flop to the mat on my back but I don't seem to have control of my arms and legs. Before I know what is going on Jason grabs my legs, wrestles me over chest-down on the mat and starts bending me in half, forcing me down as he begins sitting on my back. The pain to my back is outrageous and it is all I can do to pound the mat with my fists. The gang cheers their fighter as he tortures his helpless opponent.

Everyone is enjoying Jason's ability to completely control a much bigger athlete and loudly cheer him on. After an eternity of pain and agony I don't know if the kid let me go or not, but somehow, I end up free of Jason's killer grip none-the-less. Jason delivers a hard elbow to my back but I'm still able to struggle away before he can deliver too much more damage.

Slowly and painfully I struggle to my feet only to have the powerful stud slip behind me and sliding his big arms under mine, locks his grip behind my neck and begins crushing my upper body in his full nelson. I flex with what muscle I have left but cannot move Jason's rock-solid arms. "How about it, Muscleman?  Is it too soon in the fight for THIS hold?" I feel Jason's muscles flex as new levels of pain erupt from my chest, shoulders and neck. I realize that I am too

hurt and too disoriented to break free of his fearsome grip. Again, and again, Jason tightens his hold in a clear demonstration of his ability to both over-power his massive opponent but also make it clear he can deliver as much pain and damage as he desires. The kid is progressively tearing me down but has still been unwilling to force me into submission.

His buddies are going ape as Jason drags my helpless physique around the room with his power and dominance on full display. Time passes ever so slowly on what has become a totally one-sided fight. The young stud finally releases me and I crumble to my knees before him, thinking the fight is over, but I am wrong. The young athlete has other ideas as he grips both wrists and in one smooth motion drives my arms behind my back in a double-hammerlock, the very hold I had intended to use to defeat him earlier in the match! "Show him what you got, Jason!" one of the big dudes shouts as the young stud pulls me to my feet, stretching my wrists apart just to hear me scream. I've been unable to launch an attack of any kind for seemingly an eternity. I am exhausted and too weak to protect myself from this kid's power.

The young stud shows off his reserve power by easily lifting my big 218 pound frame from behind and smashing me across his outstretched knee in a stomach breaker. The kid has already punished the hell out of my gut and while his knee takes the wind out of me, it is far from a finishing move. I roll off his knee and drop to my back on the mat and Jason follows me down smashing his knee to my gut. All the air erupts from my body at once as Jason finally breaks through my wall-of-muscle abs. My eyes bug out of my head and I feel like I'm about to barf. Shit! It hurts! I'm trying desperately to breathe and don't even notice as the young stud grabs a leg and spinning around with nearly no effort at all he locks it behind my other leg and flips me to my chest. His leg is locked in the tangled mess of mine and as he leans back my legs explode in outrageous agony. I can't believe both legs don't snap like kindling!

I begin to scream at the top of my lungs, "I give.  Shit! I give! Oh, God! Stop. Stop. I give up.  AAAARRRGGH!" I can't believe it but Jason doesn't break the hold! Instead, the mighty stud just eases slightly on the pressure and speaks down to me with amazing calm in his voice, "I guess you're saying that you want to submit to me?"  "God, YES!" I scream. "The pain! Stop the pain! Let me go, Dude. I'll do anything you want. I give!  Damn it! I give up." I am in a freaking world of


Just for kicks, Jason increases the pressure just a little more. "AAAARRRGHH!" I scream uncontrollably.  "Please! PLEASE!!! I give. I GIVE! You're breaking my God-damned legs! Please, Jason. Please let me GO!"

"Just so I'm sure I understand you. You admit that I am a winner and you are a loser and you now agree to sign our contract for $120 down and $45 a month."

He adds just a touch of additional pain as an exclamation point, I'm sure just so he can enjoy my helpless screams. Shit! The bastard has nearly doubled the cost but what can I do? A few more seconds at this level of pain and I'll pass out even if he doesn't break my legs! "ALRIGHT! Whatever you say. I'll sign! I'll sign. You win! AAAAARRRGH!"

This time Jason releases me instantly and to add insult to what I am sure was injury, the kid grabs my arm and pulls me to my feet. Shit! I hurt. I think he wants to show all his muscle pals that after fighting him, my big buff body will hardly work at all! And he is right!

All the trainers and sales guys gather around Jason slapping him on the back and offering words of praise for how he pulled out a win and kicked my ass. Carl is the only one to offer me assistance. With his massive arm around my shoulder Carl quiets the crowd and introduces them to their newest member. He also ads that since I wanted a monthly plan, he is going to give me what I want. However, since it is monthly, I will meet with Jason at the end of each month to renegotiate the amount! OH SHIT!

I turn to look at Jason and he just raises his massive arms in a double-biceps pose and flexes his powerful body. A few of his buddies slap the stud's lean wash-board abs while he stands and smiles at me.  "Bring it on, Big Man!" one of the trainers shout.  "Check out this body, Dude. And you get to fight this man EVERY MONTH!" All the guys cheer as they file out of the room with their hero leaving me and Carl to sign the contract.

I hurt from head to toe. Jason has really beaten me to a pulp. I look pleadingly at Carl and ask, "What if I don't show up? Hypothetically speaking, of course."

Carl just laughs, "Oh, you'll be here. I know you're not the type of guy to back out of a deal. You need this place and we'll make sure you end up in the best shape of your life, or we'll break you trying!" Carl laughs but somehow, I don't think of it as a joke.  "Listen, Stud. You put up a good battle. I really thought you were going to take my man. I know Jason is strong and tough, but you damn near had him. I don't know what other tricks you have up your sleeve, but with the right training you could do really well against him and a bunch of the other young studs around here. Listen, I'm not about to take your money

and give you nothing in return. You're going to be paying a premium fee, so I'm tossing in a personal trainer." Carl turned to the doorway and shouted, "Mike, get in here!"

Just then, I thought the door had closed, but at second look someone had just filled it. Mike is a freaking work of art. At 6'1" in height, this stud carries no less than 235 pounds of incredible muscle!

 Carl smiles, "Shane, meet Mike. Mike is one of my best trainers and I guarantee he is just the man to whip you into shape. Mike, Shane has decided to join our club. He wants to pack on some real muscle and I think you're the man to help him do it. By the way, Shane is on a special package we just started. He will be fighting Jason every month to decide how much he's going to have to pay. I'm sure our new member would appreciate it if you help him win some of those fights. Do you think you can help us out there?"

Mike smiles at me and looks at Carl. I can see rippling muscles flexing all over this stud's massive frame, even through his clothes. "Yeah!" he laughs.  "I've got just the program for him.." I'm not really sure I like the sound of that, but I wanted a new gym. I wanted motivation. I wanted a challenge. I wanted results.   OH SHIT! I think I'm going to get what I wanted!



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