[As promised, here is the Manglerized version of this story. I have made some additions and edits to the original story, which can be read here ( ). One of the changes I made were to the character names. This was NOT an attempt to try and pass the story off as one of mine, but was done as the original names conflicted with characters in my other stories, and I did not want to confuse anyone.]
Start the Count
(with additions by the Mangler)
It was an unusual contest to say the least. The venue was
packed with an audience that was mystified by the fact that the entrance the
wrestlers would take into the arena was protected by a fully enclosed cage. Along the length of this enclosed cage were
six individual cages with doors that opened into a central aisle. The cages were spaced enough about 4 feet
apart, 3 on each side. The audience
would be watching the match from behind a floor to ceiling glass screen. The
reasons why would become apparent.