
Thursday, August 1, 2024

One Step Beyond - Redux


[This is the story that was never supposed to be.  Many years ago (somewhere between 15-20), I wrote One Step Beyond.  I ended the story by suggesting an upcoming match.  I never intended to write that match but to leave it to the reader’s imagination.  The story had other ideas.  Recently, out of the blue, this story popped into my head.  You may wish to read One Step Beyond first, but it is unnecessary to understand this story.  This story is more akin to “old mangler” than “new mangler.”]

One Step Beyond – Redux


The Mangler

The crowd at Oscar's Hideaway (usually just referred to as Oscars) was growing restless, waiting for the last match.  This was a gay bar that had been around for a very long time under the same name, but over the years, it had metamorphosed its way from a secret gathering spot for gay men to a gay disco bar to a gay twinky bar and to a leatherman’s bar.

Oscars was named after Oscar Wilde and was a code name for gay men everywhere.  In its present configuration, a regulation-sized wrestling ring stood in the middle of the floor.  During the week, patrons were allowed to “play” around in the ring, which usually meant rolling, grabbing, and having sex.  However, several gay wrestlers used the ring during the day to practice and improve their skills.  The bar hosted professional fights twice a month under the auspices of the WUL, Wrestling Underground League.

The league was an independent organization that wrestled mainly at gay bars and had a decent following.  Recently, it had started doing some streaming of its matches, which increased its audience.  Most of the wrestlers were either gay or bi, but there were a few open-minded straight wrestlers as well.  They had to be open-minded because sexual situations were commonplace in during and after the matches.

The crowd was a little larger and a little rowdier tonight as they wanted to see the new tag team champions.  Jimmy and Johnny, known as J&J, were new to being the champs as they had obtained the belts in an unexpected win over two larger and more muscular opponents at Bugle Boys in the next city over.   After the match, they had humiliated the hell out of the former champs.  So much so that the team had canceled all their matches for the foreseeable future.  The story of their win had spread to Oscars, and the crowd was clamoring for the match to begin.

There usually weren’t refs in the WUL, and in tag teams, the wrestlers used the “honor” system to make sure only one man was in the ring at a tag.  This “honor” system was very loose, however, so double teaming was common, but the partner of the guy being tag teamed usually joined in to even the odds.

As the time for the match approached, the anxious crowd was getting more restless.  No one particularly noticed the two leather-clad guys standing toward the back of the room.  Both wore leather vests without shirts underneath, ripped jeans, and well-worn boots.  Both also sported leather masks hiding their faces.  One guy stood 6”2 and weighed around 200 pounds.  He had a hairless, well-developed set of pecs, which were the envy of many guys.  The other guy was also 6”2 and weighed about the same.  His pecs were even more prominent than the first guy and were covered with a light dusting of blonde hair, which stood out against his tan.

Had these two entered on any other night or even early tonight, they would have no shortage of admirers.  But they weren’t interested in the crowd or anybody in it.  They came exclusively to see the wrestling match.

The challengers for tonight wrestled as K&K, Kevin, and Keith, while the champions were J&J, Jimmy, and Johnny.  As there were no refs, each team had an “enforcer” who watched out for their team's backs.  Each enforcer would visit the opposing team in the locker rooms to ensure no foreign bodies or other illegal tricks were being planned.   First time wrestlers to the league were usually a little freaked out by this ritual.

The enforcer for J&J was, fittingly enough, Joey.  Joey looked like a skater punk. He was 5’6”, 130 pounds, had multiple tattoos, and had an unimpressive body.  He had dirty blonde hair, which was pulled back into a ponytail.

“Okay, guys, we're off to check on the chumps you’re wrestling tonight,” Joey said to J&J as he started out the door of their locker room.  The “we” he referred to included himself and the guy at the end of the leash he was carrying.

Standing at 5’8” and weighing in at 160 pounds, Roy was dressed in very little.  He had a dog collar, with “slave” written on it, attached to a leather leash that resided in Joey’s hand.  He was wearing a neon pink jock strap which was two sizes too small, so it clearly outlined the chastity cage he was wearing.  He also had a large ring pierced through his nose.  He did not look pleased to be there.

Roy had been the enforcer for R&R during their bout and had, unfortunately, fallen to the deviousness of Joey, who claimed him as his permanent slave.  His training was coming along nicely.  The two walked out of the dressing room and down the hall to the room K&K was assigned.  On the way down, they passed  Karson, who was K&K’s enforcer.  The group barely acknowledged each other except for Joey turning to Roy and saying, “Ooh, looks like you're getting a fellow slave after tonight.  This is one fine ass.”  Karson overheard but ignored the comment.

They entered the locker room to find that Kevin and Keith were already naked and standing around.

“Ooh, couldn’t wait for me to come ogle you, huh?”  Joey said.  He was silently disappointed.  One of his tactics was to use psychological warfare on the opponents.  This usually involved making them strip first and giving them a complete and humiliating exam.  The first part of his routine had already been disrupted.

It was easy to tell that both Kevin and Keith were gym hounds.  They were very well-defined, and you could see the striations in each muscle.  Each stood at 5”10, weighing 185-190 pounds.  Kevin had medium-length dark black hair, and it is evident that he had removed all his body hair.  Keith had shorter brown hair and a smattering of hair across his chest and abdomen, tailored down into a treasure trail leading to his well-trimmed bush.  These were the type J&J liked to beat up the most.

Joey decided to try and get some of the psychological advantage back.

“Alright, meatheads, both of you put your arms up and over your heads and keep them that way,” he demanded.

Both immediately locked their hands behind their neck and began flexing and posing.  This was not going to plan at all.  Joey quickly inspected their pits and the other obvious areas of their body, finding nothing.

“Okay, both of you bend over and spread them,” Joey demanded.  This usually got some protest, but K&K immediately obeyed without any apparent discomfort.  Joey carefully inspected their asses and saw nothing.  But as an expert at this game, he also decided to check internally. 

Usually, he would warn the guys, but he decided not to this time.  He stepped up close to both of them and placed his index finger at the edge of their asses, where he rotated them gently before shoving them into each hole, reaching the knuckle instantly.

To his great shock and surprise, neither wrestler moved, and both actually pushed outward to help ease the fingers in.  Finding nothing and being a little pissed at this time, Joey yanked his fingers out, noted they appeared clean but wiped them along the lower back of both wrestlers.

“Okay, the two of you stand back up,” he growled.  Both obliged and turned around to face him.  He noted that both wrestlers had long, thick cocks, and bother were uncircumcised.  He stepped up, reached down, and began to caress each set of balls before applying a little pressure.  Both guys responded the same, with a slight thickening and hardening of their cocks.

“Uhh, I don’t think that is really called for,” Keith said.  “We aren’t hiding anything there.”

“But you both are uncut and could have something hidden in your foreskin, so I thought I’d take a look without having to finger you,” he replied as he slipped his hand up from the balls and began to stroke both cocks.  They quickly hardened to their 7 ½ and 8-inch lengths, and the heads of their cocks popped out of the foreskin.  Joey’s cock was also responding.

“As you can see, nothing there either,” Keith said.  Neither one had shown the slightest bit of discomfort.  Joey was now having a hard time mentally as his routine was not having the desired effect.

“Give me your gear and go over there and stand by the boy,” Joey said, pointing at Roy.  The two wrestlers grinned and walked over to stand one on each side of Roy.  They crossed their arms over their pecs.  Their cocks were slowly deflating.

Joey very carefully went through each item of clothing – white boots, white knee pads, jock straps, and blood-red trunks.  The trunks had the letter K in white thread, sewn to each ass cheek.  The only thing he found out of order was a pair of rigid inserts in one knee pad.

“Aha, you cheating little bastards.  Thought you could put one by me, did you?” Joey sneered as he removed the inserts and tossed them aside.

“Uh, I borrowed those pads and didn’t know….”

“Save it for someone who will believe your lies.”

Joey took a seat on the bench facing the two still naked wrestlers and said “Okay, you can put your boots on,” as he tossed them over.

Without saying a word, they laced up their boots with their cock and balls dangling around.  Joey had hoped that prolonged nudity might cause a reaction but was finding that would not happen.  Still, he carried on.  He let them put on knee pads next, followed by jockstraps and trunks.  It was a bit of a struggle to get the clothes over the boots, but K&K were successful.

After they were dressed, Joey said “You two just stand right there until time to go out.  Don’t want you to try anything.”

“Ok,” Keith said as he turned toward Roy.  “So, what’s it like having this dickhead for a master?”

“And shut the fuck up,” Joey screamed before Roy could say a word.

Karson had just arrived in the J&J locker room as the wrestlers dropped their bags.  They turned to Karson and said, “Welcome, sir” together.

Karson snorted.  “This is who beat the champs last week?” he mocked.  “Yeah, whatever, they must not have been very good wrestlers.  Okay, you know the drill, so why don’t both of you get naked.”

“Aah, do we have to?”  Johnny meekly asked.

Karson laughed, “Yeah, you do. And don’t be embarrassed. It’s just a man and two boys in here.”

Jimmy and Johnny slowly began to undress, saving their shirts for last.  They had their backs to Karson, who was just smirking.  The smirk quickly faded as the two turned around. They were both gymnasts and had fantastically developed upper bodies, especially the biceps.  Karson just stood there staring.

“Would you quit drooling and get this over with, please?” Johnny said.  “We’re naked here.”

Karson shook his head like a scolded puppy.  “Okay, hands over heads.” J&J complied, and Karson did a quick once over.   As part of his check, he quickly manipulated the cock and balls but found nothing.  Mimicking Joey, he had the two bend over and expose their asses.  Unlike Joey, Karson did an internal check one at a time. 

Satisfied that neither wrestler had anything on or in their person, Karson began closely examining their wrestling attire.  He started with Jimmy’s.  Karson did see the string on the kneepads that could be removed, creating a small pocket, but said nothing about it. 

“Okay, Jimmy, you can get dressed.  Stand over there so that you are out of the way.”

He next began examining Johnny’s attire.  Jonny had maneuvered so that Jimmy was getting dressed behind Karson and not in his direct line of site.  Jimmy quickly pulled the thread on the kneepads, removed the rigid plastic inserts from the locker, and inserted them into the pads before getting dressed.  Jimmy and Johnny failed to realize that Karson had moved them around so that he could see Jimmy’s reflection in a highly polished aluminum refrigerator, so he saw Jimmy inserting the plastic inserts.  Once again, he said nothing.

Once he was finished, he allowed Jonny to get dressed.  Jimmy managed to distract him long enough for Johnny to drop a small silver chain and a leather cord into the front of his trunks.  Once again, Karson was aware but said nothing.

J&J had decided to wear black wrestling trunks, white knee pads, and white boots to give a traditional image.  Also, the black color helped hide the foreign objects better.  The letter J, in a white thread, was sewn onto each ass cheek of the two wrestlers, so it looked like J&J without the &.

It was a tradition that both teams would exit the locker room simultaneously.  The idea was not to give either team the advantage of being in the ring first.  As the announcer began his announcement, the two leather-clad guys standing in the back merged into the crowd.

At the Oscars, the walk to the ring was through the crowd until about six feet from the ring, where metal barriers separated the fans.  K&K walked out of the back and into the wrestling area.  They were met by some very enthusiastic fans who encouraged them in the upcoming bout.  Some also reached out and touched and caressed them as they walked toward the ring, with Joey and Roy following them.  As they neared the ring, one of the leather-clad men gave Kevin a huge hug and a pat on his pecs.  As he did so, his right hand wandered under the waistband of the trunks and deposited a leather cord.  He then repeated the maneuver with Keith, but instead of a leather cord, he deposited a two-knuckle brass knuckle.  Keith had to adjust his trunks so the bulge from the knuckles wouldn’t be noticeable.  Joey failed to notice anything.

Once they reached ringside, Joey quickly looked them over one last time, and saw nothing unusual, so he let K&K leap into the ring.  Joey looked around to see why J&J hadn’t arrived yet and noticed a larger crowd of well-wishers pushing in on them, slowing their progress.  He assumed they were all fans of the new champs.

When J&J exited the locker area, they followed Karson instead of him leading them.  As they entered the crowd, they were immediately surrounded by well-wishers congratulating them on their surprise win last week.  Usually, J&J would come out looking sheepish and bashful, but tonight, they were basking in their accomplishment.  As they made their way through the crowd, the distance between Jimmy and Johnny increased due to the crush of fans.

As Johnny was nearing a huge leather guy, the crowd seemed to get closer and more closed in.  The leather guy reached out and began caressing his chest.  He tweaked the right nipple almost to the point of pain, but not quite.  He ran his hand down the abs and slipped his hand under the wrestling trunks.  Johnny suddenly felt an intense pain in his balls as the leather guy had locked on a powerful ball claw.  When Johnny tried to scream, the leather guy countered it by placing his left hand behind Johnny’s head, pulling it forward, and locking on a mouth-sealing kiss.  The crush of fans impeded Johnny’s arm movement; the pain in his groin was immense, and he could not call out due to the kiss.

The leather guy went from squeezing both balls to squeezing only one and then the other while applying as much pressure as possible.  Johnny was seeing stars.  The pain lessened but did not abate when the guy released the claw.  But the pain intensified several folds when a metal-filled knee pad slammed into his balls.  This was repeated twice.  On the second blow, Johnny pulled free but was in so much pain that he couldn’t say much but just slumped to his knees.

The leather guy stepped back, looking at the metal chain and leather cord he had removed from Johnny’s trunks.  The other crowd members closed in, keeping Johnny on his knees and out of sight.

Karson reached the ring shortly, followed by Jimmy.  Jimmy turned to see where Johnny was and failed to see Kevin execute a feet-first baseball slide under the ropes and into the side of his head.  This sent him flying backward and down to the floor.  Kevin continued to slide out of the ring and approach Jimmy. He grabbed him by the head, pulled him to his feet, and ran him head-first into the nearest ring post, causing Jimmy to stagger back.  Kevin grabbed him again, ran down the side of the ring, and slammed the head into the next ring post.

Observing what was happening, Joey dropped Roy’s leash and charged around the ring to assist Jimmy.  He couldn’t understand why he couldn’t find Johnny.  He was met halfway by Karson, who blocked his way.  The two enforcers stared at each other but did not otherwise interact.  This gave Kevin time to deliver two body slams to the floor before picking Jimmy up and tossing him into the ring.

The match had started with Kevin and Jimmy being in the ring, Johnny being MIA, and Keith standing in his corner.  Once Jimmy had been tossed into the ring, Joey headed toward the crowd to see if he could find Johnny.  Jimmy felt a pair of hands reach around his waist, and he was then lifted and dropped back in a perfectly executed suplex, which left him stunned and breathless.  Karson delivered several stomps in the abs and solar plexus before returning to his side of the ring.  As he passed Roy, who was heading towards Joey, he grabbed the leash and pulled Roy in the opposite direction.

“I think you want to go this way,”  Karson said.

Roy looked at Joey lying on the ground, shrugged his shoulders, and followed Karson to K&K’s corner, where he was told to “stay out of the way.”  Karson walked to the bar's back wall and grabbed a folding chair.

However, this was a very special folding chair.  When he opened it, the surrounding crowd could see that a moderate-sized dildo had been fixed to the chair.  Also, just in front of the dildo, a hole had been cut in the seat.  Interest was aroused.

Karson walked back over to where Joey was sitting up.  From behind, he startled Joey when he grabbed a handful of hair, picked him up onto his feet, locked his hands around his waist, and lifted.  Joey thought he was headed for another suplex, but Karson had something else in mind.  And that was dropping Joey’s ball onto the rigid divider separating the wrestlers from the crowd.

Joey cried out and clutched at his nuts as he fell to the floor.  Karson pulled Joey to his feet, and then DDT’d him to the floor.

“Roy, get the fuck over here,” he screamed.

Roy ran over, and he and Karson picked Joey up and delivered him over to the folding chair.

“Grab that bag,” Karson told Roy as he pointed under the ring.

While Roy went to get the bag, Karson stripped Joey’s pants and underwear down to his knees, effectively hobbling him.  When Roy returned, Karson pulled out a large bottle of lube and lubed up the dildo on the chair, and put a big gob on Joey’s ass as well.

He then instructed Roy to help him lift Joey.  Each put an arm under his thighs and an arm around his back and lifted.  Joey began to struggle, but Karson ignored him as he instructed Roy to help center the ass over the tip of the dildo.  When the tip touched his ass, Joey began to struggle harder, but all that did was make him sink onto the dildo faster as Karson and Roy lowered him.  Between Joey’s struggle and Karson and Roy’s pressure, Joey felt the dildo stretch his ass until it suddenly closed as it encountered the tailored end of the dildo.

Roy stood behind the chair and put pressure on Joey’s shoulders while Karson secured Joey’s hands to the chair.  He next removed a leather ball stretcher from the gym bag.  He attached the stretcher to Joey’s balls, pulling it tight.  He then tied a leather string through the D-ring and dropped everything through the hole in the chair seat.

He grabbed the free end of the leather strap and wrapped it around the crossbar of the metal chair and tied it off.

“You can let go know,” he told Roy.  Joey could not move off the dildo and, in fact, couldn’t move much at all due to the pain in his balls when he did.  That didn’t stop him from releasing some very profane and angry words.  Karson and Roy walked back over to the corner.  Some fans come over to caress Joey’s body and tweak at his nipple, ignoring Joey’s attempts to fight them off.  One fan grabbed a handful of hair and pulled Joey’s head back where he began to kiss him.  Joey bit him in the lip, causing the fan to let go and laugh.

After getting back in the ring, Kevin delivered several stomps to the abs of Jimmy before pulling him to his feet and slinging him across the ring to land back first against the ring post.  Keith reached over the top rope and secured a full nelson as Kevin charged across the ring, driving a shoulder into the abs.  He then began using Jimmy as a punching bag with repeated blows to the abs.  His last blow was between the legs, causing Jimmy to jerk so much that he broke the full nelson and fell to his knees.

Knowing that he had very little time, Jimmy launched himself upward from his knees, driving the top of his skull into Kevin’s balls, stopping him cold.  Jimmy attempted to get back to his feet, but Keith grabbed both ankles and jerked Jimmy back until his balls slammed into the ring post.  Keith hopped back onto the ring apron, reached over the ropes, and tagged Kevin, who was still smarting from the low blow.

Keith slid between the ropes back into the ring.  He grabbed Jimmy by the hand and pulled him back into the ring.  He scooped him up and delivered a series of three body slams before dropping down ass first onto the abs and locking in a double pec claw.  He rose up slightly and bore down to get more pressure into the hold.

After checking that Johnny hadn’t made it to the ring yet, Kevin slid into the ring behind Keith.  He bent over by Jimmy’s knees, where he reached over and extracted the two rigid inserts from the knee pad.  He quickly slipped them into his knee pads.  He couldn’t resist giving Jimmy’s groin a hard slap before exiting the ring. 

Outside the ring, Johnny had managed to regain his breath and began to rise from the floor.  To do so, he put both hands on the floor to push himself up.  Just as he began to push, a booted foot slammed between his legs and into his balls, sending him face-first to the floor.  The surrounding crowd masked his cry of pain.

Keith slowly rose from his knees to a squatting position as he refused to release the double pecs claws.  In a fantastic show of strength, Keith pulled Jimmy to his feet, hoisted him into the air, and began shaking him from side to side.  This intensified the pain in the pecs.  Keith turned to face his corner and threw Jimmy back first into the turnbuckles, releasing the claws as he did.  Jimmy slammed back into the post hard.

Kevin pulled both of Jimmy’s arms over the top rope and dropped his arms between Jimmy’s and the rope, joining the hands together.  He now had Jimmy trapped in the corner.  Keith began raining punches down to Jimmy’s right pec, using it as a punching bag.  Jimmy had no choice except to absorb the blows.

When Keith changed his stance, Jimmy saw his opening and threw his right leg between Keith’s legs, slamming them into his balls.  Keith grunted, stepped backward, and grabbed at his nuts.

“Yeah, that was fucking cheap shot,” Kevin yelled as he pulled both his hands up and locked on a chin lock, making sure that Jimmy couldn’t go anywhere.  Suddenly, Kevin felt his feet being pulled out from the ring apron, and with nothing to hold him up, he fell toward the ring floor.  As he came down, his chin slammed into the top of the ring post.  He lost his grip on Jimmy and dropped to the floor, where he stepped backward before falling to the floor.

After the kick to the balls, Johnny had managed to get to his hands and knees and crawl to ringside.  Before getting there, he looked into the ring and took in the situation.  Therefore, he chose to crawl to the opponent's corner, where he had come up behind Kevin and yanked his feet from under him.  When Kevin hit the floor, Johnny grabbed the ankles, pulled them up and apart, and tried to drop a knee down into Kevin’s balls, but he had telegraphed the move, so Kevin was able to twist such that the knee came down onto this thigh.

Jimmy had dropped to the mat in the ring as the chin lock had been dropped.  He started to pull himself up by the ropes, but when he was halfway up, Keith slammed a shoulder block into his abs, forcing him back into the corner.  He delivered several more blocks before pulling Jimmy out of the corner and delivering a bodyslam.

When Johnny’s knee missed its intended target, Kevin reached up, grabbed a handful of hair, and yanked Johnny’s head down while lifting his up, slamming their two foreheads together.  Both were stunned by the blow, but Kevin recovered quicker as he had been expecting the blow.  He grabbed a handful of hair and ran Johnny down the ringside before slamming his forehead into the ring post.

As Johhny fell to the mat, Kevin returned to the corner shaking his head to try and get the cobwebs out.  After the body slam, Keith pulled Jimmy’s right arm out perpendicular to his body.  He delivered several punches to the bicep before reaching up to tag Kevin, who had just returned to the corner. 

Kevin leaped to the top rope and jumped, landing with the loaded kneepad into Jimmy’s biceps.  Jimmy screamed and jumped.  Kevin placed his hand on the right wrist and delivered a series of knee drops with the loaded knee pad into the bicep.

Keith had slipped out of the ring, pulled Johnny to his feet by the hair, walked him around the ring back toward Johnny’s corner, and delivered a body slam to the hard floor.  He followed this up with several kicks and stomps to the abs and head.  He returned in the direction of his corner.

After the knee drops, Kevin held Jimmy’s arm out so that Keith could grab it as he walked by.  Once he had a good grip on the wrist, he used it to pull Jimmy’s arm outside the ring until his biceps/triceps were even with the ring edge.  He pumped the arm up and down repeatedly, slamming the upper arm into the ring edge.

Once Keith stopped slamming the arm, he tossed the wrist over the bottom rope, where Kevin grabbed it by the wrist and pulled it down, exposing the bicep on the rope.  Keith reached into his trunks, pulled out the brass knuckles, and tossed them to Kevin, who caught it with his free hand.  He slipped the knuckles on and began slamming them into Jimmy’s exposed bicep.  After having inflicted some damage, Kevin removed the knuckles and returned them to Keith.

Kevin pulled Jimmy into the ring, where he once again began a series of knee drops into the bicep until he felt it go soft.  Jimmy screamed at that exact moment.  Kevin reached out and tagged Keith, who entered the ring.  As Kevin was exiting the ring, he pulled Jimmy’s to his feet and positioned his head over the top rope so that his right pec was centered on the top of the rope.   He locked his arm over the head.

Inside the ring, Keith picked up Jimmy’s legs and leaned back until Jimmy’s body was parallel to the ring floor.  He and Kevin then drug Jimmy’s body along the length of the rope will all the pressure applied to the right pec.  They did this four times before dropping Jimmy to the mat.  With his left hand, Jimmy reached over to rub his pec, which was screaming and burning and had some rope burn present.  He also tried to make his right bicep feel better by massaging it, but that only increased the discomfort.

Johnny managed to pull himself onto his corner when he saw Keith, carrying Jimmy, charge across the ring and slam him back first into the turnbuckle.  The transmitted force knocked Johnny off the ring apron back to the floor.  He landed on his feet, however, so when Keith started to back up, he managed to reach under the ring rope, grab his ankle, and yank, causing Keith to fall to his back.

Johnny leaped to the ring apron, tagged Jimmy’s hand, leaped to the top rope, and came off, landing with both feet in Keith’s abs.  Keith doubled up when the feet hit him, and air and spittle flew out of his mouth.

Jimmy had slumped to the ring floor in his corner and lay there.   Johnny stood a minute trying to recuperate because his balls were still screaming from the previous abuse.  He reached into his trunks to find the silver chain hidden there but came up empty.  He didn’t know what had happened, but it wasn’t there, and neither was the leather cord.

Johnny dropped to the mat, lifted Keith to a sitting position, and placed him in a Japanese stranglehold.  He was doing this to buy himself more recovery time and to further disorient Keith. Meanwhile, Jimmy was able to roll under the ring ropes and drop to the bar floor, where he sat on his knees to get some recovery time.

Johnny dropped the strangle hold but prevented Keith from slumping to the mat.  Instead, he grabbed Keith by the hair and, standing behind him, pulled Keith onto his feet.  Once he had him on his feet, Johnny slipped one arm and shoulder between his legs and lifted Keith into an across the shoulder backbreaker.  He used his left hand to pull down on the chin and used his right to lock on a ball claw, squeezing and releasing.  He was turned so that he could keep an eye on Kevin in his corner.

Keith managed to wriggle his way such that he started sliding down Johnny’s back such that he had to release him.  Keith crashed to the mat, landing on his chest.  Johnny delivered several knees and stomps to the lower back. 

Jimmy, though still hurting, had managed to get back to his feet. 

“Toss him out,” he yelled to Johnny.

Johnny used his feet to kick and roll Keith under the ropes, with him dropping to the floor.  Jimmy managed to lift Keith into a cross-body hold, although his right bicep wasn’t a lot of help.  He proceeded to run Keith’s back into the ring post several times before dropping him on the ring apron.

When Kevin saw Keith being pushed out of the ring, he dropped from the apron and headed toward the outside action.  Johnny timed his reaction well, and he went over the top rope, slamming into Kevin and knocking him into the rails surrounding the ring.  J&J weren’t going down without a fight. 

Jimmy positioned Keith so that his neck was hanging over the ring edge and his chest was available.  He delivered a series of elbows into the left pec.  When the last elbow started on a downward arc, Keith raised his left arm up between Jimmy’s legs and slammed his lower arm into Jimmy’s balls.  While the force wasn’t optimum, it was enough to do the trick.  Jimmy screamed, stepped back, and dropped to his knees with his hands cupping his balls.

Keith pulled himself back in the ring, sat up, and looked around to get his bearings.  He saw Jimmy kneeling on the floor and found Johnny outside the ring, wailing away on a downed Kevin with fists and forearms. 

Keith quickly slid out of the ring, away from Jimmy.  He arrived behind Johnny and when Johnny brought his fist up, Keith slid his right arm under the pit and brought his hand to the back of the neck.  He had Johnny in a half nelson and used that to jerk him up and to his feet, where he secured a full nelson.  He turned and began slamming Johnny’s head into the nearest ring post.

Seeing Jimmy coming toward them, Keith, at the last minute, shoved Johnny forward while releasing the nelson.  Jimmy and Johnny slammed into each other with Johnny’s head landing on Jimmy’s chin. 

As Johnny staggered backward, Keith delivered a pump handle into his already abused balls.  Johnny screeched as he dropped to the floor, trying not to throw up.   Keith stepped around Johnny and charged into Jimmy, spearing him down to the floor.

Kevin had regained his senses and started over to the action when Keith yelled, “Get in the ring and come to his corner.”

Having full faith in his brother, Kevin did as instructed.  When he arrived in the corner, he saw that Keith had a woozy Jimmy standing on the floor with arms thrown around each side of the ring post with the hands in the ring.

With a simple look at Keith, Kevin pulled out the leather cord that his friend had placed during their walk in.  Using the cord, he wrapped the cord around both thumbs a couple of times, then tightly knotted it, effectively cuffing Jimmy around the ring post.

He grabbed the right wrist and pulled until the arm was situated on the ring apron near the edge.  Keith plowed in several elbows to the already well-abused right bicep.  With each blow, Jimmy screamed.  After the last elbow, Jimmy dropped to his knees and tried to pull his hand around the post with no luck.

“And here are your winners and new WUL Tagteam Champions, K&K.”

The two wrestlers lifted the belts over their heads and preened for the crowd.  The reception was a combination of boos, for those rooting for J&J, and cheers, for those who appreciated the work that K&K did.  The cheers outweighed the boos. 

Karson walked over to the ring and tossed a duffel bag over the top rope.  Keith went over and picked it up while Kevin walked over and rolled a still sleepy Jimmy over onto his stomach.

“Okay, the fucking good stuff starts now,” one of the crowd yelled, eliciting cheers from the rest of the crowd, the loudest being the two leather studs.

Keith pulled a bottle of lube out of the bag and then teased the crowd before pulling out a black double-headed rubber dildo.  The crowds responded by cheering, slinging insults, and waiting to see what would happen.

Kevin pulled Jimmy up by his hips so that his but was in the air, but his face was on the mat.  He sat on the upper back while Keith lubed up his fingers and inserted them into the hole in front of him, loosing it up.  He proceeded to push the dildo in about halfway.  This caused a mild groan from Jimmy, but he was still not wholly conscious.

Keith went to Johnny, turned him to his stomach, and drug him over to Kevin.  Kevin grabbed both ankles and pulled until Johnn was almost butt to butt with his partner, and then he lifted the hips.  Keith repeated his previous actions and pushed the other half of the dildo up Johnny’s ass.

Keith took a flexible band, stretched it out, and looped it over both his opponent's nut sacks.  When he released it, it collapsed down, not enough to affect blood flow, but enough that it would be difficult to remove.  He placed a second band.

J&J were then lifted until they were sitting back on there hills.  K&K interlocked their arms at the elbow and applied wrist cuffs onto each wrist, connecting them by a short chain.  J&J were now sitting back-to-back, balls locked together, and a large rubber dildo up their asses.  K&K slapped both wrestlers until they were fully awake.

J&J started to struggle but instantly felt pain and discomfort and realized they weren’t going anywhere.

“You fucking cheating bastards,” Jimmy screamed.

“This is the WUL, so of course we cheated.  Just like you did to win the titles, but tonight is our turn.”

Keith reached into the duffel back and pulled out a rigid rubber-covered piss gag.  Jimmy tried to resist having it placed, but between Kevin and himself it was able to be secured.  The same was done to Johnny.  The gags were tied together in the back, and a small lock was placed to make it more difficult for them to be removed.  The key was tossed into the crowd and disappeared.

Kevin turned and signaled to two of the notorious twinky sluts in the bar to enter the ring.   They replied with great vigor.

“Okay, guys.  You each have one job and one job only.  Fuck it up, and we personally beat the crap out of you, lock up your junk, and get you banned from the bar. Understand.”  Both nodded vigorously.

“Okay, you two are to edge the hell out of these guys.  Get them close to coming, but DON’T LET THEM COME.  You will do this for the next two hours.”

The crowd cheered and laughed, and the two twinks immediately went to work with their hands and mouths until they had J&J's cocks rock hard.  The teasing then began.

K&K, meanwhile, pulled down the front of their trunks and extracted their large cocks.  They both tugged until the cocks were hardening.  Each placed the head of their cocks just touching the piss gags.  With a signal, they both slammed their cocks root deep into the mouth before them, eliciting gags from both wrestlers.  They began a very violent skull fucking of their trapped and subdued opponents.   Having to work in rhythm. They grabbed each other's forearms so that a rhythm could be maintained. 

After only four or five minutes of pumping, both victors threw their heads back, screamed as they slammed their pelvis forward, and dumped a load of cum into the losers.  After a 30-second cooling off, they both removed their cocks and wiped the tips over their vanquished opponents' faces.

Keith and Kevin looked at each other and yelled in unison, “Next.”  There was a mad scramble from the audience until two members managed to get in the ring.

“Enjoy yourself, but don’t take too long.  Others are waiting to get their turn,” Keith said.

Kevin,  having returned his cock to his trunks, hopped out of the ring, and went over to a well-built, chastised naked guy.

“He looked at the man standing next to him.  This your slave?”

“Yeah, what you got in mind,” the man replied.

“We need a gatekeeper to keep the action going and under control.  And since he has no use for this,” as he reached out and flicked the cock cage, “I thought it could be him since he can’t get any use out of them.”

The master turned to look at his slave, who pleaded, “Please, master, please??” with a look of hunger in his voice.

The man laughed and said, “Fine, you’re up.”

As the slave started to walk closer to the ring, Kevin put his hand on his chest and stopped him.

“To be clear, HE is in charge and not YOU,” Kevin said to the master.

A look of panic came over the Slave’s face until his master laughed and said, “Sure.  It might tell me a lot who he picks.”  Kevin dropped his hand, and the Slave charged to the ring edge.

Standing on the ring apron, Keith yelled, “And if anybody fails to obey or try to intimidate this boy, management is going to get involved, and they are not going to be happy.”

K&K then exited through the crowd to the bartender and manager.

“Let the guys have fun for two hours, then let them sit naked and trussed up alone for another hour.”

“Do the twinks keep edging them?” he asked.

“Yeah, they should.”

“Then can I remove the gags?  It would be fun to hear them beg and threaten for relief.”

K&K laughed but said, “Sure, but we’re unsure where the key is.”

The bartender opened his hand, and the key was in the middle of his palm.  K&K laughed as they returned to their locker room. 

“That was different for us but fun,” Keith said.

“That it was my friend, that it was.”

“Well, you can thank us for that,” one of the leather dudes said as they both entered the locker room.  One of the dudes walked up to Keith, and they embraced in a big hug with some back-slapping.

 “You should thank your big brother for coming to your aid again,” Keith said as he pulled off the leather mask to reveal his brother, Rob.

“And that goes for you too, little bro,” Kevin said as he pulled the other mask off to reveal Ron.  While R&R were laying low, that didn’t mean they weren’t plotting revenge for last week’s loss.

“Yeah, thanks, guys,” Keith said.  “I’m surprised that no one recognized the two of you.”

“Saving those big beards off helped keep everyone in the dark.”

Typically, K&K wrestled in another league as “The Terminators.”  As their name implied, they were heels and loved beating people up.  When Ron approached Kevin about the plan, The Terminators decided it would be better if they appeared as someone else, lest the opposition know what was about to happen.  Shaving their beards off had been no problem because they had wanted to do so for some time.

“Are you going to defend or vacate those belts and let the league figure it out?” Rob asked.

Kevin and Keith looked at each other, and it looked like they were having a conversation with just their eyes.

Kevin replied, “I think we are going to vacate them.  They will figure out who we are sooner or later, and things will get complicated.”

“Or,” Keith began, “you two challenge us to a match next week, and we drop the belts to you before anyone figures out what is happening.”

“Ohh, Keith, I like that idea.  However, you two are going to have to fucking EARN the belts.  We are not going to just roll over,” Kevin replied.

“We can do issues the challenge AND give you a tough fight,” Ron said, with Rob shaking his head in agreement.

“That means you must keep your masks on for now so nobody knows you two were here tonight,” Ron said.

A struggle could be heard as someone approached the locker room and kicked the door open.

“Quit fighting, you goddamn motherfucker.  You got out heeled tonight and will have to suffer the consequences, just like Roy here did.”

Karson walked through the door with a struggling but tied-up Joey slung over his back.  Roy was following close behind.

“What the hell,” Roy said as he stopped dead.  Standing before him were the wrestlers he was the enforcer for last week.  He had not seen them since Joey had “kidnapped” him from ringside.

“Well, well, well,” Ron said.  “If it ain’t our worthless enforcer.”  As he said this, he took two menacing steps toward Roy, who gulped and walked backward into the wall.

Before Ron could say or do anything else, Karson barked.  “Back off.  He is mine.  I stole him unfairly and unsquared.  So, you just keep your damned hands off him.”

Ron and Rob looked at Karson as if he had lost his mind.

Keith said, “I wouldn’t if I were you, little brother.  Karson, there is one mean mother fucker and could probably take both of you.”

Rob looked over at Keith and then Ron.  Finally, he just shook his head and backed off.

“What are you going to do with your other catch,” Kevin inquired of Karson, who had deposited Joey on the floor, where he continued to struggle.

“I think I’m going to play with him and play hard for a couple of days, then dump his ass in the middle of a leather bar in some strange city all tied up and ready to go for the other patrons.”

“Or.. umm, ah..” Roy mumbled.

“Speak up, boy,” Karson demanded.

“Maybe you could just give him to me.  I could get a little payback and decide what to do afterward.”

“Who says I am going to let you go?” Karson asked.

“Even if you don’t, you could still let me play with him.”

Karson laughed.  “I sorta like that he would become the slave of a slave.  Will have to see how things go.”

Karson exited the locker room and returned to the bar to settle things with the manager.  And maybe to watch some of the action.  He knew where K&K was taking his two new playthings and would catch up with them.   As he entered the bar, he heard loud cheering and some gagging and choking as J&J entertained the rowdy crowd.

R&R put their masks back on and exited the locker room after arranging to meet with K&K for drinks later.  K&K showered, dressed, and exited the back door, one holding Roy’s leash and the other carrying Joey on his back. 

In the parking lot, K&K deposited Roy and Joey in the back of the extended cab pickup.  As they stood outside the truck, Keith looked over at Kevin and said, “Do we really have to drop the titles?”

“What, you want to vacate them.”

Getting a wicked look in his eye, Keith said “No, I say we accept the challenge and show our little brothers what real wrestling looks like.  After the humiliation of last week, I think another round of humiliation would show them what real wrestlers are like.”

Kevin laughed and replied, “It has been a while since we showed our little brothers who the alphas are in the relationship.  And I’m sure Karson can come up with something deliciously evil.”

The two entered the truck and drove away.