Mangler's Wrestling Stories

Mangler's Wrestling Stories

A series of stories written by myself (Mangler) and other authors. Posts from my previous webpage plus new stories.
Comments on the stories are always greatly appreciated.

To navigate by authors, please click on the page links below.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

A Little Housekeeping


A little housekeeping at the site.  I have gone through and tried to clean up all the author pages, character pages, and series in order pages.  As you may know, any attempt at a good need on Blogger is punished.  Therefore, I had to redo all the links.

So if you find a link that is not working or takes you someplace strange, please leave a comment and I'll fix it.  You can also send me an email at


Saturday, March 1, 2025

Campground 2 Butch vs Brice, The Rematch


[Much apologies, but Cumface realized that I had published the original match and not the rematch.  So here is the rematch.]

The Campground 2: Day 3

Butch vs Brice, The Rematch


The Mangler

The crowd was anxiously awaiting the next match:  Butch vs Brice.  Their first match (see Brice vs Bruce) had ended with everyone unsatisfied, except for Angel and the skinheads.  They were delighted with the results.  Butch and Brice had both demanded that another match be arranged, this time with no “stipulations” attached to it.

“And now, the referee for the Butch vs. Brice Showdown, Part Deux, is none other than..”  The announcer stretched out the silence until the crowd started screaming and yelling obscenities in his direction.  “The impeccably honest and fair ----- Aaaangeeell.”

As Angel walked out of the tent and toward the ring, the crowd was going batshit crazy.  He was the bastard who had screwed them out of a finish to the first match.  And no one thought that Brice and Butch would agree to him doing this match.  Angel mainly ignored the crowd except for a single “fuck you” hand signal.

He wore standard ref attire—a black and white striped shirt, pants, and shoes. People were not only surprised that he was the ref but also surprised at how he was dressed.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

A Blast From The Past

A Blast From The Past

I was going through so many old wrestling materials when I came across my copies of BG Wrestling Combat. That was a newsletter that BG sent out. It contains some wrestling miscellaneous, including some photos, a wrestling story, and some drawings. The drawing below was (and still is) one of my favorites and inspired many a fantasy. This was published in 1986.

And this was another one I loved. 


So you can blame BG and Brooklyn Joe for my heel bent !!

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Mangler's Wrestling Blog Anniversay


Blog Anniversary

(random ramblings from the Mangler)

Today is the 5th anniversary of the rebirth of the Mangler Wrestling site.

You have Alex Miller (The Cave) to thank for that and I truly appreciate him for it.  While I was reading his site in 2020, he mentioned (The Cave: Firsts) that one of my stories, ( A Family Affair), was the first wrestling story he read, and he had many complimentary things to say.  Interestingly enough, he had some parts of the story he really didn't like (referred to them as yucky), but he mentioned what he did like: is so not my personal taste but the inter-character dynamics got me through that.

I found (and still find) that sentence very interesting. I think inter-character dynamics were the least successful part of my early stories, and while my newer ones are better, I still find them lacking. Alex does a way better job of that, and that is one reason I enjoy his stories so much. He brings his characters to life.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Teen Jobber Humiliation II


Jobber Billy's torment continues. 




I woke up in my dressing room, lying on the table.  My head felt like it was going to explode.  My fat penis was still hard as a rock sticking up in the air, out of my pink speedos.  I had passed out before I squirted sperm in front of the massive audience, and I was brought back to the good guy’s locker room on a stretcher.  Not squirting in public was a pathetic victory, but it was something.

My name is Billy Simpson, and I’m a small 165-pound professional wrestler.  The promoter in the fed is trying to turn me into a total jobber boy and he took a big step toward success tonight as I just suffered what could be one of the most humiliating matches in the history of wrestling.  After being beaten to a pulp and not having any offense at all, my fat penis hardened and stuck up out of my trunks in plain view of the crowd.  They showed close-ups of it on the huge jumbotron screens.  My only victory at all was not to have squirted against my will.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Marshall/Cumface vs B&B

Marshall & Cumface Vs B&B


The Mangler

In the Redneck Arena

“I’ll be damned if I ref that match,” Taylor said.

“What’s the problem?” the commissioner asked.

“What’s the problem?  What’s the fucking problem?  Did you see what those two sons of a bitch did to me the last time I refed for them?” Taylor asked. (see B vs B)

The commissioner smiled as he said, “Well, yes, I did. And the fans loved it.”

“Well, I fucking didn’t,” Taylor huffed.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Teen Jobber Humiliation I





Throughout the years, many authors have put wrestling stories up on the net in various places.  Unfortunately, many of those stories have been lost or disappeared over time.  One of my favorite authors used the name Ringdogggg.  

Ringdogggg wrote over-the-top jobber abuse and humiliation stories.  The action was unrealistic and sometimes horrifying.  However, if you were willing to suspend disbelief and accept the stories for what they were, they were very satisfying, especially to those of us who take the sides of the heels.  I lost many of those stories due to computer problems and have been unable to find them on the net.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Gauntlet III Marshall vs The Executioner


The Gauntlet III:

Marshall vs The Executioner


The Mangler

Marshall limped through the curtain to the back as the announcer announced the second wrestler for the next match. He ignored the argument between Wiley and the league official, Walker, which was taking place in the aisle of the arena. 

The next two wrestlers were well-matched, so Marshall figured the match would go its full length. He had 20-30 minutes to prepare for his final bout against The Executioner, so he thought a quick hot shower would help.

No sooner had he walked into the locker room than a pair of arms went around his upper chest and under his arms before lifting up and locking his hand behind his neck, placing him in a perfect full nelson.  Almost instantly, he saw Ash, wearing lightweight boxing gloves, step in front of him and start throwing punches into his abs.  

Each punch echoed with a “splat” and the explosion of sweat droplets that reflected throughout the locker room.  Each blow landed deep into Marshall’s already worked-over abs and felt like a semi driving through him.  Ash quickly fell into a routine as he was used to using Marshall’s abs as his personal speed punching bag.  Tonight, he was trying to see how hard he could hit.  Marshall had almost no chance at defending himself other than trying to tense his abs, which was not very effective after the abuse from his first two matches.

The blows went on for a little over a full minute—a lifetime as you were getting your abs destroyed-- before a loud whistle was heard.