Mangler's Wrestling Stories

Mangler's Wrestling Stories

A series of stories written by myself (Mangler) and other authors. Posts from my previous webpage plus new stories.
Comments on the stories are always greatly appreciated.

To navigate by authors, please click on the page links below.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Start the Count: The Manglerized Edition


[As promised, here is the Manglerized version of this story.  I have made some additions and edits to the original story, which can be read here (  ).  One of the changes I made were to the character names.  This was NOT an attempt to try and pass the story off as one of mine, but was done as the original names conflicted with characters in my other stories, and I did not want to confuse anyone.]

Start the Count



(with additions by the Mangler)

It was an unusual contest to say the least. The venue was packed with an audience that was mystified by the fact that the entrance the wrestlers would take into the arena was protected by a fully enclosed cage.  Along the length of this enclosed cage were six individual cages with doors that opened into a central aisle.  The cages were spaced enough about 4 feet apart, 3 on each side.  The audience would be watching the match from behind a floor to ceiling glass screen. The reasons why would become apparent.

Monday, May 17, 2021

B&B versus The Masked Marauders


B&B versus The Masked Marauders


The Mangler

The commissioner of the Redneck Arena was sitting in his office doing his least favorite thing – going over the financial stuff.  Personally, he didn’t care about that.  As long as he could put on matches and manipulate the wrestlers, he was happy.  The investors, however, were always looking for profits, so, even though the Arena was profitable, he had come up with a couple of ideas about how to make more profit but wasn’t sure if he could pull it off.

He had told his assistant Harry (“who the hell named their kid Harry”) that he wasn’t to be bothered until his meeting after lunch.  His quite was shattered when he heard a big bang in the outer office followed by a loud voice screaming, “I don’t fucking care what anyone told you.  We are here and we don’t fucking wait for anyone or anything.  So, tell that dickwad you work for that we are here.”

The commissioner walked over and opened his door to see Harry pushed back against the wall and being held up about one foot off the floor.  The masked guy holding him had him by the neck.  The guy was much larger than Harry, who was by no means small at 175 pounds.  Harry’s nemesis stood 6’3” and weighed about 260.  The commissioner was excellent at guessing height and weight from years of practice.

Monday, May 10, 2021

Start the Count

 [This is something a little different for me.  I have debated back and forth over whether or not to post this, but I have decided to proceed.  The issue for me is that t his is NOT a story I wrote, and is NOT a story one of my other writers wrote.  It is a story that I found on the internet many years ago and found to be hot as hell. It is one of my favorite wrestling stories.  I do not know who the author is so I can't credit him.  While I loved the story, I also "added" something to it when I read it.  I recently have "Manglerized" the story -- i.e. I have edited it to include those additions that I made in my mind.   Today I am publishing the original story as written.  In two weeks, I will publish my "Manglerized" version.  I have always hated it when someone has taken one of my stories and claimed credit for it --either as written of by "editing" it by changing the names of the characters.  I have never objected if someone republished it and gave me credit.  So I find this a little in the "gray" area.  I don't know the author but LOVE the story.  So I am going to publish the original and then the edited version.  Let me know what you think.  ps.  I didn't know that WWE have a match setup similar to this until just recently.  Haven't regularly watched them in years.]

Start the Count



It was an unusual contest to say the least. The venue was packed with the audience somewhat mystified by the fact that the entrance the wrestlers would take into the arena was protected by a fully enclosed cage and they were going to be watching the match from behind a floor to ceiling glass screen. The reasons why would become apparent.