Payback At The Campground:
Choirboy vs Spike
The Mangler
Previously at the Campground
Choirboy stalked past cabin seven, he stopped, turned to Spike, and demanded, menacingly,
“Stakes wrestling match, you versus me.
Loser is winner's no-limits slave for 24 hours."
get to choose the ref, and standard wrestling rules apply,” Spike responded.
rules apply,” Choirboy countered. “And
disqualification is a loss.”
Spike said. Campground rules were
standard wrestling rules but were more relaxed with outside interference, not
necessarily leading to disqualification depending on agreed-upon rules, who the
ref was, etc. That is why Spike knew it
was important to choose the ref.
Spike knew that Choirboy was looking for some
payback for his humiliation and knew the limits to which Choirboy could
go. But he didn’t often back down from a
challenge and knew when he demanded the price for admission that someone would
most likely be looking for retribution.
However, he didn’t plan on losing, so it was not a big deal.